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TXB Fable 2nd opinion


Not an official second review, but Shockwave was kind enough to post up his own review on the boards.
Cant wait til the 15th!

Since Horus gave his very detailed review, I'm not going to post one going over the same information, but I will go through and give the game my score after having completed the game.

Here goes:

Gameplay 9.5

From start to finish, Fable is a game that anyone can pick up and get very deep within without any problem. The real-time combat is superb, and the designers did a fantastic job of organizing the many sub menus that will give players full control over their hero’s items and actions throughout the game. Fable is a great leap forward in RPG design, being that bulky and cumbersome menus are no longer detrimental to the gameplay, making the game feel a lot more like an action title without losing any of its RPG elements. The idea of choosing between playing as a good or evil character was hyped up to have much more of an impact on the story and the gameplay than it actually does. Most of the decisions between the good and evil path will have to do with how the people around you react to your presence. The underlying story remains the same regardless of what you decide to do. The end of the game does have alternate endings depending on your path, but the road getting there is still basically the same. The story itself is detailed and interesting enough to keep players pushing forward, wanting to uncover the secrets to the mysteries of Fable, but it’s nothing groundbreaking. Fable is however, a tad on the easy side, and a lot of the boss type characters and battles are easy to figure out once you get an idea of their pattern of attack. Difficulty levels would have been nice.

Graphics 9.8

The thing about Fable is that the more you play, the more spectacular the weaponary effects, magic effects and surroundings become. The lighting effects of the game are amazing, and this is most well noticed at night when the hero is using his lantern. Fable is easily the best looking RPG there has been on a console system to date. There are a great number of environments that include a full range of weather effects that do a great job of varying up surroundings. Each of the character types in the game are quite interesting, and the various towns look unique and detailed. Fable exceeds as a great recreation of a living, breathing world to explore. Every so often, the framrate does drop when there are a larger number of characters on screen.

Audio 9.4

Theatrical and epic, the soundtrack of Fable is a great complement to its gameplay and style. Heroic ballads and dark melodies strike at the right moments to set the tone of the action as the story of the hero unfolds. Each character has a defined voice that fits their persona and the quality of the voice acting is very high with very little to criticize. The random chatter of townspeople and other NPC’s that the hero will encounter is great, and helps keep the feel of a living world in tact.

Longevity 9.2

This is going to be a hard one to grade, mainly because it will differ from player to player depending on their style and the amount of time they devote to non-story related actions. I “beat” the game’s boss, essentially beating the game having completed 30 quests; 20 core quests and 10 optional side quests. There were probably just as many more side quests that could have been completed, and some depended on how good or evil the hero had decided to be. In other words, if a player wanted to be evil, there were a few evil specific quests that could be taken. On the other hand, players wanting to stick to the good path would have avoiding completing any evil tasks. I didn’t spend too much time becoming involved with trade or real estate, so players that spent more time working themselves in with the trade system could easily spent much more playing overall. Players will have the option of taking over stores and running them, controlling trade routes as well as owning homes that can be rented out indefinitely. The way I played, I completed the game in 16 hours and 21 minutes. I would say the average gameplay time would be somewhere between 15-25 hours depending on how much each player wants to invest in core and non-story related actions. While Fable is an amazing RPG, and there’s no doubt about it, I do think it’s fair to say we all expected much more in the way of gameplay time, and by that I mean the core quests. Sure players can spent countless hours trading and collecting rent and marrying any number of wives, but when you get right down to it, there should have been many more core missions that surrounded a much deeper storyline.

