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Unique Art Styles - What's left to do, and at which point does it become uninspired?


Just curious.

-Wind Waker
-Jet Set Radio Future
-Viewtiful Joe
-Killer 7
-Paper Mario 2

All of these games have something in common, that being graphics that stand out from the crowd.

So in the next generation and beyond, what new art styles could make it into the gaming world? Which ones will become overused?


It looked neat in Wind Waker, but I didn't think it was appropriate for that game. It looked more like a hack or joke than a real game.

In Killer 7, it looks like they just HAD to have some style, so they just HAD to make it look overly trippy. It looks forced.


Milhouse31 said:
There is lots of style to explore. I'm waiting for a paint-shaded game.

Wind Waker could have been even more stylish if each dungeon had a different art style: Impressionist, Pointilism, Rembrant/Leonardo, Cubist, etc. Incorporating many different painters' styles into a single game.
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