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Um... how do you get a Memory Stick unstuck from a Sony product?

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... yeah, so I just bought that DSC-P100 yesterday, put in an old non-Pro memory stick (which is supported), and it won't click out. The camera reads it, I can take photos, the fucking thing just won't click out. What the fuck do I do?




I'm more pissed off that this happened in the first place. I mean, Jesus Christ, nice build quality Sony.

Besides, I don't want to travel back into Manhattan, and this was J&R's last in-stock one anyway.


Usually you push it in and it pops back out. Try pushing harder :p
If all else fails take it back to where you got it from and see if they can get it out. If the can't too, it should be under warranty anyways. Maybe the spring is broken or something.


goodcow said:
Wow, I thought the six minutes in MPEGVX "fine" mode on this new camera was pathetic considering I have a 512MB stick, but four minutes for the Canon is even worse.

Also, what format is the Canon? AVI or Quicktime?

I didn't research the S1 IS as deeply as I did the S60 and A80, which are pretty much the only two left on my list of possible choices. (at this point, being really nitpicky, but nitpicky is needed when so many cameras are so close in terms of specs.)

My gut's telling me AVI, but don't - really, don't - hold me to that.


Try jiggling it around. Maybe the spring is pushing it back, but it's stuck so you need to just wiggle it until it pops out?

Other than that, I dunno, prolly have to open it.

This reminds me of the time my bank card got stuck in the ATM :-\
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