Next-Gen 9.6

I will say that Fable is a must have if you own an Xbox, regardless of what type of games you enjoy most. Fable is the Xbox’s Zelda, and yes it is just as good. I quickly became addicted to the game, mainly because of its brilliance in design, play and style. It is however apparent that one reason the game took so long to develop is that a lot of the initial ideas and grand scale complexities of the hero’s interactions may have hit a few technical roadblocks, causing the game to have been scaled down a bit. Fable will easily set a new standard from which future RPG’s will base their designs upon, but it looks like we will have to wait until a possible Fable 2 to get our hands on what all the hype surrounding the 4 years of Fable’s development lead us to expect. That said, Fable is still quite easily one of the best Xbox games to have been released, and one of the games that will continue to define the evolution of the console.

Overall 9.5

What is neat, is that even after you defeat the final boss, you can still play the game. So you could go back and set up trade routes, take part in buying and renting more homes and such to continue playing the game as your hero grows older. This is a nice touch that doesn't make the game so "final" once you reach the end of the core story. However, the core of the game is a bit too short based on what we had all hoped and expected after its long development.

My best advice would be, read the full reviews, pay more attention to the actual text of the articles rather than the final scores. Scores are just a number and different people would place a different score on the same elements of a game. Read the content and come up with a score for yourself.

But bottom line, regardless of what anyone says the score of the game is, get it. It's more than worth it, and one of the best games I have played on the Xbox, or any other system in my lifetime.


They give a "Next-Gen" score? Goes to show how much I read Team Xbox, or any thread on here devoted to it...

...Isn't that kind of a stupid thing to score, since this game is out in the "Current Generation?"


GAF's Bob Woodward
Soul4ger said:
They give a "Next-Gen" score? Goes to show how much I read Team Xbox, or any thread on here devoted to it...

...Isn't that kind of a stupid thing to score, since this game is out in the "Current Generation?"

It should probably be called "technical mastery" or something like that. That's what they're getting at..how well the game uses the hardware's unique capabilities. N64 Magazine in the UK used to score games on that aspect, and I always thought it was a nice idea.


gofreak said:
It should probably be called "technical mastery" or something like that. That's what they're getting at..how well the game uses the hardware's unique capabilities. N64 Magazine in the UK used to score games on that aspect, and I always thought it was a nice idea.

By scoring Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, etc., aren't they essentially getting at the "technical mastery?" Just seems redundant to me, unless they feel there are intangibles that need identified.
Hey did you guys hear? I read in some other thread that ALL the xbox games on earth are totally awesome!! 9.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111


GAF's Bob Woodward
Soul4ger said:
By scoring Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, etc., aren't they essentially getting at the "technical mastery?" Just seems redundant to me, unless they feel there are intangibles that need identified.

It's a subtle difference. Technical mastery could relate to how well the game uses *unique* capabilities of the hardware, or how well it does stuff that couldn't be done on other hardware, or hardware of a previous generation. Graphics/Sound etc. doesn't necessarily capture that..not explicitly anyway. A seperate grade like this can be used to capture that.


gofreak said:
It's a subtle difference. Technical mastery could relate to how well the game uses *unique* capabilities of the hardware, or how well it does stuff that couldn't be done on other hardware, or hardware of a previous generation. Graphics/Sound etc. doesn't necessarily capture that..not explicitly anyway. A seperate grade like this can be used to capture that.

I can't imagine any way BBB harnessed the Power of X for anything in Fable that doesn't relate to the gameplay or graphics, or, to a smaller degree (as you clarified), the sound, etc. Unless it gives you so many choices, you can elect to have your system fellate you during playtime. That would be pretty hot. No wonder the score's a 9.5.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Soul4ger said:
I can't imagine any way BBB harnessed the Power of X for anything in Fable that doesn't relate to the gameplay or graphics, or, to a smaller degree (as you clarified), the sound, etc. Unless it gives you so many choices, you can elect to have your system fellate you during playtime. That would be pretty hot. No wonder the score's a 9.5.

