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Two lions killed after they maul suicidal man

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I don't sympathize with any mental illness that causes a person to hurt themselves and do drastic harm to others (and other living things) around them at the same time.
If they are that dangerously destructive, I don't need them around me or my family where they can do harm. With a mindset like this, dude could have easily thought walking into a room with a bomb strapped to his chest, or death by cop after firing into a crowd was a viable option.

So you've just compared the suicidal to terrorists... Just fuck off with that shit. Absolutely shocking statement. He clearly wanted to end his life, not other people's.
lol, are you seriously going there?
It's pretty simple?

Death is death. Why is it funny. Very simple.

If you feel the lion shouldn't be killed them you should also feel chickens, pigs, cows etc shouldbt be killed. There is no difference at all.

You eat a burger, then you are contributing. No two ways about it.

Sure the eating of meat is not a direct reasoning for the death but if no one was good chickens then why would they be killed to eat?

I recently saw a video in china of a large hope with hundreds of pings being dumoped all from very high into a huge hope.

That was pretty crazy.


Awfully tragic in every respect.

I don't sympathize with any mental illness that causes a person to hurt themselves and do drastic harm to others (and other living things) around them at the same time.
If they are that dangerously destructive, I don't need them around me or my family where they can do harm. With a mindset like this, dude could have easily thought walking into a room with a bomb strapped to his chest, or death by cop after firing into a crowd was a viable option.
How fucking ignorant can you be, this is just disgusting and while this one takes the cake I'm both baffled and sad to see all the similar posts in here. It's not hard to spend 10 minutes reading up on the concept of mental illness before spouting and doubling down on uninformed bullshit. Usually GAF is better than this.


It's pretty simple?

Death is death. Why is it funny. Very simple.

If you feel the lion shouldn't be killed them you should also feel chickens, pigs, cows etc shouldbt be killed. There is no difference at all.

You eat a burger, then you are contributing. No two ways about it.

Sure the eating of meat is not a direct reasoning for the death but if no one was good chickens then why would they be killed to eat?

I recently saw a video in china of a large hope with hundreds of pings being dumoped all from very high into a huge hope.

That was pretty crazy.

There's an enormous difference between killing for food and killing for sport/fun/stupid reasons.


So, how many of you that worry about the death of these lions never eart any meat?

I eat meat. I also have certain animals as pets and am sympathetic towards a lot of animals getting mistreated by humans. If cattle and chicken were as rare as lions, I wouldn't eat them.

So you've just compared the suicidal to terrorists... Just fuck off with that shit. Absolutely shocking statement. He clearly wanted to end his life, not other people's.

A lot of terrorists are suicidal. Not all people suicidal are terrorists obviously, but when you cross a line to become destructive to other living things around you, you should be classified as such. Why are other living things hurt by someone with such an illness in the wrong for not "understanding mental illness"? Why the fuck is that my or the lions' responsibility? That's the responsibility of that single person or the individuals in charge of his or her care or guardianship. So fuck off with your shit.


The ignorance in here regarding mental health issues is astounding and frightening.

The ignorance regarding animal cruelty and risk of extinction is astounding and frightening. 90% of the lion population has been killed the past 50 years. In another 50 years it might be so low that it can't ever recover.

Oh but let me worry about some random guy, 1/7,000,000,000th of the worlds human population, because apparently humans are more worthy of life then animals.

Fucking disgusting mentality.

Put me on the record as giving ZERO FUCKS about this guys life.


Junior Member
If only one good thing can come out of this situation, it would be the man regretting his decision and turning his life around for the better starting with getting mental help.
It's pretty simple?

Death is death. Why is it funny. Very simple.

If you feel the lion shouldn't be killed them you should also feel chickens, pigs, cows etc shouldbt be killed. There is no difference at all.

You eat a burger, then you are contributing. No two ways about it.

Sure the eating of meat is not a direct reasoning for the death but if no one was good chickens then why would they be killed to eat?

I recently saw a video in china of a large hope with hundreds of pings being dumoped all from very high into a huge hope.

That was pretty crazy.
Except for the fact that, you know, there only about 20,000 lions left in existence.

But hey, feel free to continue on with your 9th grade debate tactic.


It's nice to know you don't care about the lives of rare lions. The mentally ill guy had years and years of opportunities to find and receive help. What the fuck are the lions supposed to do when he jumps in their den and rushes them? They can't help themselves and defend themselves from crazy humans.

Zoo is mostly to blame for making the lions so easily accessible. They should have tranqued the lions as best they could, then crossed their fingers. Maybe if a handler was nearby, get him in there to lure the lions away somehow.

