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USDA stops public access to animal abuse reports

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1) In life, I have zero troubles.

2) Anytime this comes up it's like Game of Thrones "SHAME" from literally a bunch of strangers on a message board. I don't even know if you are the same crew that was in the other threads where we discussed this. You like to distort peoples points of view and lump them together into one Orange bucket (i.e. people who were flashing swastikas and wearing Trump hats at a protest vs people there who voted for Trump and wont stand for that kind of shit in their neighbourhood.

3) I am an animal rights activist and didn't see this coming
. And as a result of this I have regrets but won't sit here and wallow. I will always do as much as I can. Example - We are flying a dog in from Puerto Rico next week that was found on Dead Dog Beach. That was already in play before this happened. But now we have to do more.

Are you doing more for the causes you care about? Or are you going to keep crying online about the state of the world?

I don't mean to pile on, but how did you not see this coming? Maybe not this specifically, but you knew his beliefs on climate change and how his ideas will endanger countless animal species. You knew about the wall, which environmentalists have been saying up and down will threaten endangered species that live near the border. You knew about his basic rejection of science and facts. A Trump presidency was never going to be a good thing for animal species.


I am an animal rights activist.

An animal rights activist who voted for someone who openly advocated environmental destruction and deregulation of everything. By voting for Trump you've helped to put all the volunteering work you've done back by years, it's as simple as that. You can feel about that however much you want, but it's true.


I feel like I'm back in middle school.

"I regret my vote"

Two choices:

"I'm glad you came to realize trump is bad for the world" - encourages growth, reflection, and change

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" - galvanizes the "why even bother?" thought process


1) In life, I have zero troubles.

2) Anytime this comes up it's like Game of Thrones "SHAME" from literally a bunch of strangers on a message board. I don't even know if you are the same crew that was in the other threads where we discussed this. You like to distort peoples points of view and lump them together into one Orange bucket (i.e. people who were flashing swastikas and wearing Trump hats at a protest vs people there who voted for Trump and wont stand for that kind of shit in their neighbourhood.

3) I am an animal rights activist and didn't see this coming. And as a result of this I have regrets but won't sit here and wallow. I will always do as much as I can. Example - We are flying a dog in from Puerto Rico next week that was found on Dead Dog Beach. That was already in play before this happened. But now we have to do more.

Are you doing more for the causes you care about? Or are you going to keep crying online about the state of the world?

If you didn't you must be willfully ignorant. You had to have known his views on climate change and how he places corporate interests above all and how that would impact animals across the globe both domestic and wild. Yet, you chose to ignore that?


So what we've learned in this thread is that Trump supporters dumbly voted against their own self-interests.

"Animal rights activist" indeed.

"I regret my vote"

Two choices:

"I'm glad you came to realize trump is bad for the world" - encourages growth, reflection, and change

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" - galvanizes the "why even bother?" thought process

Sorry, but unlike the majority of ignorant voters who voted for that turd, gaffers have had months of threads and posts pointing out why Trump is a terrible choice not just for America but humanity in general.

"Oops, my bad" doesn't quite cut it. If you're going to go back on your regret because a few folks criticized you on your original choice, don't talk about growth and change.


Trump: I'm going to set fire to the woods and fire all firefighters. And remove regulations.

You: You have my vote because other reasons that concern me more

President Trump: (sets fire to the woods and then some)

You: Oh shit I'm an animals right activist. Didn't know that would affect animals. I regret my vote.

Rings hollow as fuck. Take the rightful L and move on. Yes everyone makes mistakes.
So what we've learned in this thread is that Trump supporters dumbly voted against their own self-interests.

"Animal rights activist" indeed.

Sorry, but unlike the majority of ignorant voters who voted for that turd, gaffers have had months of threads and posts pointing out why Trump is a terrible choice for not just America but humanity in general.

"Oops, my bad" doesn't quite cut it.

OK but how many of those threads were full of people insulting them if they say they voted for trump?

Look, I have zero sympathy for people who voted for trump. I have zero respect for those who are confronted with information about trump and his destructive, dangerous policies and go on to say "oh boo hoo liberals, you lost, get over it, blah blah blah". If someone is shown facts and still refuses to change, fine, belittle them, do whatever. I wont be defending them. But when someone begins to see what their vote helped lead to, what do you gain from again insulting them and belittling them? They take whatever ray of hope they had toward the realization of their error and they shut it out.