But, you know, taking graphics for example, it's not a solely technical thing. A game could score highly in graphics, and averagely in "technical mastery", if for example, the art direction was brilliant, but the technical execution wasn't anything exceptional.


its if the developer had written that :lol

I find it funny he's suggesting people to read the reviews but ignore the scores but IGN/TXB reviews read like an 8.0 game with 9 scores.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
LOL, that review was probably damage control after they got bombarded with hundreds of hate mail from crazed Fable diehards.

king zell

Flatbread said:
This was the txb review, 9.1

not the gmr review

but by teamxbox standards.. 9.1 is low considering Fable's hype and expectations

Project Gotham Racing 2
9.7 out of 10

Brute Force
9.6 out of 10

DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball
9.2 out of 10

NFL Fever 2004
9.1 out of 10

If you know what I mean..


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
gofreak said:
It's a subtle difference. Technical mastery could relate to how well the game uses *unique* capabilities of the hardware, or how well it does stuff that couldn't be done on other hardware, or hardware of a previous generation. Graphics/Sound etc. doesn't necessarily capture that..not explicitly anyway. A seperate grade like this can be used to capture that.

If that's the case then reading the above the paragraph posted with the Next Gen score... well it seems like he overscored it from what he wrote.


GAF's Bob Woodward
DarienA said:
If that's the case then reading the above the paragraph posted with the Next Gen score... well it seems like he overscored it from what he wrote.

Well, I'm not commenting on that review specifically, just defending the inclusion of a category similar to "Technical Mastery" or whatever. Looking at the above, though, their use of it does seem slightly confusing. I'm just guessing here as to what they're trying to get at with that category, in the absence of their own definition.


king zell said:
but by teamxbox standards.. 9.1 is low considering Fable's hype and expectations

Project Gotham Racing 2
9.7 out of 10

Brute Force
9.6 out of 10

DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball
9.2 out of 10

NFL Fever 2004
9.1 out of 10

If you know what I mean..

txb reviews were revamped this summer and lately have been much tougher. Comparing review scores at any site is an act of hilarity. Gamespot gave freedom fighters a 9.3, its better than KOTOR!!9.1

In any case, it sounds like everyone is saying the same thing, its FUN great game but EXPECTATIONS were for something more closely to Morrowind than zelda.

Personally im stoked now hearing its an action rpg in the same type of game as zelda, much rather have that than Morrowind.


Flatbread said:
This was the txb review, 9.1

not the gmr review

No matter how strange this sounds 9.1 is not a high score for a game. They usually rate hyped first party games in the scale of 9-10. So the Fable score was the lowest they could give.


Flatbread said:
txb reviews were revamped this summer and lately have been much tougher.

Yeah sure. I've been hearing this for TeamXbox and XboxIGN for about two years now.


Che said:
Found new smilies? Congrats! Now go back to TeamXbox forums to show them to your fellow members.
lol! I found a new avatar for you too:


Plenty of others qualify as well so feel free to share!


Xbox Games Reviews List
Showing the latest Xbox Games Reviews added to the TeamXbox Database.

Fable 9.1 Rob Semsey
Army Men: Sarge’s War 4.0 Matthew Fisher
Madden NFL 2005 9.2 Brent Soboleski
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow 9.2 Brent Soboleski
Galleon 7.4 Brent Soboleski
Room Zoom Racing 6.5 Rob Semsey
Catwoman 5.4 Brent Soboleski
Pure Pinball 7.3 Dale Nardozzi
Sudeki 7.9 Rob Semsey
ESPN NFL 2005 9.5 Dale Nardozzi
Powerdrome 7.3 Matthew Fisher
Samurai Warriors 7.8 Dale Nardozzi
NCAA Football 2005 9.4 Dale Nardozzi
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling 6.9 Jerry Khalil
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 6.7 Matthew Fisher
Spider-Man 2 Action/Adventure Jun. 29th, 2004 8.9 Rob Semsey
Knight's Apprentice: Memorick's Adventures 5.8 Brent Soboleski
MTV Music Generator 3: This is the Remix! 9.0 Dale Nardozzi
IndyCar Series 2005 7.6 Dale Nardozzi
MLB SlugFest: Loaded 7.9 Rob Semsey
DRIV3R 6.5 Dale Nardozzi
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy 8.2 Brent Soboleski
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury 8.8 Dale Nardozzi
UEFA Euro 2004 7.4 Dale Nardozzi
Malice 4.9 Rob Semsey
Future Tactics: The Uprising 6.2 Dale Nardozzi
Full Spectrum Warrior 9.0 Rob Semsey
Metal Slug 3 7.8 Dale Nardozzi
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay 8.4 Rob Semsey
Thief: Deadly Shadows 8.1 Dale Nardozzi
Van Helsing 7.5 Dale Nardozzi
Red Dead Revolver 7.5 Matthew Fisher
Shrek 2 8.5 Dale Nardozzi
RalliSport Challenge 2 9.1 Dale Nardozzi

