Oskar Gröning is now a frail looking, 94 years old man, but 70 years ago he guarded one of the greatest travesties in the last century: the KZ Ausschwitz. He is on trial now for 300,000 accessories of murder, on the witness banks dozens of victims, even some of Mengeles personal victims.
This trial is running since april and is bigger than Mr. Gröning himself. Since his crimes are 70 years ago and he actively spoke out against holocaust deniers his sentence looks like three years of jail, but the lawyers representing the accusation feel uncomfortable in letting a man who helped the Holocaust knowingly go with only three years of jail time.
German: http://m.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/a-1042714.html
An older article in english with all basic information: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...Nazi-medical-experiments-demands-answers.html
What do you think?
Aus Sicht der Nebenkläger aus Chicago, Las Vegas, New York und Israel hat das Landgericht die Taten Grönings im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz nicht korrekt bewertet. "Nach unserer Rechtsauffassung hätte eine Verurteilung wegen Mords und nicht nur wegen Beihilfe erfolgen müssen", sagte der Rechtsanwalt der Angehörigen. Diese sind mit dem Urteil nicht zufrieden.
http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/just...revision-gegen-groening-urteil-a-1044119.htmlFrom the perspective of the co-plaintiffs from Chicago, Las Vegas, New York and Israel the Landgericht didn't judge Gröning's actions in the extermination camp Auschwitz correctly. "From our legal interpretation the conviction should've been on account of murder and not just of accessory", said the lawyer of the families. They are not satisfied with the conviction.
Auschwitz guard Oskar Groening, 94, found guilty of facilitating mass murder and sentenced to four years in prison.
Not unexpected, he confessed before that he was morally guilty and that he was an accomplice of the holocaust and there is no denial (he also speaks out against holocaust deniers themselves), this case was to find him legally guilty.
Oskar Gröning is now a frail looking, 94 years old man, but 70 years ago he guarded one of the greatest travesties in the last century: the KZ Ausschwitz. He is on trial now for 300,000 accessories of murder, on the witness banks dozens of victims, even some of Mengeles personal victims.
This trial is running since april and is bigger than Mr. Gröning himself. Since his crimes are 70 years ago and he actively spoke out against holocaust deniers his sentence looks like three years of jail, but the lawyers representing the accusation feel uncomfortable in letting a man who helped the Holocaust knowingly go with only three years of jail time.
German: http://m.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/a-1042714.html
An older article in english with all basic information: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...Nazi-medical-experiments-demands-answers.html
What do you think?