I arrived in Phuket and finished my first day of full-time Muay Thai training yesterday. Doing this in an air-conditioned building in Taipei is hard enough... but outside in 35c Thailand heat? I'm fucking
dying. Only 29 days left to go...
What are everyone else's holiday plans this year?
I know this is a little deep for 5pm on a Tuesday, but what are people's life plans? Where do you want to be in a few years time? For me:
Moving to Manchester in August, gonna stay in the UK for at least two years with my GF. After that I want to move to either Auckland (NZ), Vancouver or Toronto. All 3 cities are amazing (never been to Auckland but my GF lived there for 6 years) and I'd love to live there.
I'd also like to do a masters in Politics, probably in the UK since I know politics so well here, maybe at Manchester Uni. That'll be a way off though, I'm done with education for a long time.
Inb4 Kentpaul talks about mad stacks.
I think I'm done with bouncing between countries every year or so now. I've lived the ESL teacher adventure and now it's time to settle down. My current plan is to start a business in East Asia and try to enjoy the next few years of my life before I settle down proper with a wife, kids, Mondeo, etc.
I'll warn you now Meadows, the whole "I'll do a Masters degree... eventually" from my experience is a hard game to play. I went to teach English in Korea 3 years ago to save money to study MSC Games Development
in 2010, and then I entertained the notion of studying a Masters in Business or Marketing this year, but came to the conclusion that it'd be time and money wasted considering the position I am now in (i.e. I'd rather spend my money making a business and a year in getting it off the ground rather than just studying.)