Do you want people to change, do you want them to make better choices in the future? Or do you just want to feel better about yourself by proving how you were right and they were wrong?

It's been abundantly clear that reaching across the aisle to someone who is unrepentant goes nowhere, but when someone shows a sign of repentance or change? Encourage it.


I found out about this last week from a Beagle Rescue Foundation we support.

NOW I regret my vote (Not it mattered in NY anyway).


We warned about his impact on environment, rights of people, the deregulation of companies and more, you seriously thought your dogs would be magically exempt?


OK but how many of those threads were full of people insulting them if they say they voted for trump?

Look, I have zero sympathy for people who voted for trump. I have zero respect for those who are confronted with information about trump and his destructive, dangerous policies and go on to say "oh boo hoo liberals, you lost, get over it, blah blah blah". If someone is shown facts and still refuses to change, fine, belittle them, do whatever. I wont be defending them. But when someone begins to see what their vote helped lead to, what do you gain from again insulting them and belittling them? They take whatever ray of hope they had toward the realization of their error and they shut it out.

Do you want people to change, do you want them to make better choices in the future? Or do you just want to feel better about yourself by proving how you were right and they were wrong?

If they're truly regretting their choice and are genuinely interested in change, they'll get there on their own. If a few insults from (rightly) angered folks are enough to make them shrivel up and go back on their "regret", I'd say they were never genuine to begin with.

I'm a minority and I'm tired of having to coddle these people. Understand that your choice was directly responsible for the shit we're in now. You chose to support a man who openly encouraged racism, sexism, bigotry and the destruction of our world. There are consequences to that, and millions of lives are in the shit-hole because of you. If you want to change, fucking do it yourself. Don't expect us to do it for you. You gave us the finger when we needed your help the most. Don't be mad when we're not interested in this kumbaya shit anymore.
If they're truly regretting their choice and are genuinely interested in change, they'll get there on their own. If a few insults from (rightly) angered folks are enough to make them shrivel up and go back on their "regret", I'd say they were never genuine to begin with.

I'm a minority and I'm tired of having to coddle these people. Understand that your choice was directly responsible for the shit we're in now. You chose to support a man who openly encouraged racism, sexism, bigotry and the destruction of our world. There are consequences to that. If you want to change, fucking do it yourself. Don't expect us to do it for you. You gave us the finger when we needed your help the most. Don't be mad when we're not interested in this kumbaya shit.

Fair enough. Being a white male I realize it's a lot easier for me to default to the kumbaya shit thanks to my privilege. Perhaps I need to reflect more myself before arguing for others.


Fair enough. Being a white male I realize it's a lot easier for me to default to the kumbaya shit thanks to my privilege. Perhaps I need to reflect more myself before arguing for others.
That particular person you went to bat for made clear he/she hasn't a care in the world. "Minorities are gonna get fucked?" "Not really my concern. I volunteer! I'm a good person! I'll vote for Trump because, why not?"


Fair enough. Being a white male I realize it's a lot easier for me to default to the kumbaya shit thanks to my privilege. Perhaps I need to reflect more myself before arguing for others.

Believe me, I get your point and I do wish more people would change their mind and learn from their mistakes.

But I'm also a black muslim and I've heard these excuses my entire life. After 27 years it's disheartening to see how little has actually changed. Words are meaningless.

This scene from Rocky sums up my feelings perfectly.

"I regret my vote"

Two choices:

"I'm glad you came to realize trump is bad for the world" - encourages growth, reflection, and change

"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE" - galvanizes the "why even bother?" thought process

Agreed, shaming someone engaging in self-reflection is not a good thing. Everyone makes mistakes, if you reflect on your decisions and learn from them you should be encouraged not lambasted.


The Autumn Wind
Agreed, shaming someone engaging in self-reflection is not a good thing. Everyone makes mistakes, if you reflect on your decisions and learn from them you should be encouraged not lambasted.
I think it's more that this is what's causing him to reflect is what's angering people here. All the people that are suffering, along with democracy itself? Apparently, no problem there. Trump has turned the executive branch into a billionaire boardroom with the only intention to enrich himself, his family, and his buddies. Everyone else might as well be a cockroach under his foot. But hiding animal abuse? That's a bridge too far!

Hell, his defense even started with this gem:

1) In life, I have zero troubles.
Translation: Fuck you, got mine.

We warned about his impact on environment, rights of people, the deregulation of companies and more, you seriously thought your dogs would be magically exempt?

