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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


Twitch uniting as one to spam "a" and win :)
I noticed the other day on Twitch and was wondering what the hell people were watching it for.

Then I notice this 7 ,000 post thread in a few days. Goodness.


Plus 4 hours to escape the gym!

Shouldn't be easier to walk to the other trainer and let her beat us??? Also, LOL at the new thread title! So frigging true!!!

Edit: Totally forgot that after beating a Gym leader, the other trainers doesn't battle anymore.

Mory Dunz

I maybe get the trolling thing...

but at the same time I don't get it.
Without the purpose of trying to progress the game, this would be unbeleivably boring to watch. The goal of getting far makes it interesting.

So for the trolls who don't care about progressing....isn't this boring? Like hours spent just typing "down"?

Unless each troll is a drive by and then leaves...
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