take what you will, these are the reviews since may

ms titles

rallisport challange 2 got a 9.1, which is a great game that im playing and would agree

sudeki got a 7.9, the avg at gamerankings is 7.4

games rob semsey reviewed
fable 9.1
full spectrum warrior 9.0
chronicles of riddick 8.4
room zoom racing 6.5
spider man 8.9
sudeki 7.9
mlb slugfest loaded 7.9


Wow, i agree with almost all the scores Rob dished out. Riddick is a solid 9.1 imo though.

Thanks, im feeling much better about Fable. :D


If there is one thing Fable most certainly does not deserve, it's a 9.8 in graphics. And that's a fact.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I just took a glance through IGNs review of Fable and it mentions that its REALLY hard to die... should ease have knocked down some of the scores?


DarienA said:
I just took a glance through IGNs review of Fable and it mentions that its REALLY hard to die... should ease have knocked down some of the scores?
Certainly didnt apply to TWW. But maybe it should. Easy game leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Deku Tree

TXB said:
Fable is a great leap forward in RPG design, being that bulky and cumbersome menus are no longer detrimental to the gameplay, making the game feel a lot more like an action title without losing any of its RPG elements.

This quote makes me wonder how many action RPGs this guy has played in the last few years.


I don't like the graphics look in this game. I was blown away by them when I first saw the game, but now...I dunno. Maybe the rest of the game is good, but anybody who makes too big of a fuss about how great the graphics are definitely have different tastes from me. :)


gofreak said:
But, you know, taking graphics for example, it's not a solely technical thing. A game could score highly in graphics, and averagely in "technical mastery", if for example, the art direction was brilliant, but the technical execution wasn't anything exceptional.

Sorry it took a while to respond, I had to go to a couple classes, but this still doesn't make much sense to me. Couldn't an effective reviewer simply say, "The graphics really aren't that great technically, but the wonderful art makes up for any flaws?" Do they really need two sections to do something so simple?


Chili Con Carnage!
TXB is damage controlling their 'bad' score, i would have thought that was obvious.

Nintendo fans/haterz are damage controlling the scary thought that Fable might actually not be that bad.

Pointless...but not entirely unexpected.
I can't wait to actually play this game. Like I said, one of my top 10 on the xbox ever so it better be bloody freaking good. Otherwise, can't say my launch xbox has been a worthwhile investment. Bloody freaking should chip the bugger.

lmao @ Fable debacle though. Can't wait for Gaffers to get their hands on it.


From the known Nintendo fans, where the hell is the damage control? Clip was just being an ass.

Are we just throwing out the term damage control like it's a preposition?


Deku Tree said:
This quote makes me wonder how many action RPGs this guy has played in the last few years.
that quote makes me wonder how much fable he's played -- its menus are fucking terrible. give me the quickly navigable stuff of FF, please.

no, i'm not actually accusing the TXB guy of not having played fable. =P MAYBE HE IS SIMPLY TEH BIAS AGAINST JAPANESE GAMES ... WESTOPHILE
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