I can guess one reason. He supports Israel and that's the big thing nowadays and a big No-No.I have no idea why people are hating on this guy. I mean it's twitter, what did I expect? ..
Did you forget the part when slimysnake posted the tweet on Neogaf ?How has it had 17 million views? Has it gone viral or something?
Poor lad, he's been cucked.
He adapted the book city of thieves and had all his story beats rewritten by Bruce stralhey because they were shit. He had full control over the second game and it is a bad revenge porn story. The dude from Tchernobyl wrote the emmy winning screenplay let’s not kid ourselves.Jesus, get over it, he created a story that has already won 8 Emmy's and potentially more.
People are obsessed with hating the dude its gross
Sony devs these days make extremely high production one and done mid games.He's just the latest hollywood simp video game director, the last of us is a mid series and the sales of the second one confirm that.
Given what I see pertaining to LOU, all I know is whenever someone is mentioned it's Druckmann as if he single handedly did everything. And it's reinforced since he's also the key guy who puts his face out there representing the game.Did you forget the part when slimysnake posted the tweet on Neogaf ?
He adapted the book city of thieves and had all his story beats rewritten by Bruce stralhey because they were shit. He had full control over the second game and it is a bad revenge porn story. The dude from Tchernobyl wrote the emmy winning screenplay let’s not kid ourselves.
Of course my real grief with the guy is the shape of his head, and I would not care about any of this if he looked anything other than a goddam human tic-tac.
Have you read City of Thieves? It was inspired by it, where did you get this story that Straley adapted it? Why are you and many people in here acting like games are made by one guy, nobody is claiming Neil did everything. It's more that you're all downplaying his contributions, like you were involved in writing and directing it along side the ND team and were in the room when it happened.Did you forget the part when slimysnake posted the tweet on Neogaf ?
He adapted the book city of thieves and had all his story beats rewritten by Bruce stralhey because they were shit. He had full control over the second game and it is a bad revenge porn story. The dude from Tchernobyl wrote the emmy winning screenplay let’s not kid ourselves.
Of course my real grief with the guy is the shape of his head, and I would not care about any of this if he looked anything other than a goddam human tic-tac.
Here’s how i see it : f it’s bad it’s druckmann alone, if it’s good it can be anyone else from his team.Given what I see pertaining to LOU, all I know is whenever someone is mentioned it's Druckmann as if he single handedly did everything. And it's reinforced since he's also the key guy who puts his face out there representing the game.
He's like Kojima. For every game he's made, does any gamer know anyone else in that studio who made the game? Or just his name?
Neil is the narrative director for both games. He basically writes the screenplay, and oversees the mocap and cutscenes. For part 2, he hired Hailey Gross who gets co-writer credit. He gave her full credit for it as they both appeared in the interviews post launch.Given what I see pertaining to LOU, all I know is whenever someone is mentioned it's Druckmann as if he single handedly did everything. And it's reinforced since he's also the key guy who puts his face out there representing the game.
He's like Kojima. For every game he's made, does any gamer know anyone else in that studio who made the game? Or just his name?
Given what I see pertaining to LOU, all I know is whenever someone is mentioned it's Druckmann as if he single handedly did everything. And it's reinforced since he's also the key guy who puts his face out there representing the game.
He's like Kojima. For every game he's made, does any gamer know anyone else in that studio who made the game? Or just his name?
Have I read the book ? I translated it in French.Have you read City of Thieves? It was inspired by it, where did you get this story that Straley adapted it? Why are you and many people in here acting like games are made by one guy, nobody is claiming Neil did everything. It's more that you're all downplaying his contributions, like you were involved in writing and directing it along side the ND team and were in the room when it happened.
I think Kojima gets unfair criticism for this stuff. he's like Nolan in that he is involved in everything. he is involved in writing, cutscene direction, game design, so he feels like he should be there for everything.Here’s how i see it : f it’s bad it’s druckmann alone, if it’s good it can be anyone else from his team.