I was going to make a long winded response about you not understanding mental health issues but your comments in this thread show your ignorance is so deep it's impossible go break through.

It's obvious you know nothing about mental health, what it's like to want to end you'd life every single day, or what it's like to have to choose between seeking help and going to work so you can feed yourself or your family.

It speaks volumes that you thing that you think the only reason this man attempted suicide is because he didn't seek help, and even more that you think that suicide is an act that you have no sympathy for.

Put me on the record as giving ZERO FUCKS about this guys life.

WOW. No words.
The ignorance regarding animal cruelty and risk of extinction is astounding and frightening. 90% of the lion population has been killed the past 50 years. In another 50 years it might be so low that it can't ever recover.

Oh but let me worry about some random guy, 1/7,000,000,000th of the worlds human population, because apparently humans are more worthy of life then animals.

Fucking disgusting mentality.

Put me on the record as giving ZERO FUCKS about this guys life.

Right there with you, if you jump into a Lion's cage you're in the Lion's world, best of luck to ya. Killing Lions we hold in captivity for such reasons is straight up crazy. We're a fucking entitled species.

Had it of been a child that "fell" in or something then yes protect the human. Any person for any reason that decides to jump in there deserves what they get. Mental or physical or genetic issues etc then a handler should be present with those people, it's not up to the Lion to look after the sick. It's up to us as a species to protect endangered species, something most humans fail to realise.
The ignorance regarding animal cruelty and risk of extinction is astounding and frightening. 90% of the lion population has been killed the past 50 years. In another 50 years it might be so low that it can't ever recover.

Oh but let me worry about some random guy, 1/7,000,000,000th of the worlds human population, because apparently humans are more worthy of life then animals.

Fucking disgusting mentality.

Put me on the record as giving ZERO FUCKS about this guys life.

Humans are more worthy of life than animals. This goes without fucking saying.


You're advocating they cover up the circumstances of someone's death.

Even if they didn't shoot the Lion's in the act. They would have been euthanized for killing someone later anyway.

This is really fucking weird and completely ridiculous to me. Feels like just revenge shit.


Like what? Why are they killing animals for this shit? To make the dead persons family FEEL better?

"Hey, at least that Lion won't kill anyone else!"

Except for the fact that, you know, there only about 20,000 lions left in existence.

WTF! Really?!

I hope thats not accurate, that is scary low.


It's obvious you know nothing about mental health, what it's like to want to end you'd life every single day, or what it's like to have to choose between seeking help and going to work so you can feed yourself or your family.

It speaks volumes that you thing that you think the only reason this man attempted suicide is because he didn't seek help, and even more that you think that suicide is an act that you have no sympathy for.

I have sympathy for them until they put other living things in harms way.

I lived with a suicidal, alcoholic for years. While she was trying to cut open her wrists with a pair of scissors (something she had tried to do more than once with other things) one night, she instead stabbed me in the chest with them while I tried to get them out of her hands.

If you're describing yourself in your post, I am really sorry for you. But, whatever happens, like every other human being on this planet, you're ultimately responsible for your own actions. If you don't possess the mental facilities for that to hold true and are destructive then you don't need to be in public around other living things.


Right there with you, if you jump into a Lion's cage you're in the Lion's world, best of luck to ya. Killing Lions we hold in captivity for such reasons is straight up crazy. We're a fucking entitled species.

Had it of been a child that "fell" in or something then yes protect the human. Any person for any reason that decides to jump in there deserves what they get. Mental or physical or genetic issues etc then a handler should be present with those people, it's not up to the Lion to look after the sick. It's up to us as a species to protect endangered species, something most humans fail to realise.

So someone with mental issues jumps into a Lions cage and we all just watch for the sake of the Lions?

The lack of empathy towards someone who was mentally ill in this thread is deeply disturbing.


Fuck the people retrospectively judging the zoo for their decision - I can't imagine it was an easy decision to make, especially not knowing for certain that this guy was trying to kill himself, no one knew why he was there, all they saw was a man in a lion enclosure. Sure, from a utilitarian standpoint + the information we have now, they might have been better off leaving him; but could you live with yourself knowing there was something you could have done to save that mans life? Would your natural impulse not be to try and save him?

On a side note, I don't stand for animal cruelty; but there's nothing I hate than people only choosing to voice concerns of violence against animals when the animal is 'cute'/ reminds them of their favourite childhood character. All forms of animal cruelty should be contested, not just the 'cute' ones.


