Zero Time Dilemma is apparently nominated for Best Storytelling and Best Handheld/Mobile awards at Golden Joystick Awards 2016.
Is there a GJ Award for most botched release of 2016?
Zero Time Dilemma is apparently nominated for Best Storytelling and Best Handheld/Mobile awards at Golden Joystick Awards 2016.
Ever heard of confirmation bias?
I posted the Slain news in this exact thread more than a week ago, lol. Just a few posts up I posted some good news about Neon Chrome. So, again, please put the pitch fork down.
Oh man my memory fails hard today, i have even quoted your post about slain lol, ok i made a mistake but you can't deny that usually here there's more focus on the bad news followed by doom and gloom than on the good ones that get very few posts and no one ever talks about all that is coming despite the very purpose of this thread and its op, and that makes me want to post here less and less, and probably i'm not the only one judging by the number of posts of the two vita threads.
Oh man my memory fails hard today, i have even quoted your post about slain lol, ok i made a mistake but you can't deny that usually here there's more focus on the bad news followed by doom and gloom than on the good ones that get very few posts and no one ever talks about all that is coming despite the very purpose of this thread and its op, and that makes me want to post here less and less, and probably i'm not the only one judging by the number of posts of the two vita threads.
I am going to be honest here, just haven't felt motivated to post on Gaf in general the past few weeks/months. It has gotten far more toxic here than when I first came here and the unspoken dislike of the Vita on the gaming side really prevents me from having any real reason to post in Vita threads on the gaming side.
This even extended to my Retrospectives, with me lacking the motivation after seeing how many people here dislike Sonic and Crash on the gaming side (with me having zero motivation to make the Fan game retrospectives and the me moving the Crash Retrospectives completely over to Crashy News).
I just fell out of Gaf honestly and while the Vita community here is still strong, that is it for me honestly. Besides the Sonic Community Thread, this thread and the PSN Thread, I really don't post much on Gaf anymore.
Oh man my memory fails hard today, i have even quoted your post about slain lol, ok i made a mistake but you can't deny that usually here there's more focus on the bad news followed by doom and gloom than on the good ones that get very few posts and no one ever talks about all that is coming despite the very purpose of this thread and its op, and that makes me want to post here less and less, and probably i'm not the only one judging by the number of posts of the two vita threads.
I am going to be honest here, just haven't felt motivated to post on Gaf in general the past few weeks/months. It has gotten far more toxic here than when I first came here and the unspoken dislike of the Vita on the gaming side really prevents me from having any real reason to post in Vita threads on the gaming side.
This even extended to my Retrospectives, with me lacking the motivation after seeing how many people here dislike Sonic and Crash on the gaming side (with me having zero motivation to make the Fan game retrospectives and the me moving the Crash Retrospectives completely over to Crashy News).
I just fell out of Gaf honestly and while the Vita community here is still strong, that is it for me honestly. Besides the Sonic Community Thread, this thread and the PSN Thread, I really don't post much on Gaf anymore.
Based on some of Morita's TGS interviews, it sounds like this is at least partially supposed to be for Vita. Marketing the PlayStation brand to kids in Japan sounds like a fool's errand, but whatever, if I somehow Duel Masters game I won't complain.
Cold Steel II. Not just one of the best Vita games of all time, one of the best RPGs of all time.
It's always been pretty toxic in my experience. I felt the same last year to the point where I asked a mod to give me a temporary ban so I wouldn't be tempted to post. I've just gotten better at ignoring it I guess. (the ignore list is there for a reason too)
Learned there's no point in getting into arguments, they're usually pointless. Then there's some obvious threads to avoid. You shouldn't care too much about what other people think imo. I love reading your threads, if that's any consolation.![]()
Aah. I need to play the previous trilogy before I can even think about CS.
Aah. I need to play the previous trilogy before I can even think about CS.
Thank you all for voting to port #Oceanhorn to #PSVita ! Here's our response - we think a picture is worth a thousand words
I hope they hire a capable porting studio. Game looks very demanding.
You can just play Trails in the Sky FC and SC (and the 3rd if you want to wait for XSEED to release that, too) and be completely fine playing the CS games. You'll miss out on the Crossbell stuff but the CS games are too good to pass up on since we may never get the other two in English.
The other two is referring to the Crossbell games, Zero and Azure.Other two? You mean the third in both trilogies? Or the previous trilogies?