More seriously, your kojima comparison is on point. Those two are lightning rods for all the hate and all the praise of any project they take part in. But Kojima is a HUGE attention whore whereas Druckmann isn’t really (for lack of opportunities ? I don’t know).
Kojima Productions | |
Kojima Productions: Level Design Unit | |
Original Story | |
Game Design | |
Writers | |
Art Director | |
Character & Mechanical Design | |
Concept Artists | |
Casting Direction | |
Lead Level Designers | |
Lead Scripter | |
Level Designers | |
Game Balance Designer |
Id argue that no one hate miyazaki or miyamoto or kamiya (except maybe twitter trolls for the later), and that balrog seems cool and is always giving credits to his coworker. Only Todd « sweet little lies » Howard really fit the bill… but really you’re right, there always have been polarizing figures, some more than others.Druckmann and Kojima are really no different than many others in the industry who became the face of the studio.
Id argue that no one hate miyazaki or miyamoto or kamiya (except maybe twitter trolls for the later), and that balrog seems cool and is always giving credits to his coworker. Only Todd « sweet little lies » Howard really fit the bill… but really you’re right, there always have been polarizing figures, some more than others.
Now can we come back to counting the number of flash per sec in a viral video and argumenting on how Druckmann not being as famous as Taylor Swift is a the definitive proof he wasted his career and will never amount to anything ?
You guys say us haters are bad, but we are definitively more creative in what we say than you with your facts![]()
Amazing there are people here feeling sorry for Cuckman lmao
You see a lot more flashes and cameramen asking these people to turn so they can take better pictures.
Neil got one camera flash at the start and then no one bothered lmao
I can guess one reason. He supports Israel and that's the big thing nowadays and a big No-No.
I can guess one reason. He supports Israel and that's the big thing nowadays and a big No-No.
Normally I'd agree because even anti sjws reach. But Druckman is influenced by the head honcho of sjw-ism herself, Anita Sarkeesian, and he's shown slides of her show talking about it as much.
And I think, from what I heard, he's outright stated he has an agenda but maybe someone else can back me or correct me on that.
Besides I've seen enough devs on Twitter during the GG fiasco to see plenty of these people want to push their politics. A lot of it is sadly the result of that movement (and #metoo).
The characters were played by different actors first of all.Ruined how? Be specific
Here many people don't like him because of videogame-related issues. That's fine.
However, none of these twitter warriors are neogafers, you only need to see their profiles
They act like he can't defend himself. And they talk about snowflakes.
lol....does Druckmann have a GAF account?
They act like he can't defend himself.
No, we act like he shouldn't have to, not against lies and misinformation.
Why yall are so eager to gloss over that part. The fact this is 100% targeted, manufactured bullshit aimed directly at this guy and its been going on for years?
You shouldn't be ok with that.
What is have to do with people being so defensive?
People are so OK mocking Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer and they don't even had a gaf account.
Neil will survive this I quite sure. People have nothing to worry about.
Why? That has nothing to do with the context of this thread or the discussion in it.You should be careful about using the word 'misinformation' after countless fake trailers of TLOUSpart2.
And I'm sure you're just as willing to call it out when confronted with it.And people are OK with many things I don't like
Why? That has nothing to do with the context of this thread or the discussion in it.
And I'm sure you're just as willing to call it out when confronted with it.
This isnt a justification lol. This is a playground "but they did it tooooo" tier deflection from the fact you are carrying water for folks engaging in a targeted completely manufactured internet campaign against the dude and you're actually going after the folks who are calling it out.
Just own it if you're gonna do that. Stop deflecting.
Plenty of people defending Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer as well. You might as well say there should be no defense of anyone getting attacked/mocked on these forums simply because they should defend themselves. Makes no sense.
No, they're quite similar actually.Calling out is one thing, asking if is OK or not is other.
And the end of day everything will ne just fine. As you can see even the thread title got change.