This guy honestly sounds like an MK Ultra victim.

Who plans to commit suicide via lion mauling, or even on a whim?

Now if it wasn't a suicide attempt, and just plain idiocy, that, that I can understand


Humans are more worthy of life than animals. This goes without fucking saying.

So the humans that pushed species to the brink of extinction like the lion were in the right to do so because they are worthy of life?

This is what really sucks about this, if the guy had been mauled by a mad dear no one would give a shit. We have plenty of deer but lions are going to gone from the god damn planet within the next 30-50 years. So to kill 2 who were already in captivity for doing being scared just sucks. But hey there just animals who gives a shit, we will probably be cloning shit in the next 10 years anyway.


Do animals actually develop a taste for human blood or is it a myth?

I saw a documentary about Leopards in India that actually have developed a taste for human blood. Something about the higher amount of sodium in our blood being enticing to them. Scary stuff.


So someone with mental issues jumps into a Lions cage and we all just watch for the sake of the Lions?

The lack of empathy towards someone who was mentally ill in this thread is deeply disturbing.

What's with everyone saying "watching", like the only alternative to killing the lions is to make it a spectacle? They could have tried to scare them away with gunshots, lured them away, or shot them with tranquilizers and distracted them until it took effect. None of which are guaranteed to save the mans life, but at that point he's made his choice, and it's not reasonable to kill the lions just because he made a terrible decision. At any rate, the very least you would do is escort the people around the enclosure away so nobody would have to see the gruesomeness of the situation.

And get off the lack of empathy shtick. Like anybody is giddy to see this guy die. But people die every day. It's sad, but we can move on, the race will move on, the country will move on. Killing 2 members of an endangered species not only hurts the species survivability more, but sets a bad trend that animals are disposable.
So someone with mental issues jumps into a Lions cage and we all just watch for the sake of the Lions?

The lack of empathy towards someone who was mentally ill in this thread is deeply disturbing.

Did you miss this part of my post:

Mental or physical or genetic issues etc then a handler should be present with those people, it's not up to the Lion to look after the sick. It's up to us as a species to protect endangered species, something most humans fail to realise.

Yes I care about mental health issues but if you're so far gone to jump into a Lion's cage, strip naked, taunt them to kill you in front of kids/families and not instantly snap out of it to run for your life...yep the Lion deserves not to be killed here. I also question how you're operating in public/life, family should be with you helping out. The onus is on those close to the mentally ill, not the Lion's life on the line. We've already fucked up and wiped out enough species of this planet.

It's a shame tranq darts didn't work and it led to this incident, I'd still prefer the Lion(s) to be alive and well and breeding.


Sad and tragic all around.

As for those of you belittling the man for his mental illness...having suffered from depression and constant suicidal thoughts since I was 10, one is never rational in such a state of mind.

I want to say something to you all. But I'd rather not get my account banned and instead want to say shame on all of you for having no empathy for him. Mental illness is not a fucking off and on switch. Also, don't call us cowards.


Too bad they killed the lions, but I guess that's better than being in that prison for life. There was no point in blaming them.

No one's blaming the lions. They weren't put down as punishment; they were put down because the zoo can't risk the possibility of the same lions reenacting the attack with a second victim.

The zookeepers who care for the lions every day and have dedicated their lives to raising awareness about them are undoubtedly grieving right now, but it's what had to be done.

Tragic situation for all involved. Rest in peace to the deceased.

It's hardly even worth responding to, but that isn't the same argument. You can say that human life is worth more than the lives of other animals without condoning animal genocide.


This is really fucking weird and completely ridiculous to me. Feels like just revenge shit.


Like what? Why are they killing animals for this shit? To make the dead persons family FEEL better?

"Hey, at least that Lion won't kill anyone else!"

WTF! Really?!

I hope thats not accurate, that is scary low.

It's even worse for tigers.

There are only between 3,000 - 3,600 remaining tigers in the wild. All sub species combined.

No one's blaming the lions. They weren't put down as punishment; they were put down because the zoo can't risk the possibility of the same lions reenacting the attack with a second victim.

The zookeepers who care for the lions every day and have dedicated their lives to raising awareness about them are undoubtedly grieving right now, but it's what had to be done.

Tragic situation for all involved. Rest in peace to the deceased.

I don't really understand. This is going to be a very likely scenario no matter who should jump into a imprisoned lion's cage, or what lion it is, right? I'm asking, as I'm assuming. I know there have been instances where people have not been attacked, but is that the common outcome?
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