Loudninja said:
-the game feels much more like an adventure or indiana jones film this time
-the shooting is (thankfully) scaled back. story, characters, locations take the center stage.
-story is much better and the characters (drake) are more believable. i never cared for drake, i couldnt even stand him as a character before. but here, he is written in a much better way (like most of the characters).
-way too much hand to hand combat. its a quciktime event, nothing more. its a shame, with a few tweaks it could have been so much better.
-some really awesome moments. your jaw will drop.
-the bad guys are much better this time.
-its more down to earth than uc2
-much more puzzles
-again some unfair bullshit torwards the end
in short: its uncharted like i always wanted it to be.
@rhino: i hated uc1, uc2 was ok (hated the story and most of the characters and didnt care for the large amount of combat and the lack of puzzles) but i really love uc3. 9/10