There are a lot of hilarious memes that make me laugh hard the first time, or first few times I see them, but then comes a flood of unoriginals who also wanna be in on the fun and show that they have the funny bone too, and by then the joke isn't all that funny any more. Might still fish out a chuckle or two, but we're not done, we need to go deeper. So relentlessly we see how far we can stretch it, and most people start to understand that, ok, it was fun, but it's been done now, we're done. Let's go home. But now the sheeple want in on the fun, and they bring out these worn out memes time and time again because someone gave them a laugh reaction once, and that was such a glorious experience that any chance to relive that awesomeness must be pursued. And so we end up here, where we are now, with the same tired, broken down horses being kicked over and over and over by people who just don't understand that sometimes, especially when it comes to humor... less is more.