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US teen jailed for 3 years despite no conviction, guess his race?

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No fucking words.


Bronx resident Kalief Browder was walking home from a party when he was abruptly arrested by New York City police officers on May 14, 2010. A complete stranger said Browder had robbed him a few weeks earlier and, consequently, changed the 16-year-old's life forever.

Browder was imprisoned for three years before the charges were dropped in June 2013, according to a WABC-TV Eyewitness News investigation.

At the time of the teen's arrest, Browder's family was unable to pay the $10,000 bail. He was placed in the infamously violent Rikers Island correctional facility, where he remained until earlier this year.

Now that he's free, the young man is speaking up about his experience.

"I spent three New Year's in there, three birthdays...," Browder, now 20, said in a recent interview with WABC, adding that he was released with "no apology."

In October, Browder filed a civil lawsuit against the Bronx District Attorney, City of New York, the New York City Police Department, the New York City Department of Corrections and a number of state-employed individuals.

The official complaint states Browder was "physically assaulted and beaten" by officers and other inmates during his time at Rikers Island. The document also maintains the accused was "placed in solitary confinement for more than 400 days" and was "deprived meals." In addition, officers allegedly prevented him from pursuing his education. Browder attempted suicide at least six times.

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Browder's current lawyer Paul Prestia summarized his client's experience as "inexplicable" and "unheard of." Based off one man's identification, Browder was charged with robbery in the second degree, he notes. It took three years to dismiss these charges, even though it was, in Prestia's words, a "straightforward case to try."

"The city needs to be held accountable for what happened," Prestia said. "[Browder] had a right to a fair and speedy trail, and he wasn't afforded any of that. He maintained his innocence the entire time, and essentially got a three year sentence for that."

Still, when Browder was offered a plea deal in January, he refused to take it, because he did not want to plead guilty to the crime, WABC-TV notes. (Had Browder been tried in a timely fashion and pled guilty to the crime, Prestia told HuffPost, he might have spent less time in prison.)

Prestia adds that his client has suffered lingering mental health problems, and though he's currently going to school for his GED, he's "clearly way behind from where he would have been."

"We need someone to be held accountable," Prestia said. "This can't just go unnoticed. To the extent that [Browder] can be financially compensated -- although it's not going to get those years back for him -- it may give him a chance to succeed."

The District Attorney's office said it was unable to comment, as Browder's allegations are currently the subject of ongoing litigation.

Incidentally, Browder's claims about his experience at Rikers Island are consistent with findings from a recent report commissioned by the New York City Board of Correction. The report, obtained by The Associated Press, notes that the use of force by prison staff has more than tripled from 2004 to 2013, from seven incidents of force per 100 inmates, to almost 25. Additionally, the number of self-mutilation and suicide attempts by Rikers inmates have increased by 75 percent from 2007 to 2012. According to the report, 40 percent of the city jail’s 12,200 inmates are mentally ill, and many of these inmates are placed in solitary confinement "holes" as punishment.

This shit REALLY needs fixing, what a completely disgusting system.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Deplorable. How many people could have done something but didn't? How could a sane person in a position of authority not take action?


This probably never happens to white people in NYC. Lol @ NYC being "liberal", let's all as a society continue to ignore racism. The only time in my life I've ever been burglarized, 3 white females from my dorm did it. I should have pressed charges just to have a good laugh at what a joke the system is. If it were the other way around I'd be GAF'n from prison.

No one will get fired for this. That kid will get money that won't come near compensating him for the time lost and hardship he faced.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
This probably never happens to white people in NYC. lol @ NYC being "liberal", let's all as a society continue to ignore racism.
Just because a place is liberal doesn't mean that laws aren't passed in a vacuum or that enforcement isn't biased. NYC has had stop and frisk for decades now. It was finally repealed this year, I think.
What a disgusting miscarriage of justice on numerous levels. Even if he wins his civil suit, which he obviously should, you can't give someone their youth back or erase the trauma of abuse.
Another thing that sucks?

when Browder was offered a plea deal in January

This shit not the plea deal itself, but the fact these kids get some cheap state paid representative who doesn't give two fucks about them, and convinces them to take plea bargains for crimes they don't commit. Its utterly disgusting as well and happens way too much in this country. I'm willing to bet if you removed all kids conned into pleading guilty as well as those in prison for felony crimes on possession of marijuana the statistical number of black males in prison would drop drastically and would make almost anyone with any semblance of humanity feel like utter shit for not realizing how corrupt our entire justice system is.

Unfortunately this will never change in our life time because it only affects ~12% of the population. As long as its out of sight out of mind/not happening to everyone else then the problem will persist.


Something needs to be done about the US's jail system. It's disgusting and fucked up. When even the worlds dictators, communist, and the highest crime run countries can't even compare to American's imprisonment rates there's something seriously rotten.


I couldnt even imagine the things that guy went through.

I hope he gets some form of justice. A massive lawsuit is a good place to start.


This shit not the plea deal itself, but the fact these kids get some cheap state paid representative who doesn't give two fucks about them, and convinces them to take plea bargains for crimes they don't commit. Its utterly disgusting as well and happens way too much in this country. I'm willing to bet if you removed all kids conned into pleading guilty as well as those in prison for felony crimes on possession of marijuana the statistical number of black males in prison would drop drastically and would make almost anyone with any semblance of humanity feel like utter shit for not realizing how corrupt our entire justice system is.

Hey man, gotta justify that 87% minority stop-and-frisk rate. With all those black criminals, we aren't stopping them enough!


