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UK ministers urges camps for white kids to mix with black/asian kids

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This is a joke isn't it? Instead of having a lack of diversity you'll now have a bunch of teen girls running around with kids and babies with no fathers. Smart move there.

Unless they're talking about mixing in other ways. :p


If I get stuck in a cabin with Ripclawe, I'm going to be *pissed*. Nothing against him as a fellow summer-camper, but I specifically asked for Pochacco and Shinobi. And maybe nomo if he agrees to bring a giant stack of graphic novels for us to read when it's raining.

bishoptl would be ok, but if he starts giving me shit about the Western quarter finals I'm going to capsize our canoe out in the lake and tell the counselors he tried to drown me.


Chili Con Carnage!
What a great idea, we can take racist kids, then over the summer disperse them around the country so they can spread their racist views to normal kids! GENIUS.
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