I've never claimed that the US is bribing (in the bags of cash sense) anyone to work in Iraq we have already covered this. Let's not go over that again.
Is this a correct statement to you:
These shady, unscruplous individuals, govenments, and corporations were all for supporting Saddam while he was in power becuase they were getting sacks of cash and oil for a discount. As you have clearly stated these groups are of weak moral fiber if they are willing to work with Saddam they would work with anybody.
To me this makes sense. These groups where willing to make back door deals in the event that when the sanctions were lifted they would profit greatly from the favors they did for Saddam (because of course he was the only one they dealt with). It also makes sense for them to oppose the US invasion of Iraq because it would mess up the status quo and cost them all the work they did in getting deals with Saddam.
- Now then, fast forward Saddam is out of power. This means
1. There is no great profit because the benefactor is in jail.
- Why would the continue to oppose the US at this point? Where is the incentive? I have inferred from your comments that these groups aren't doing it out of pride or morality but for purely financial motives alone. If that is the case then why do they not then change course say "You know what US, you were totally right we made a mistake and we are now ready to help you in your cause. How can we help?"
Using that as a smokescreen they would weasel their way back into the good graces of those who now control the oil and create some sort of legal endeavor with them. Will it be as profitable as before? No. But, it would be better than 0 and that's what they are getting now. That doesn't make sense to me why they would do that. Why would these groups fortit all of the cash? Why not make happy and get some cash.
I know that the US banned forgien companies from profiting from the war effort but, you would have to be a fool to think that even now the US would refuse some support. These are still diplomatic nations and are still up for negoitiation and deals.
My question in a nutshell is why are thest countries still being obstructionist when from what you claim their only motive was financial.
Xenon said:
You make it seem like there would be no cost to committing troops and financial support for rebuilding Iraq. It is not like the US is making a profit on this venture.
Not now. But, when (if) the country is stable the US can make billions off of the deal. War is always fought for profit. The goal of every war is to control resources. You still think we are there for the good of the Iraqi people?