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Twitch Plays Pokemon: Dig, Dig for Victory!


I wish we could have a Gaf Twitch Pokemon game.

Can someone here set something like this up, but only for Gaf members? It would be fun as hell.

edit- Oh man, I just remembered the trash can puzzle in Lt.Surges gym. Man that's going tot be just as bad as Safari Zone lol.


My god, this is genius!! I can't wait to follow the progress over the next few days. Assuming nothing crashes or goes wrong of course...


One year after Red leaves society for the mountains, Kanto is still without a Champion. Having not learned his lesson in humility, Blue sets out to reclaim glory.

Processor Oak would have none of that. He proceeds to build an android to crush his grandson’s hopes and dreams. In honor of the lost Champion, he models the android after Red. Unfortunately, Oak is not nearly as well versed in robotics as he is in Pokémon. Even so, he lets loose onto the world the Robotic Ender of Dreams

This is his story.
I love love love trying to put the players actions onto a character in the universe - ie, a pokemon trainer that repeatedly uses the same ineffective move against an enemy, who constantly tries to use the Helix Stone in battle and keeps trying to use dead pokemon to fight. I literally lol thinking about it.

Edit: haha OG fat pikachu.


relies on auto-aim
Holy shit something actually super useful

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