Same. I think growing up and personal life definitely got in the way of enjoyment of future seasons. The first movie was the swan song for me. I remember seeing it, enjoying it, but not hyped for the show much after that. Then I recall completely casting off the show when the blue ranger became a little kid.I know I sound like a broken record, but for me. Once Tommy was gone I just stopped. plus I think i kinda moved on so to speak. Getting exposed to different things.
power rangers used footage from the sentai series in which yes people and rangers died .
Can someone nerf Tommy? Thank you.
This has absolutely no mention of the Power Rangers movies:
Oh, that's why they had Tommy wear green in this episode. So they could reuse stock footage. Those sneaky bastards.
UWAHHH TSK TSK HIYAHHH!Can someone nerf Tommy? Thank you.
I hope notAre they going to stream the Kamen Raider episodes?
Tommy had become the leader at this point so Red Ranger was essentially dead weight, hence why Rocky's so bland.
Kamen Rider and Star Wars?Are they going to stream the Kamen Raider episodes?
in japan maybe, but not for the american kids
Are they going to stream the Kamen Raider episodes?
I think that's why they so bluntly made Tommy the leader when he became the White Ranger. The writers and actors all knew that Austin St. John would be leaving soon.
I hope not
Are they going to stream the TMNT cross-over episode (please noooooooo)?
Are they going to stream the Kamen Raider episodes?
Surprised he wasn't blind after that whole affair.Billy struggles 15 min with Snek
Kimberly one shots it like its nothing
Yep! that's the season 3 premiere. We should be there at around 4:30am EST tomorrow.