YesDoes it get better?
The anime tropes are just that heavy in the beginning so you get a feel for all the characters, because there are so many of them. It will keep being anime to some degree, but not to a point where it should bother you.
The meat of the game is in real character relationships and politics and it's gooooood
Framerate stays shit though, better get used to it
pro tip: talk to all npcs all the time. They're the real stars of the game
The other two is referring to the Crossbell games, Zero and Azure.
Pretty sure Cold Steel 3 will make it over and Trails in the Sky the 3rd is already coming.
I'm not one who fear reading bad things about vita, now it's a little better but the gaming side was always full of vita hate threads but i always said my opinion in there unlike many vitabros that used to say it was better to ignore them, also i was never afraid to criticize a vita game or something vita related, so what you say doesn't apply to me at all.No offence, but I don't get this viewpoint, at all. I think if you flick through the last few pages there's plenty of negative posts, but that's because we've been treated to plenty of negative news the past few days. But there's plenty of positive stuff in there too, that people have commented on. Again, I think you're relying on confirmation bias to prove a point here.
Sure, it's easy to be negative on the internet, and I don't think anyone is arguing this. But all this hyperbole of "no-one ever talks about all that is coming" etc. isn't helping either. News if news. It can either be good or bad and people react accordingly. If we had a thread where no-one was allowed to post anything negative and just had posts of "X is coming to Vita" "Great"; "Y is releasing on the 31st of February" "Yay", that would be incredibly dull (equally, I'm sure a thread of "Z is cancelled on Vita" "Damn" is equally as boring, but that's not what's happening here).
A la-la-la, fingers-in-ears approach to what's happening to Vita lately is, imo, quite stupid. The console is in its twilight years which is undeniable, and there's bound to be cancellations and bad news that come along with it. Talking about that isn't a bad thing. Heck, in some instances negative discussion led to great things. Banner Saga got cancelled and that was a hot topic, but fans co-ordinated on message boards like this and now it's coming to the console again!
What happens in this thread is discussion which is great - it's not all one-sided viewpoints; it's not all sunshine and happiness and equally it's not all dark clouds and misery. There's a balanced approach and I can genuinely, in my 10 years as a forum dweller in various places I've never had a thread quite like this where I love coming back every day just to see what news and discussions take place.
I'm sorry you don't feel that way and negativity keeps you away from here, but personally I am going to keep sharing news as it comes in here, both good and bad. What people want to make of the news is what keeps this thread ticking over.
Yes, just look a few posts above.![]()
this makes up for Hyper Light Drifter hole i have in my heart
Btw, Just Add Water are in talks about porting Hyper Light Drifter. I have no idea which platforms but I assume at the very least given their experience Vita will be one of the platforms.
The dev is still very non-committal as he doesn't want to let people down, but there's hope at least.
Play-Asia has MLB15 for 12,99$ currently:
The US-Version just provides a download code, this comes with an actual cartridge. Excellent price and according to Heavy-Arm Store it is out of print now. So maybe the last chance to get the game for a good price.
never ordered from play-asia before.
is there shipping? should i order DQ:builders with it or wait for heavy-arms?
thanks yo
Yes, there's shipping. I think shipping from Play-Asia is cheaper than Heavy-Arms, not to mention you can use the "GEMATSU" coupon for $3 off for orders above $20.
Okay. Thanks for the response. I'll stick with it, but I probably won't get back to it until I've had my fill of Shrinren, which, again, I'm loving waaaay more than I expected.
thanks man. think i will order rebirth3 since it's on sale for $20 as well. how do i enter the coupon code? i looked at everything twice
decided to check up on my order of shovel knight from fangamer and i could of sworn it said early october, but now it says late october. quick google confirms it, guess they need more time.
P.S. a digital game just appeared that requires 3.61, with no fix/spoof or anytime soon, so effectively piracy is stopped for newer releases. (dunno how long it will take to incorporate into carts though) (creator of HENkaku)
Publishers/devs won't be able to use piracy as an excuse to cancel ports or not localize things anymore it seems.
No one has ever done that.
No one has ever done that.
I have reason to believe Akiba's Beat runs on Unity, which alongside the fact that I think the game is going to sell like trash on PS4 (and a late port would only do worse), makes me question if it's ever going to come out on Vita.