I didnt ask you do do anything other than tell me if you think this targeted misinformation campaign is ok or not, based on the fact you are going after the people calling it out. You have yet to actually address that question. Instead, you opted to bring up some TLOU2 trailer no one was talking about and then phil Spencer. No one is putting you in circle but yourself.And I not deflecting shit. You want me to run into circles. You want me to adress your post, but you don't adress my post either.
Thats not my point. What I see here is people pushing the word 'defensive' to their limits.
He can create a acc and make whatever he like, but you know what?
He like to stay on Twitter, even deleting some of hi tweets that don't quite 'hit', so who can blame people for shitting him there?
Again, I click in 'ignore' button thread everytime I can to avoid this kinda of mix hostility and defensive from fanboys, I can't suggest enough this button to others.
The OP mock Neil, mods mock the OP. The OP even got a mocking TAG, and still people defending a guy who don't give a shit about this place.
Which one of you is this delusional human being?
Found himThat tweet has a point.
I'm not a binge TV show watcher, but when friends and fam talk TV shows, it's always Sopranos and Seinfeld (back in the day), Game of Thrones, The Office, I've had coworkers talking up How I met Your Mother likes it's the greatest show ever. And there were aways people talking about Breaking Bad and everyone has to go watch it.
LOU is a new series. But I've heard zero people I know talk about it.
Feeling sorry for one of the few game devs to ever be invited to the Golden Globes?
Im sorry what, golden what
"Until 2020, the Globes regularly drew 17 million to 20 million viewers."
Which one of you is this delusional human being?
that's what happens when there are no modsIt really is amazing how confidently people on Twitter deliver the worst takes you’ve ever heard.
That tweet has a point.
I'm not a binge TV show watcher, but when friends and fam talk TV shows, it's always Sopranos and Seinfeld (back in the day), Game of Thrones, The Office, I've had coworkers talking up How I met Your Mother likes it's the greatest show ever. And there were aways people talking about Breaking Bad and everyone has to go watch it.
LOU is a new series. But I've heard zero people I know talk about it.
Thats the point.You named some of the most popular and well known shows in television history and measures it up against a series that has been out for less than a year and had 8 episodes.
Another guy compared Neil druckman to Taylor swift the most popular popstar celebrity of the last 25 years and literally self made billionaire.
Did I enter the twilight zone or something g are there a lot of people who actually think like this? "Hahah his shows not even talked about more than the show that holds the record for the most viewed scripted program to ever air in human history hahaha hes so lame"
Thats the point.
The series is new, but still nobody is talking about it. So for people talking a lot about the game or Neil Druckmann expecting Steven Spielberg kind of attention isnt happening. Also, I dont think the average gamer or paparazzi dude would even recognize Druckmann if he was walking down the street. He looks like any other normal guy with dark hair.
None of that is ruined. Just different. Just because Amy was writing these elements doesn't mean they would come together. Uncharted 3 was complete ass from a story perspective.The characters were played by different actors first of all.
Todd Stashwick played Sam and Alan Tudyk played Rafe.
Sam was also going to be a main antagonist along with Rafe. He was going to get revenge on Nate for leaving him behind in the Panamanian Jail.
To me, that's already a worlds better plot than what we got.
Apparently Scotland was the first level as well and Elena and Sully were going to be in the whole game alongside Nate.
There is a cut level in Nate's house where you could cook pasta. There was also going to be a ballroom dancing sequence in the Rossi Estate where Nate would dance with Elena to pickpocket a key.
But basically what ever Neil said or did, along with Bruce Straley (who is not above blame himself), caused Amy, Todd Stashwick and Alan Tudyk to leave.
I like the game we got, A LOT in most levels but I'm a fan of Amy. Neil Druckman designs outstanding gameplay, he's a pretty poor writer.
Great example of how meaningless anecdotes aree. There was plenty of chatter about TLOU. In fact way more than most shows in their first season that is for sureThat tweet has a point.
I'm not a binge TV show watcher, but when friends and fam talk TV shows, it's always Sopranos and Seinfeld (back in the day), Game of Thrones, The Office, I've had coworkers talking up How I met Your Mother likes it's the greatest show ever. And there were aways people talking about Breaking Bad and everyone has to go watch it.