Homeland Security Fail
They fucked up his life. So sad. I hope he wins big and is able to live peacefully somewhere.


Something needs to be done about the US's jail system. It's disgusting and fucked up. When even the worlds dictators, communist, and the highest crime run countries can't even compare to American's imprisonment rates there's something seriously rotten.

Everybody's innocent in here. Didn't you know that?


Sue the fuckers and get the people involved in the trail, arrest and imprisonment investigated.

Shit's not going to change unless the people causing it change/fuck off.
Something needs to be done about the US's jail system. It's disgusting and fucked up. When even the worlds dictators, communist, and the highest crime run countries can't even compare to American's imprisonment rates there's something seriously rotten.

Not sure what can be done. Too much money involved in it now.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
They sent the kid to Rikers on complete bullshit. Fucking hell.

This is a really screwed up legal system when there's not enough checks and balances to prevent things like this? A person is a suspect but is innocent until proven guilty however he's a flight risk so we'll hold him in prison where it cost $55K-$75K per year for three years because an innocent child doesn't have $10000 dollars to buy his own freedom. FUCK THIS WORLD!


What the hell was up with the time imprisoned to begin with?

That's insane for a minor with no prior history for robbing someone.


What the hell was up with the time imprisoned to begin with?

That's insane for a minor with no prior history for robbing someone.

Somehow, a robbery case, where the arrest was based on a single eyewitness account, took 3 years to get through trial. Since he couldn't make bail, they kept him in prison until the trial was concluded.

This is exactly the situation that plea bargains are meant to avoid, since if you plead guilty the trial ends quickly and you serve a shorter term. But that shouldn't be the case. Trials are supposed to be speedy, and there's nothing about this case that should take a particularly long time. Because of how long the case took to get through trial, this innocent kid served a more extreme sentence than most people who are actually convicted. There has to be some kind of restitution.


SOme of his best years. He's 20. He can recover from this especially with those millions (unless most of that goes to his lawyers).
He attempted suicide 6 times and spent over a full year in solitary confinement, all for the crime of being innocent and refusing to accept a plea bargain. He won't be the same person. He might enjoy his 20s, but it will be the joy of being free coupled with the stress that will always be pushing down on him.
Seems like we keep seeing more and more shit like what happened here. I don't know what I would do if this happened to my son. I'd sell everything I own, work three jobs, something.

Why didn't his parents go to a bail bondsman? They'd have paid 1-2k and he'd be out. I don't understand why this wasn't an option.

BHZ Mayor

He attempted suicide 6 times and spent over a full year in solitary confinement, all for the crime of being innocent and refusing to accept a plea bargain. He won't be the same person. He might enjoy his 20s, but it will be the joy of being free coupled with the stress that will always be pushing down on him.

More like the crime of fitting the description, a.k.a being black in the home of stop and frisk. Come at me racistGAF.
wow what the fuck. this is sad as hell. people not only need to be fired for allowing this, but jailed. i know that won't happen, but hopefully he gets a large settlement.
Deplorable. How many people could have done something but didn't? How could a sane person in a position of authority not take action?

If we really dig deep into this whole. Between inaccurate DNA forensics, and mental hoola hoops with regards to eye witnesses, I bet a ton. And I mean a TON of innocent people are locked up in jails around the world.

But the worst part? Is that we don't live in a world were guilty-until-charged. People are going to live at this mans resume, and even though he was not convicted, people are going to pull away and distance himself.

"if there wasn't something going on, he wouldn't have been accused in the first place". It's the same with rape, pedophilia, murder. If you go up and accuse a innocent person, and convince enough people, that person is sort of guilty of that crime forever.

This is terrifying. on a social systemic levels, accustations, even if baseless can ruin others peoples lives. It's only held up by a belief that all people will not abuse this power of trust and goodness.


This is also why rich folks can get off easily. They can pay bail and afford quality legal services. The system is very skewed against the poor. Public defenders are overworked and have very little resources to work with.


But when will the people of America take a stand and speak out? When will we stop sitting on our ass and do something to change this crap?

I hate to be the downer but, all of us typing on a forum isn't going to change things.

I plan to dedicate a portion of my life to fighting this shit. To speak out. To lead a charge for actual justice. But for the most part, a wide majority of Americans simply just DO NOT CARE. They don't lose sleep over it.

We need to take a stand.
Another thing that sucks?

This shit not the plea deal itself, but the fact these kids get some cheap state paid representative who doesn't give two fucks about them, and convinces them to take plea bargains for crimes they don't commit. Its utterly disgusting as well and happens way too much in this country. I'm willing to bet if you removed all kids conned into pleading guilty as well as those in prison for felony crimes on possession of marijuana the statistical number of black males in prison would drop drastically and would make almost anyone with any semblance of humanity feel like utter shit for not realizing how corrupt our entire justice system is.

Unfortunately this will never change in our life time because it only affects ~12% of the population. As long as its out of sight out of mind/not happening to everyone else then the problem will persist.

Have to agree with this here. Even the writer of the piece is all, "well, he could have gotten out earlier if he'd just confessed." Well, no shit, but then he'd also be a felon. What a catch 22. How can you imprison someone for 3 years without evidence for a nonviolent crime?

NY, that's how.


Yeah, he'll get a huge sum of money.... But he'll never get back those years, and obviously the psychological damage that was done is irreparable.

Awful. What else is there to say, it's just incredibly fucked up.
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