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USDA stops public access to animal abuse reports

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Two weeks into the Trump Administration, thousands of documents detailing animal welfare violations nationwide have been removed from the website of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which has been posting them publicly for decades. These are the inspection records and annual reports for every commercial animal facility in the U.S.—including zoos, breeders, factory farms, and laboratories.

Access to public data and documents should not be a partisan political issue,” Haddix says. “Anyone concerned about responsible and transparent government should be alarmed by the USDA's actions.

In March 2016, Mother Jones published “Welcome to the Jungle,” a story exposing 20 years of abuse of animals at DEW Haven, a family-run, roadside zoo outside Mount Haven, Maine. The zoo was already in the national spotlight—as the setting for a popular Animal Planet reality show, Yankee Jungle.

The article exposed illegal importation of animals, poor sanitation, inadequate shelter, feces-ridden food, pens too small for movement, and premature death, as revealed in dozens of now offline USDA citations issued between 2004 and 2015. After Mother Jones brought its investigation to light, Animal Planet canceled the show.

“The USDA documents provided such a strong spine of documentary evidence right out of the gate,” says James West, who wrote the story. He explains that it would have been “near impossible to report” without access to these records. “These were completely rich, primary source evidence documents, full of information, which then led me to other leads. There’s names of people in here, there’s types of animals.”


THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW 2/7/17 Trump's USDA drops animal abuse reports, tries to blame Obama

Trump's administration is just appalling.

GQ, America's leading outlet alongside Teen Vogue and SNL has a video



In other words, the Trump administration is so pro-puppy mill that they've gone out of their way to selectively pull down this information. Disgusting, but I stopped being surprised by their behavior weeks ago.




That administration is so comically evil that they'd be considered too much for a Saturday morning cartoon. This is the textbook definition of the whole "kick the puppy" trope but in real fucking life.


On the bright side, Trump's decision to not adopt a presidential pet has at least prevented one innocent animal from being abused due to being subjected to his company.


Yeah I'd love to hear an explanation from Trump on this one. Absolutely disgusting and deplorable.
So companies and get away with anything?

So they're not held accountable by the public?

Literally the only reasons I can think of.


What in the flying fuck.

"Comically evil" really hits the nail on the head. It would be funny too if it weren't real.


Why even do this? I see no benefit to anyone from this.

The benefit is to greedy corporate farms, who can now treat farm animals any way they want in order to save money without consequence. Isn't it wonderful the kind of people who are running things? What despicable excuses for human beings.
More leniency for businesses that involve animals to operate as they please. Let's just throw our animal friends under the bus in the name of corporate interests and capitalism.

Given that they're throwing human beings under the bus in the name of corporate interests and capitalism, is this really so surprising?


Why even do this? I see no benefit to anyone from this.

It benefits the industries that it removes accountability from. Puppy mills will benefit from the lack of oversight since any prospective pet owner would have to fill out a Freedom of Information act just to see if a breeder is a puppy mill, which takes time, this means that pet stores can begin to claim that their animals are not from puppy mills since it will be hard to verify this information. I can easily see a rise in puppy mills because of this, they make money by producing a lot of animals in a short amount of time.

The cosmetics industry will benefit since they can test animals with no accountability since there can be no public outcry over conditions if the public is in the dark over these practices.

Zoo's, and performing animals, while the latter is thankfully on the decline will still have little incentive to maintain quality habitats for their animals. This in turn will allow them to spend less money and gain more profit.


No guilt.
Stepping up our volunteer efforts beyond the two days a week we do now though.

The animals you try to protect are going to suffer in part because of your and other people's ignorance. If you don't feel guilty, you never cared that much to begin with.


That was a stupid idea. People do not care about other people. But they always care about kittens and puppies. So this might have more impact than the travel ban.
The animals you try to protect are going to suffer in part because of your and other people's ignorance. If you don't feel guilty, you never cared that much to begin with.

Come volunteer with us at the ACC in Manhattan. We can discuss caring and not caring.


I should mention that companies also use this information to avoid doing business with other companies that abuse animals. So this will shelter the abusers and ensure they aren't held accountable financially.


Come volunteer with us at the ACC in Manhattan. We can discuss caring and not caring.

No thanks, I volunteer in my own neck of the woods. I'm sure Manhattan has enough good, caring, decent people that help out a lot and i'm sure some of them can do it with a clear conscience.
jesus fuckoff christ


The animals you try to protect are going to suffer in part because of your and other people's ignorance. If you don't feel guilty, you never cared that much to begin with.

Oh, so hurting humans is A-okay in your book but when it comes to puppies, gloves are off ?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't around here. You guys have a great weekend.


I think I heard this news a few days ago on Npr. Iirc they said having that data up was part of a settlement with the aspca or humane society or some animal group. So I expect lawsuits are forthcoming to get the info put back up.
People should focus on the topic at hand instead of turning the thread into a holier than thou dogpile. That's why trump gets away with so much shit, distractions from the real issues and problems he's causing.


Who's running? I am here for another 15 minutes..what would you like to talk about?

Running away from your responsibilities, like you do every time your "troubles" are brought up. You voted for a racist and then were "shocked" that your fellow Trump voters were racists.

Running away from your responsibilities, like you do every time your "troubles" are brought up. You voted for a racist and then were "shocked" that your fellow Trump voters were racists.


1) In life, I have zero troubles.

2) Anytime this comes up it's like Game of Thrones "SHAME" from literally a bunch of strangers on a message board. I don't even know if you are the same crew that was in the other threads where we discussed this. You like to distort peoples points of view and lump them together into one Orange bucket (i.e. people who were flashing swastikas and wearing Trump hats at a protest vs people there who voted for Trump and wont stand for that kind of shit in their neighbourhood.

3) I am an animal rights activist and didn't see this coming. And as a result of this I have regrets but won't sit here and wallow. I will always do as much as I can. Example - We are flying a dog in from Puerto Rico next week that was found on Dead Dog Beach. That was already in play before this happened. But now we have to do more.

Are you doing more for the causes you care about? Or are you going to keep crying online about the state of the world?
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