Trump said he was coming for the Muslims, Mexicans and inner cities, not the dogs!

Seriously though with his views on climate change, deregulation everywhere, and the wall, does anyone think he would care about some animals? He doesn't give a flying fuck, that's easy to see.


As much as I love animals, in particular dogs, it pains me that it even took some goddamn dogs to make some Trump voters regret their vote and not the human beings the administration was directly targeting with their xenophobic rhetoric.


As much as I love animals, in particular dogs, it pains me that it even took some goddamn dogs to make some Trump voters regret their vote and not the human beings the administration was directly targeting with their xenophobic rhetoric.

I value animals more than those sub-human blacks and muslims.

But I'm not racist!


After years of fighting, the USDA finally banned Big Lick horses. The Trump administration immediately killed it.
If you don't know what Big Lick is, it's the torture of Tennessee Walking horses for show.
I found out about this last week from a Beagle Rescue Foundation we support.

NOW I regret my vote (Not it mattered in NY anyway).


stuff like this and some of the reactions to the brexit vote (and conservatives winning in 2015) really highlights how people are happy to vote for someone or something knowing full well how terrible they are and and then get all shocked and mad when it comes back to bite them too. I feel bad this is going to have bad effects on something you hold dear, but:

Republicans hate regulations (even commonsense ones) and trump has probably never had empathy for anyone other than Ivanka and his dad in his life. this shouldn't be a shock.


I value animals more than those sub-human blacks and muslims.

But I'm not racist!

Don't think I haven't forgotten white people's #CatLivesMatter when that fucking lion got shot by a dentist. Had a late night news host crying and everything.


After years of fighting, the USDA finally banned Big Lick horses. The Trump administration immediately killed it.
If you don't know what Big Lick is, it's the torture of Tennessee Walking horses for show.

Don't worry, I'm sure Trump supporters can volunteer the shame away without accepting any blame.
After years of fighting, the USDA finally banned Big Lick horses. The Trump administration immediately killed it.
If you don't know what Big Lick is, it's the torture of Tennessee Walking horses for show.

I know someone who worked for years to help make that happen. The Trump administration is unequivocally evil.
1) In life, I have zero troubles.

2) Anytime this comes up it's like Game of Thrones "SHAME" from literally a bunch of strangers on a message board. I don't even know if you are the same crew that was in the other threads where we discussed this. You like to distort peoples points of view and lump them together into one Orange bucket (i.e. people who were flashing swastikas and wearing Trump hats at a protest vs people there who voted for Trump and wont stand for that kind of shit in their neighbourhood.

3) I am an animal rights activist and didn't see this coming. And as a result of this I have regrets but won't sit here and wallow. I will always do as much as I can. Example - We are flying a dog in from Puerto Rico next week that was found on Dead Dog Beach. That was already in play before this happened. But now we have to do more.

Are you doing more for the causes you care about? Or are you going to keep crying online about the state of the world?

Are you one of those single issues voters? Its like I was telling people before the election no matter who your choice for president was once you cast your vote for them you are casting support for their whole platform not just the issues you agree with them on.


A trump supporter just sent me this on this topic. Is this true or not?

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture released a statement this morning regarding the removal of animal welfare reports from its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website: “The review of APHIS’ website has been ongoing, and the agency is striving to balance the need for transparency with rules protecting individual privacy. In 2016, well before the change of Administration, APHIS decided to make adjustments to the posting of regulatory records. In addition, APHIS is currently involved in litigation concerning, among other issues, information posted on the agency’s website. While the agency is vigorously defending against this litigation, in an abundance of caution, the agency is taking additional measures to protect individual privacy. These decisions are not final. Adjustments may be made regarding information appropriate for release and posting.”


A trump supporter just sent me this on this topic. Is this true or not?

"The U.S. Department of Agriculture released a statement this morning regarding the removal of animal welfare reports from its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website: “The review of APHIS’ website has been ongoing, and the agency is striving to balance the need for transparency with rules protecting individual privacy. In 2016, well before the change of Administration, APHIS decided to make adjustments to the posting of regulatory records. In addition, APHIS is currently involved in litigation concerning, among other issues, information posted on the agency’s website. While the agency is vigorously defending against this litigation, in an abundance of caution, the agency is taking additional measures to protect individual privacy. These decisions are not final. Adjustments may be made regarding information appropriate for release and posting.”

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