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Urban America is a network of blue islands in a sea of red

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it's the same in my country as well

the larger cities are nearly all liberal bastions, and have been for decades in many cases, surrounded by the conservative countryside. Most people here now live in the cities so the conservative parties have been steadily losing power


Unconfirmed Member
I don't get how fixing wealth disparity is not at the top of everyone's list of issues that need to be addressed. I can certainly say from my experience speaking with other millennials it is.

Most people don't realize how big of a problem it is. That's the whole reason the bootstraps argument exists, the assumption that "fixing the wealth disparity" is just lazy people who want more money for little to no work.


We need liberal door knockers like Mormon missionaries or Jehovah's Witnesses. Kind of a joke, but seriously what other methods are proven to spread ideas and beliefs?

Sure it seems like lots of work and slow going, but do people believe enough to put in the effort?

The idea is to expand experience for these communities that are 95% white, rural, and don't interact as much with the rest of the world. I think it would get some tread as you can see that a lot of these people are, at the very least, curious. I don't think it would be faced with downright hostility, no more than what religious proselytizers go through and possibly less.

Focus on connection of being human, facing and sharing the same struggles, give a face to what is unknown and demonized.


If you don't believe that those bad apples are being emboldened by Trump's rhetoric you're not paying attention. History in the US is pretty clear on that and because of that history this type of talk from our politicians and the trickle-down effect to people is dangerous to be honest.

I didn't say they aren't being emboldened by DT's rhetoric. His whole election campaign has brought hate among us, brought racists out of the closets and woods and is going to fuck us over for a long time. I'm not denying that and I'm pissed.

What I believe is people grow up in racially more diverse area tend to be more tolerant of different races. The cases brought up earlier happened in CA, particularly, in fairly racial diverse counties. In comparison to the total population here, those are a few bad apples in my opinion.
Why do these rurals hate minimum wage hikes so much? They're not debating about whether or not it will boost or reduce jobs, cause then Trumps tariffs would be non-starters, and coal would only be a regional thing. But that's not the case.


Why do these rurals hate minimum wage hikes so much? They're not debating about whether or not it will boost or reduce jobs, cause then Trumps tariffs would be non-starters, and coal only regional. But that's not the case.

Easier to blame brown people on your problems than to actually sit through a policy discussion.


Infrastructure improvements and time. That's literally all it takes. If you cut the commute to a city from a rural town from 90 minutes down to 45, that town would naturally modernise rapidly. The whole reason the coasts are more liberal is that they have always had natural transport infrastructure (the oceans) bringing in variation in goods and demographics. Democrats should be going all in on infrastructure spending whenever they have the power to do so - their rhetoric is far less effective at espousing liberal values than simply exposure to those values in day to day life.
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