In fairness there are plenty of Pakistanis who also fit those categories. The GP surgeries in my town appear to be run by a combination of Pakistani and Indian Doctors.
My accountant is a Pakistani - he's a lovely guy and has helped me a great deal for my business.
It was more of a homogeneous comment around immigrants. Not listing specific ones.
More critical towards a specific religion as apposed to what other immigrants believe in.
The white brits have really let their own down. They're more scared of being called 'racist' than actually protecting their own kids. It's fucking insane.
Sure the UK's past if horrible, but so is every other country's if you look far back enough.
What they've now done is take the term 'immigration' and co-opted it to mean: Enter into our country at-will, commit heinous acts and get away with it.
What's worst of all is that all the feminist queens are completely silent on this issue.
Where have they disappeared to?
It's not so much that the British public has let itself down.
It's more that the government acted against the people. Were entirely powerless against the police.
Were a country that gets you investigated and arrested for tweets. The police probably favour doing that more than having to deal with real, situational problems.
Showing a bit of my family's hand in these proceedings....
You live in a small town.
You get told hearsay about your child. Most of it very serious and worrisome. You ask child. Child denies it.
You report something to your local office (in person) and your told to ignore it. Teens being teens and that your being paranoid.
You then escalate the matter by contacting the emergency services (police) because family member has been touched inappropriately and their was an element of danger. Underage teen was put in a situation without consent with a much older degenerate.
The police come over to take a statement. They take all the information (what happened, who, when and where) and disappear into the night. Should absolutely be an arrest.
You would hope that further proceedings would take place. But nothing happens. Not enough evidence and cannot locate suspect.
Basically "go away".
You know for a fact who these people are in your area as does everyone else.
Stalking occur.
Threats happen.
You can't leave your home out of fear and your children don't go out and play anymore.
Report more to the police. (This is just a local dispute. Go away.)
I'm not going into anymore. It got worse.
Imo the victims involved did the absolute correct thing. Sold up, and buggered off abroad.
Aside from gathering pitchforks and torches. Their is nothing you can really do.
All the feminist shit was just laughable. Back when it all came to games was just a huge joke.
Put a pussy hat on.
Talk about first world problems.