It's expensive, it requires a lot of their time (and it seems pretty clear they don't have a lot) and I bet it's pretty hard to convince them to give free reign to 3rd parties over the port for new games compared to 10yo 2D games nobody gives a shit about in terms of programming and stuff, like XSEED had with Trails in the Sky.
They have to sell the damn thing, it'll be like that.
And I mean, it's pretty clear Sony is dropping out of Japan, it's not like it matters over the long run, that market won't be their focus other than the occasional AAA game, anyway.
Vita exclusives might as well be dead until they actually announce one. And none of those game we're waiting on are getting any newer.
Who? XSEED? None of the Marvelous/Falcom exclusives are old enough to consider dead. Uppers is not out, Net High and VD came out 6 months ago, Toyko Xanadu 8, Luminour Arc (even though it'll be skipped because it's the most skippable and there's too much stuff) 10.
That's nothing for localization times, it took them a full year for Estival Versus which is part of a successful series that's also multiplatform.
At least give them enough time before going "Oh no, they're publishing Shantae, hence Tokyo Xanadu is dead. I read it on Reddit."