Unreal Tournament is legendary. A cool and exciting gaming experience.
It's a game from an era where developers were in charge of creating the game and didn't have to deal with the influence of marketing, which was minimal to non-excistent.
You can really tell, Unreal Tournament is a game made by gamers for gamers - that's why it turned out so well.
The development team was free to make the game they wanted to make and materialize their vision. Many games from this era, which are still regarded as legendary games to this day, were created in the same way, like Thief, Diablo, Quake etc.
This freedom brought the market unique gaming experiences that were very different from each other. Unlike today, were it seems every newly developed high budget game needs to appeal to everyone/the lowest common denominator.
Variety was (and is) a blessing! Of course, this meant not all games were for everyone, but every unique gaming experience had the potential to be a real highlight to a specific group of people.
Unreal Tournament was definitely one of these highlights. I was never a huge PC gamer myself, but even I couldn't overlook the sheer awesomeness that Unreal Tournament was/is and enjoyed it a lot.