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Uneven moderation of rules...

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm finding more users with avatars that are larger than the limit than users with avatars within size restrictions. My avatar was above the limit by about four pixels, I think. Thus, it was replaced by the admins. Now, I don't mind that, but I don't get why some people are allowed to have bigger avatars than others. If you're going to enforce the rules, enforce them fully.

That's all I have to say...


Banstick Emeritus
You're damn right. PM me with a list of the offenders and I'll ensure that the fuckers are dealt with.



Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
One thing I find problematic is that the board server automatically adjusts avatar width to 90 pixels. So if your width to height ratio is any smaller than 3/4 , you're out of luck.


GaimeGuy said:
I'm finding more users with avatars that are larger than the limit than users with avatars within size restrictions. My avatar was above the limit by about four pixels, I think. Thus, it was replaced by the admins. Now, I don't mind that, but I don't get why some people are allowed to have bigger avatars than others. If you're going to enforce the rules, enforce them fully.

That's all I have to say...

i dont usually do this, but it just seems so appropriate!



Does GAF answer their email? I mailed you guys about this same topic a couple days ago.


Banstick Emeritus
XS+ said:
Does GAF answer their email? I mailed you guys about this same topic a couple days ago.

My GAF inbox is filled with offers to enlarge my penis, protect myself from spam, and spy on tasty young girls engaged in "FARM FUN". So your missive was probably lost in the shuffle.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
bishoptl said:
My GAF inbox is filled with offers to enlarge my penis, protect myself from spam, and spy on tasty young girls engaged in "FARM FUN". So your missive was probably lost in the shuffle.

That sounds hot. It must be nice to work at GAF.
Last time there was a new set of rules for the avatar size, I changed it. The avatar I had is no different in size than the many others I've had for atleast a year. X_X What is the exact size that it needs to be, because honestly the rules are always changing. It's a bit unfair how I don't even get a warning for something that can be changed easily, yet people have avatars that are against tos.


Banstick Emeritus

\Ol"i*gar"chy\, n.; pl. Oligarchies. [Gr. ?; ? few, little + ? to rule, govern: cf.F. oligarchie.] A form of government in which the supreme power is placed in the hands of a few persons; also, those who form the ruling few.

All oligarchies, wherein a few men domineer, do what they list. --Burton.
So if you're told to change your avatar, by God you better change it.


There are some mods banning people or "temp banning" for stupid reasons too. I'm not sure how some of those people got to be mods, but it is a little ridiculous. Although sometimes the bans and avatar changings are warranted, other times they are abusing power just because they can.

Edit: I think some of them might be new or something...I've never heard of them before the board change. That is unless they just changed their handles.
bishoptl said:
So if you're told to change your avatar, by God you better change it.

Ok, well, no one told me anything. I'll glady change it according to the size limit, but I don't like being "told on" like it's something I was doing on purpose.
i think the "rules" around around here are taken a wee bit too seriously around here. but that's my opinion.
i understand that you dont want threads like " cum guzzling teens eat ten inch cock, see video" and so on, but you gotta lay off once in awhile....
Well, I always thought limiting avatar sizes was a nice nod to those who might not be blessed with the all-powerful broadband connection.

Also, I really DON'T want to watch any 12 minute short movies while I browse the board.


Scary Euro Man
Just think yourself lucky I didn't get to make the decision on avatars. You'd have a limit of 90x90 pixels, no animation and a max file size of 5k.
My avatar was like 10 pixels over the limit I believe. And only 18kb. There's a few people who have avatars made out of whole commercials and japanese music videos. -_- I'd like to see the logic in that.

aoi tsuki

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It's a trap!

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Spike Spiegel said:
I caught one of those once as a kid, when I was fishing in my grandparents' pond. Damn near soiled myself. :(
I almost caught one once, he managed to wiggle off my hook right as I pulled him out of the water.


Wow..I didn't know it was 90x120. Wasn't it larger on the last forum?

In either case, I have had this avatar for about 2 years...I could have sworn it was within regs the last time I checked.

Can somebody resize and host for me please?



Chili Con Carnage!
iapetus said:
Just think yourself lucky I didn't get to make the decision on avatars. You'd have a limit of 90x90 pixels, no animation and a max file size of 5k.



kitchenmotors said:
My avatar was like 10 pixels over the limit I believe. And only 18kb. There's a few people who have avatars made out of whole commercials and japanese music videos. -_- I'd like to see the logic in that.

I agree. A slightly tall non-animated avatar is a lot more 56K friendly than a 90x120 150KB animation.


Well the problem's that I am the only one that actually goes out and changes the avatars, and since I can't read all topics out there I can only change the ones that I see in violation. Just PM me on the forum or IRC.

Oh by the way:

E. No posts should be made regarding your opinion of another user's actions or behavior. You may not discuss the rules and regulations of this board on the forum. Any and all discussions regarding these matters should be discussed by EMAIL ONLY.

Should "even moderation" be applied here?


Is the GA e-mail even up right now? I tried sending one a couple of weeks ago right after the forum change over and it got kicked back to me.
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