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Univision to sell Fusion Media (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jezebel)


Is click bait media failing? Are people fed up with websites that produce terrible articles?

Get woke, go broke?

Univision Communications now wants to unload Fusion Media Group — coming two years after it bought a half-dozen websites from Gawker Media in a bid to boost its reach among younger audiences.
The Hispanic media giant is exploring a sale of Fusion Media Group, the Wall Street Journal reported. (Univision declined to comment.) The strategic about-face comes after Univision cancelled its initial public offering plans earlier this year and has seen broad turnover among its senior executive ranks
Fusion Media Group’s Gizmodo Media Group brands are Gizmodo, Deadspin, TrackRecord, Lifehacker, Jezebel, Splinter, The Root, Kotaku, and Jalopnik. In addition, the Fusion Media Group includes the company’s interest in the Onion, Clickhole and The A.V. Club as well as two cable networks — Fusion TV, a news and lifestyle English-language network, and Univision’s interest in El Rey Network — and a production studio.



The Tribe Has Spoken
Is click bait media failing? Are people fed up with websites that produce terrible articles?

Get woke, go broke?
It took them two years to realise people don’t want to read articles about Luigi’s bulge?


Good. Anything that was related to Gawker and Nick Denton has lived well beyond its usefulness. If this is a hallmark of the end then....



I was willing to give Kotaku a chance and I genuinely thought they had turned a corner and their gaming journalism was improving. They were absolute gutter journalism for many years but last 2 or so years they had gotten better. Then I read this yesterday:


It's about the Jessica Price debacle and Kotaku desperately trying to pretend that evil white male gamergaters have pushed another innocent female developer out of the industry... and not because crazy old Jessica called one of Guild Wars 2 biggest fans an asshat for the crime of asking her a question. TWITTER LINK

I realised then that no matter how many times you try to polish a piece of shit, it'll always be a shit. Fuck Kotaku. I hope whoever buys up that garbage sacks all the current staff, especially that greasy, slimy, ballsack Jason Schreier.
I disagree with a lot of the articles at may of those sites (consider them garbage in fact) but I hope people land on their feet. Especially Laura Kate Dale. Politics aside they believe in their brand and they shoot for the moon. Respect (y)


I was willing to give Kotaku a chance and I genuinely thought they had turned a corner and their gaming journalism was improving. They were absolute gutter journalism for many years but last 2 or so years they had gotten better. Then I read this yesterday:


It's about the Jessica Price debacle and Kotaku desperately trying to pretend that evil white male gamergaters have pushed another innocent female developer out of the industry... and not because crazy old Jessica called one of Guild Wars 2 biggest fans an asshat for the crime of asking her a question. TWITTER LINK

I realised then that no matter how many times you try to polish a piece of shit, it'll always be a shit. Fuck Kotaku. I hope whoever buys up that garbage sacks all the current staff, especially that greasy, slimy, ballsack Jason Schreier.

Pretty much. It did feel like the site refocused after gawker caught the bullet, but the last few months they have fallen back to their tabloid B.S.
I didn't think yall would be so happy to see censorship win.

Your hypocrisy isn't new tho

Oh snap, I missed this:

For the sake of transparency, I must say that when Sonoco says they have fostered a “culture of diversity, inclusion and unity” for over 119 years, it is one of the few times I believe a multinational corporation. Both my grandmother and grandfather retired from the company that hired them to work alongside white employees when segregation was still legal in South Carolina, where the company is headquartered.

But my favorite part of this story is that this all happened on Wednesday, July 4. Aside from employing my grandparents, I worked in the factories there during summers while I was in college. One of the best things about the job was that Sonoco would shut down all of their operations on Independence Day and give employees the entire week off. I sincerely hope they still do this, because we all know what that would mean:

Paul Blart, Pool Cop was fired on his day off.

Is anyone here going to understand that reference????
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Can’t stump the diablos
Can’t wait until they are dissolved.

They helped create the shitshow in the gaming industry and it will be satisfying to see them fade away.


Isn't the traditional gaming media in general dying? I think most people would rather go to youtube and watch a video.


I didn't think yall would be so happy to see censorship win.

Your hypocrisy isn't new tho

So just theoretically - if I had came across a story/video about you that would make you look bad that I could post on here, and did, would you still be all for my right to do so? I wouldn't be doing it for any reason other than as an attack on you because you are a public figure on NeoGAF and I disagree with your stance on most issues.

Would you support the mod's in taking it down, or would you still support my right to make you look like a bad person?


Gold Member
Isn't the traditional gaming media in general dying? I think most people would rather go to youtube and watch a video.

Yeah, I think it's on its way out. Between forums and YouTube there's really no need to visit IGN, Kotaku, Gamespot, etc. I haven't used traditional game sites for years now.

I've also noticed that when I use YouTube and come across a videos made by IGN, Gamespot or some random channel, 9 times out of 10 I'll go with the random channel.

This is a good thing though. Like, I'd rather watch a review from someone whos a fan of a series (Monster Hunter, Dynasty Warriors, etc) because I know they get it, rather than wondering if the random IGN person reviewing the game knows what they're talking about.


Errr.. nowhere in the article does it say they are selling them because they are failures. And in fact they tried to sell a 20% stake for $200 million dollars, a valuation of $1 billion...

Univision last year had tried to sell a 20% stake in Fusion Media Group for $200 million, but failed to find any investors willing to go in on the deal, the Journal reported. According to the WSJ, potential partners were “skittish” about working with the Univision ownership group

Sounds like they want the money.


Censorship didn't win, the free market won.
Not the free market was dragging gawker to court, millions of dollars from Peter Thiel did. Never pick a fight with a billionaire I guess.

Arguably it was just a matter of time, since gawker was taking things beyond the edge too often, but still.


I figure kotaku was doing fine or doing about the same checked alexa rank, and looks like recently its seeing a pretty sharp decline



Kotaku and Jalopnik have a small handful of good writers but the mast majority of the sites are terrible
So just theoretically - if I had came across a story/video about you that would make you look bad that I could post on here, and did, would you still be all for my right to do so? I wouldn't be doing it for any reason other than as an attack on you because you are a public figure on NeoGAF and I disagree with your stance on most issues.

Would you support the mod's in taking it down, or would you still support my right to make you look like a bad person?

Not really a question to entertain since it would be against the TOS.


Not really a question to entertain since it would be against the TOS.

No, it is a question to entertain. That is exactly what happened to Hogan. That is why Gawker got sued and lost. It is against the law to do it and thus, Hogan was given money for damages caused.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I figure kotaku was doing fine or doing about the same checked alexa rank, and looks like recently its seeing a pretty sharp decline

That’s interesting (though not surprising).

I tried to look up Waypoint’s numbers for the lols, but it would only give me Vice’s graph. Whilst their (Vice’s) global rank is respectable, there graph shows an alarmingly steep decline.

I guess people are getting “woke”?
It's really sad - when I first found out Kotaku it was really nice blog with tons of info about niche/interesting aspects of Japanese game culture then few years later they started their progressive crusade and tried to force developers into self censorship.

Dr. Claus

If this means that Kotaku is one step closer to being forgotten, I am happy. Now if only the same can be done for Polygon, Era, and Waypoint.
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