This Nintendo ad is perfect for Trump.
Actually, that was a pretty good illustration of how the screen ended up looking.
This Nintendo ad is perfect for Trump.
Have there been any elections similar to this one polls-wise, and if so how did they turn out? Were the final numbers close to the predicted?
Not a US citizen so just curious.
I actually hope if/when they announce a Clinton win that mods wave banning the more vocal trump supporters for 24hrs, so everyone can post "We did it" gifs to them.
I actually hope if/when they announce a Clinton win that mods wave banning the more vocal trump supporters for 24hrs, so everyone can post "We did it" gifs to them.
Personally I can't wait to see the salt in the Donald subreddit.
When Hillary gets into office I'm 100% certain she's going to do everything she can to get Assange before the next election. If the Republicans manage to put up a worthy opponent who knows what kind of additional damage he can pull off.
The last two or three elections have been very accurate to what pollsters followed.
Overall, I don't know of any 1-to-1 comparison, but no one has been below at the level of Trump and actually won, if that's what you're asking. The closest analogy of a candidate behind to a high level that came back to win is the infamous case of Truman v. Dewey. There's the picture of Truman, who had just won the election, holding up a newspaper that proclaimed Dewey Bears Truman. But event that really isn't the same for two key reasons: the first being that Truman wasn't behind as bad as Trump, and the second being that how the data for polling was gathered at that point in time wasn't nearly as sophisticated as it nowadays.
The truth is there's really only three ways Trump can win. 1: Some massive surge that seems him shot up the polls in a precedent never seen in American politics, 2: A major force of voters, this "Silent Major" will magically start to exist that aren't being represented in the polls and they all vote for Trump over Clinton, 3: The Democratic turnout will be depressed to an epic degree never before seen in politics with no depression whatsoever in the Republican turnout. The odds of this three happening, even as a mixture of the three together, are pretty slim.
I think he's done all the damage he truly can. If he had something more damaging, it would have been pulled out already. The reality is that a lot of the e-mails really aren't much of anything at the end of the day.
He's still open to receive more information in the future. Having him and Wikileaks around is a wild card for her reelection. I wouldn't be shocked if she takes them down.
So this shows Trump ahead. I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff, so since all these websites show different results, which one can we actually trust?
So this shows Trump ahead. I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff, so since all these websites show different results, which one can we actually trust?
So this shows Trump ahead. I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff, so since all these websites show different results, which one can we actually trust?
The poll results include responses from 783 likely voters, with a weighted partisan breakdown of 282 Democrats, 226 Republicans, and 259 Independents. The results reflect the rolling average of six days' worth of polling, with a margin of error of +/- 3.6 percentage points.
That's scaring me. That poll was apparently the most accurate in the last 3 elections?
Iirc his reaction to the France terrorist attacks in December led to his Muslim ban proposal and gave him a very noticeable bump. I'm pretty sure that's why a lot of people think another terrorist attack will help him.Even if there was a major terrorist attack, it wouldn't matter much I don't think. None of the terrorist attacks, domestic or abroad, has seemed to help Trump at all. The Orlando shooting, and his comments on that, actually saw him have a decent drop in the polls during the primaries. I don't know people are convinced a terrorist attack would somehow make him surge.
Duh... She's in position to reach 400 EVs if everything swings right. Along with the House/Senate.
But I suspect things will tighten a bit in these last few weeks unless more sweet OPPO trickles out.
A single poll doesn't mean anything. It's much better to look at prediction sites that aggregate polls and weight them based on reliability.
So this shows Trump ahead. I don't know a lot about this kind of stuff, so since all these websites show different results, which one can we actually trust?
That's scaring me. That poll was apparently the most accurate in the last 3 elections?
Edit: actually, the poll now shows Clinton up by .1%?
To fine tune the results, proprietary data are used to accurately adjust for race, gender, region and political party affiliation of the nation as a whole.
Voting turnout increases tend to increase democratic chances. The horrific voter turnout in midterms is why democrats tend to do so badly.
This Nintendo ad is perfect for Trump.
He doesn't touch dic (yet) so at least safe on that for now.Do we really have to associate my favorite gaming company with him?
Let's just hope there won't be riots on November 9 so people can enjoy some good old fashioned Schadenfreude in peace.Just did a quick look around on Youtube and lots of Trump supporters are going on about a poll that shows Trump 67% vs Hillary 19%. That poll comes from the esteemed Arizona Freedom Alliance. It was done in August but the videos pushing this dont mention who did the poll or when. From the comments theres going to be lots of shocked people come November 8.
I hadn't ever looked into anything like that. My comment was coming from almost 20% of the cities population being either active duty or federal civilians. You've got Fort Carson, Schriever AFB, Cheyenne Mountain, the Air Force Academy, Peterson AFB... Within those are NORAD, the headquarters for Space Command, and more. So it would make sense that in a city where the military/DoD is responsible for a third economy, they vote republican.Isn't Colorade Springs ground zero of the evangelical movement. or at the very least a hotbed. I know it's where Fuck Ups on the Family is based. Has James Dobson had any input on this election? I know he has, but it seems that he's been overshadowed by Jerry Falwell Jr., Tony Perkins, and Franklin Graham, but in past presidential cycles he's been more of a prominent voice.
Anyone have a "realistic-ish worst case scenario" electoral map? I want to be comfortable in trump losing.
These last two weeks cant go by fast enough
The realistic worst case scenario is Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
If enough people who don't support Trump think that a Trump defeat is a foregone conclusion and don't get off their asses to go vote then get used to saying President Donald Trump for at least the next 4 years.
Look at Brexit. EVERYONE, even the politicians leading the Brexit charge thought that they had lost!
You don't have to be so rude about it. Do you think you can catch more flies with vinegar?
Well, I guess we can't all contribute to molecular genetic science! How quaint.Do people not understand that the catching of flies is to kill them
People don't raise and breed flies