Tommy was always better as the Green Ranger.
Australian accents in colonial California.Ah yes, colonial California
Tommy was always better as the Green Ranger.
Around how much longer until we hit Zeo?
This was around the time I left the series. Do we have a time estimate on when this'll start?
There's a schedule up in the OP. It'll be sometime tomorrow evening.
This was around the time I left the series. Do we have a time estimate on when this'll start?
Thank ye very much, you kind human being you.
You can kill him. Right now.
Just kill Tommy. He's literally their most powerful player.
He was never around as the green ranger lol
It's well beyond that. He looked cooler, he wasn't constantly shoe-horned into the spotlight, Jason wasn't completely sidelined, and his giant robot Godzilla was always better than that lame white tiger zord and that dumb talking sword.Because he had Zyuranger footage to work with. These american fights really suck.
I never noticed Tommys shitty armor in american footage. Thanks for pointing that out GAF -__-.