not really. aerys wanted to blow up the entire city, cersei just blew up a building and a bit of the surrounding area. considering that earlier jaime was willing to kill most of these people, it would be pretty silly if the method of slaughter would be so objectionable to him. cersei probably avoided some loss of life, at least on the lannister side, that would have resulted from an actual assault on the faith.
and really, i have not really seen much evidence that jaime gives that much of a fuck about his kids. he certainly didn't grieve too long over myrcella and joffrey. there was like one bonding moment with myrcella before she died, and he never really did anything about the bad pussies and the rest responsible. he's going to fuck cersei up because of a suicide?
Things the actor has said regarding the finale:
I think basically hes in shock, he continued. So many things are going through his head you look down and you see your sister telling the rest of the world to go to hell."
The woman you love has turned into this seemingly mad woman. If you were a couples counsellor you would tell him to maybe reconsider this relationship.
Speaking about whether Jaime could forgive Cersei, he said: If he can forgive her for this, I think he can forgive her for everything. She was responsible for genocide, she forced their last child to commit suicide."
"He once said, 'The things I do for love,' and it was all about protecting his sister and also the kids," said Nikolaj, "Now they're all gone."
"We won't find out until next season how Jamie reacts to that... The cruel irony is that he killed the Mad King in order to save King's Landing and he comes back to find out his sister pulled the trigger instead."