They give her a wide variety of different personalities throughout the series and she nails them all.
Damn, Richie's hot as fuck, no wonder Trini wanted him so badly.
It's interesting the rangers are never in the same shot as the main monster because he's from Dairanger iirc. Being older it's easier to tell the cuts than as a naive kid,
This is my first time ever watching old Power Rangers
I have a really high tolerance for camp and for schlock
but I can't watch this
Was blue ranger's zord called a unicorn in japan?
Huh, wow, I don't think I've seen the Power Rangers series that this Sentai series was adapted from, the theme song for the Sentai version sounds really cool, what Power Rangers series was this Sentai series adapted into?:
Huh, wow, I don't think I've seen the Power Rangers series that this Sentai series was adapted from, the theme song for the Sentai version sounds really cool, what Power Rangers series was this Sentai series adapted into?:
Yare Yare Daze.