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U.S. troops posed with body parts of Afghan bombers

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I'm pretty sure most Afghan's feel more terrorised by the occupying force than they do the resistance to the occupying force.

We don't behead entire families for talking to the enemy and then hand out DVDs of it the next day....


Neo Member
Dead Afghan civilians: little outcry, no action.
Burned book: mass violent demonstrations, killings.

This is not surprising to me. They have been living in a culture of war for so long that the attack of a symbol is much more grave an offense.It actually makes sense if you think about it. We look at it from our cultural perspective but if you look at it from the other end...Just goes to show how bad thing really are over there.
I'm pretty sure most Afghan's feel more terrorised by the occupying force than they do the resistance to the occupying force.

Im no NATO apologist or cheerleader for their mission in Afghanistan but the taliban are pieces of shit who've killed more civilians than NATO. they're medieval scum.
ORLY?.. let me guess your not counting "collatoral damage" ?

what I said comes from UN figures. it counts civilians killed in NATO bombings and at NATO checkpoints. the taliban still kill far more than the western troops do, because they are pieces of shit who target civilians as a way of strategy.
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