LOU is a new series. But I've heard zero people I know talk about it.
Jason's book Blood, Sweat and Pixels specifically mentions both Neil and Bruce being unhappy with Amy's vision for Uncharted 4. they were not busy with TLOU2. They jumped on uncharted 4 after finishing Left Behind. Amy left in protest after which they took over the project.Whatever happened with Amy, there is zero evidence that I've seen that it had anything to do with Neil and Straley. They were busy in pre production for TLOU2, why would they care what Amy was doing with Uncharted when they just launched their own more successful IP?
Uncharted 4, as Hennig envisioned it, would introduce the world to Nathan Drake’s old partner, Sam. We hadn’t seen Sam in previous Uncharted games, because for fifteen years Nathan had thought he was dead, left behind during a Panamanian prison escape gone awry. In Hennig’s version of Uncharted 4, Sam would be one of the main villains, bitter toward Nathan for leaving him to die.
Over the course of the story, as Nathan tried to pull away from his roots as a treasure hunter, the player would find out that he and Sam were actually brothers. Eventually they’d heal their relationship and unify against the game’s real antagonist, a nasty thief named Rafe (voiced by the actor Alan Tudyk) who had served time with Sam in prison.
Some say the Uncharted 4 team didn’t get the staff and resources it needed to survive, because The Last of Us and Left Behind had vacuumed up so much of Naughty Dog’s attention. Others say that Amy Hennig had trouble making decisions and that the nascent game wasn’t shaping up very well. Some who were working on Uncharted 4 wished that there was a more cohesive direction. Others thought it was perfectly understandable, considering how small the Uncharted 4 staff was, that the game hadn’t coalesced yet.
Several people who have worked for Naughty Dog say Druckmann and Straley stopped seeing eye-to-eye with Hennig, and that they had fundamental disagreements on where to take the Uncharted series. When Hennig left, she signed a non-disparagement agreement with the studio that would prevent both her and Naughty Dog from making negative public comments about what had happened, according to people familiar with the arrangement.
Thanks for providing a source but I'm skeptical on anything Schrier says about Naughty Dog after he pushed the "disgruntled employee" myth about TLOU2 leaksJason's book Blood, Sweat and Pixels specifically mentions both Neil and Bruce being unhappy with Amy's vision for Uncharted 4. they were not busy with TLOU2. They jumped on uncharted 4 after finishing Left Behind. Amy left in protest after which they took over the project.
What they shouldve done was keep out of it and worked on pre-production for TLOU2 instead. Just like how Amy did for Uncharted 4 while the main team worked on TLOU1 and Left Behind. But no, they had to go in and fuck with her project she had been working on for almost 3 years at that point while she waited for them to finish TLOU and left behind. No idea why they felt the need to go meddle in her project. its not like she did for TLOU1. its not like Justin Richmond wasnt the game director. This is a clear case of office politics and people being shits.
Uncharted 4's Development Troubles Highlighted in New Book (Potential Story Spoilers) - PlayStation LifeStyle
A new book by Jason Schrier has shed some light on Uncharted 4 Amy Hennig controversy which arose after her high profile departure from Naughty Dog.www.playstationlifestyle.net
It's her mess though. Uncharted 3 had issues but she was not one of them. The project was run by the design team and they had a list of setpieces she had to write around. She hated that but had no choice. one example was the boat setpiece, they built the whole level while Amy tried to figure out a way for Drake to be on that boat at all. She ended up making it a rescue Sully mission. besides, ND famously says that all of their games come together at the last minute anyway.Thanks for providing a source but I'm skeptical on anything Schrier says about Naughty Dog after he pushed the "disgruntled employee" myth about TLOU2 leaks
And again, different isn't better. For all we know Uncharted 4 was a complete mess. Uncharted 3 basically was. Amy hasn't managed to make a project work since 2011 so I haven't got any reason to believe she was actually cooking something that was amazing