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Ugh, Another Brainless Top Ten

So since we ran our top ten on the PlayStation Portable and Ninendo DS we've been getting a lot of attention, and it seems some of the Xbots and PSyborgs don't like the truth. Well the truth sometimes hurts, and with that said, today we give you a run down on the top ten reasons first-person shooters are the worst genre ever, and why GameCube doesn't need titles like DOOM, Gaylo, Call Of Duty and other crappy games.

10. FPS games are boring. All you do is shoot stuff, there aren't any puzzles, you can't collect any items like in Mario, like new moves, fireballs, stars and other kick ass stuff.

9. No FPS ever created has ever been innovative. Common, new guns, some extra jumps and bigger maps. OOohhhh, big fricken deal. FPS gamers want to see innovation, check out Mario, Metroid Prime, Zelda, THAT IS INNOVATION, that's where it's at. Word.

8. Most FPS games like DOOM and Gaylo, to name a couple, have generic characters and bad graphix. They put all the effort into the guns and bullets, and dont have fun environments, where's the adventure? I'll tell you where, it's in platformers, Pokemon and real games. Not casual crap like Calf-Life 2.

7. FPS games are always delayed too long, look at how long it took for DOOM to come out. It took 3D Realms like what, seven years? I don't know about you, but when that comes out I won't be buying. Who wants ot hear some muscel bound idiot go, "Hail to the King". I mean that's from those crappy Evil Dead movies.

6. All genre's, especially fighting games, platformers and role-playing games have stories, FPS games don't. You're just dropped in there and have to go shooting everything. I remember once I was playing Half-Life and they just drop you in, it's totally stupid. They put you on this stupid underground train thing, and then you get off and kill stuff. It's pretty confusing, I couldn't get past the door down the hall after you get off the underground train thingy.

5. FPS games don't sell well EVER. The best FPS game, I use that term losely of course, was Daikatana, and it only sold like 10,000 copies. Ed Boon and John Tobias should be ashamed of themselves for making a FPS game. Specially after MK.

4. There have only been a couple good FPS games ever, like Perfect Dark. Since the new games don't use the N64 Memory Expansion Pack like they could, that means that new FPS games could never be as good. It was the pak that made them rock hard, long, smooth and rock hard! YEAH, score another one for both hating on FPS games, and Nintendo's kick ass IP Perfect Dark!

3. FPS games don't offer the varities of gameplay that other genres do. Take the great Metroid series for example, it's not a fps, and it has so much variety. Rolling into a ball and blowing stuff up, shooting aliens with multiple types of weapons, it's what gaming is all about. Games that are FPS don't offer that kind of fun, they just have players doint mental stuff like blowing things in to pieces, shooting bad guys with lots of weapons, that kind of stuff.

2. Most FPS games make people violent. DOOM, Half Life, Halo, Call Of Duty, Daikatana, they all make killers. Kids learn how to aim guns and kill people. It's in the news all the time, how players use their mouses and keyboards to laern how to fire guns and murder :(


1. FPS games are on Xbox all the time. That's right, as if it wasn't clear enough, stuff like Gaylo, DOOM, Chronicles Of Rizzik, all boring, all on the Xbomb. Why would GameCube want that kind of trash. All the games sell bad.


It's like they were trying to redefine fanboy ...


jarrod said:
Metroid Prime sucks.

Advance Wars sucks (well not really, but that's not the point. You're wrong).

Yeah that list sucks more than that other Gaylo2 vs Geist. :D


Redmond's Baby
lol @ Gaylo

FPS games don't sell well EVER. The best FPS game, I use that term losely of course, was Daikatana, and it only sold like 10,000 copies.

pure comedy gold


Come on, that guy wrote Daikatana was the best FPS ever, that's enough of a big hint. Don't take his ironical top 10 seriously.


After reading the word "Gaylo" I knew this post would suck!
Most FPS games like DOOM and Gaylo, to name a couple, have generic characters and bad graphix.
Generic characters? True!! I mean: Master Chief, "That guy" in Doom 3.... come on!
But "bad graphics"? Bullshit! Look at Half-Life 2, Halo 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Killzone....


force push the doodoo rock
9. No FPS ever created has ever been innovative. Common, new guns, some extra jumps and bigger maps. OOohhhh, big fricken deal. FPS gamers want to see innovation, check out Mario, Metroid Prime, Zelda, THAT IS INNOVATION, that's where it's at. Word.


Musashi Wins!

"Awhile ago Nintendo president Satoru said,"... customers do not want online games." He could not be more right! Nintendo would not put someone in charge that doesn't know what's the best, so therefore we shouldn't play Nintendo games online. I'm not sure why there's debate on this?

Remember when Reggie said he wanted to kick some ass, well obviously you can't kick ass if you're busy farting around playing stupid online games! LOLOL! People can be so stupid!"

Here another post from them...

OMFG! I just heard from an insider that Super Mario 64x4 for the Nintendo DS will have a level that looks... like a castle!!!* And get this, it has lava in it!* Holy moly, that's such awesome news.* More on this breaking news as we hear more.

... I really can't tell if they're trying to be funny, if they really hate Nintendo, or honestly like them or what.


For a Finer World
Too bad this trollblog isn't that far fetched. Every console has a bunch of fanboys who write stuff like that.

But the worst thing is that I'm sure a lot of people also imagine that the binary opposite of each claim is 100% true.

... I really can't tell if they're trying to be funny, if they really hate Nintendo, or honestly like them or what.

Seriously? Come on, it's a hate blog. Their "skills" of sarcasm are as subtle as McGriddles advertising was on IGN.
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