In other words, if forced to infringe on free speech, shouldn't we all agree that it's better to step on giant media company toes rather than everyday people?
My proposal is to tie policy to the free speech laws of the land. I'm sorry if this hurts the rights of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos.
And here's what I find so fascinating about the conversation of where the lines should drawn regarding speech, and who gets to draw them. There is a theory of thought that says the internet should be treated like the phone company. The phone company doesn't have the right to restrict what you say, so neither should massive social media platforms.
There are a few potential issues with that and similar ideas, though. If you have absolutely no limits on speech beyond what the first amendment says, then there's no way to stop slurs and similar content, making for an environment that most people would dislike.
If the government requires platforms to have free speech but also limits it beyond what the first amendment allows, that can and will be eventually used to silence those who criticize those in power.
And perhaps worst of all, if you repeal section 230 and require all platforms to also be considered publishers, only the largest and most powerful companies will support that measure, because it will destroy their competition, because it will be very expensive and very restrictive.
Everything is an imperfect solution, but that's life. If there was a perfect solution, everyone would have agreed on it already.
At the same time, we should not be dependent on billionaires to save us from other billionaires. I would be perfectly fine with the government forcing Apple and Google to act like the phone service providers that they are, and not allowing them to restrict any app on their service for ideological reasons. Two companies should not decide for the entire country what is and what is not acceptable.