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Valedictorian barred from his graduation due to having facial hair in Louisiana

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I had a bunch of dumb shit in place on graduation day. Too many idiots ruin it for the rest.

If he was informed about it in advance, it's his problem.
It would have been the only thing the audience focused on during his speech.

Everyone knows hair on the face exhibits deviant personality traits and as such is a large distraction in the academic environment. It inhibits learning. It's science.


Bitches love smiley faces
The Tangipahoa Parish School System policy states that “hairstyles and mustaches shall be clean, neatly groomed and shall not distract from the learning environment” and that “beards will not be allowed.”
I don't understand why that's a policy.
I got suspended from school for not shaving my beard when i was in high school. Follow the goddamn rules, I'm sure this isn't the first time anyone had ever told him that having a beard was a violation of school dress code.


I remember that one time my mustache stopped me from learning calculus
One time in my chem class, a man with a majestic mustache walked in. Before we knew it, the beauty of his stache hypnotized us, mid experiment no less! I remember tommy mixed 2 of the wrong chemicals together, the reaction causing a chemical explosion that permanently blinded him. Several others were treated for 3rd degree burns.

God damn you mustaches! He was just a boy!


I would have been so glad not to have had to go to my graduation. It was massive, took forever and frankly I remember none of it.


No real evidence it targeted him in particular and it sounds like he had plenty of warning. He chose to make a stand over it for some reason. It grows back bro.


I was expecting facial hair.

Like this.

Can someone please explain the many accusations of racism in this thread? I am honestly curious, I mean no disrespect. The entire student body was forced to comply with the policy. This student refused and he suffered the consequences. Whether that's right or wrong, I think that's fair game for debate, but why is race a factor?


this bullshit can fuck right off. they want him to look his "best" or "neat" or whatever for his graduation. Comes by in a suit, in his ceremonial regalia, "your face ain't shaved, boy. you ain't graduating today."

honestly spekkeh?
It's not that strange. There are still a few jobs too where walking in with a beard would get you sent home.
it shouldn't even be a hill to die on, but some people keep raising these hills so they can kill people on them for some reason.
Okay, I'm not in a position to judge the reasoning, I'm guessing the fact that he even became valedictorian should give them something of the benefit of the doubt?


So the big implication I'm seeing is this is based on race, rather than the beard. Can anyone give a supportive reason other than.... just because?

He was not the only student asked to shave, there was a clear policy made known well in advance, and he was offered to opportunity to shave, like the rest of the students who were asked to shave.

The policy sucks, and he looks well groomed, but rules are rules. This rule doesn't unfairly target any minority, as every race can grow a beard.
I also wonder what race the kid was that took his spot. If he were also a black student, can you claim discrimination?

According to population demographics, its a poor rural black town so I really doubt that's it.

Consider it a life lesson: A big part of life is abiding by dumb rules.

I honestly think that's why shit like dress codes exist in schools. Sometimes you just have to conform.


Junior Member
I don't see any reason to think that it's cause he's black. You guys can quit playing the race card. Maybe they have several black students at that school for all you guys know. Maybe black staff.


Didn't a fast food chain get sued for having no facial hair as a dress code. Some men have a skin condition where shaving causes issues with ingrown hairs on the neck..

I kinda have it but I have friends who tell me it's really painful to shave often.


Yes, let's penalize someone for their natural body instincts that they have no control over. I pretty much laughed in their face when they told me that when I went to senior year for one day in Houston. I however ended up quitting. What a retarded policy.
Not saying its fair, but being from Louisiana its not unheard of. A good bit of public schools in major cities of Louisiana are located in impoverished, crime heavy and generally less than stellar neighborhoods. Kids from these areas mostly attend these schools or Magnet or College Prep schools; with the rest going to costly private schools. So a large number of these public schools put rules in place to keep order, discipline, and even optimism maintained. And while I'm not going to debate if gaf agrees with such measures; this dress code was likely something he was aware about and adhered to throughout his years attending school. Him just being made aware of it on his graduation is pretty hard to believe. I had 3 class members not allowed to walk across the stage for a minor issue a week before graduation. They weren't bad or troubled students, in fact quite the opposite. not agreeing, as I could give too fucks about his beard as an administrator, but I totally understand
I'm surprised and fascinated how much ceremony there is in the US about high school graduation.
In my country, the homeroom teacher just assembles the class in whatever classroom is the most convenient, hands us our papers, says a few words and that's it.
I don't understand why that's a policy.

Sounds more like there was one neckbeard/ Daniel Bryan hipster at the school and they didn't want his birdsnest at graduation so they targeted everyone with a beard to not single him out and the Valedictorian was the only one to stay strong.
I'm surprised and fascinated how much ceremony there is in the US about high school graduation.
In my country, the homeroom teacher just assembles the class in whatever classroom is the most convenient, hands us our papers, says a few words and that's it.

Until very recently it was the pinnacle of education for the vast majority of citizens.
Don't some interpretations of Islam forbid you from shaving your beard? Seems like that rule would be pretty bad for muslim students (who hold that particular belief).


I would've shaved my beard immediately.

Sure, but assuming that's you in your avatar, I imagine shaving your beard would be a much easier pill to swallow knowing it's just draconian school policy rather than the possibility of a racist administration being pissed about who their valedictorian is.
Sure, but assuming that's you in your avatar, I imagine shaving your beard would be a much easier pill to swallow knowing it's just draconian school policy rather than the possibility of a racist administration being pissed about who their valedictorian is.

Here is a pic of the schools disciplinarian:

I'm surprised and fascinated how much ceremony there is in the US about high school graduation.
In my country, the homeroom teacher just assembles the class in whatever classroom is the most convenient, hands us our papers, says a few words and that's it.

It's more for the parents than the kids.
Means absolutely nothing.

It does in context with the fact that the majority of the school and towns population is black and the students were warned ahead of time repeatedly. It means its not based on racism. If you have evidence to the contrary please present it.


Releasing one pic of the graduating class could end all this.

its a black school in a semi-segregated county that has been suing the superintendent and trying to get him removed because they say they have been neglecting the black schools for decades.
Sure, but assuming that's you in your avatar, I imagine shaving your beard would be a much easier pill to swallow knowing it's just draconian school policy rather than the possibility of a racist administration being pissed about who their valedictorian is.

Having a beard would not stop me from attending the most important moment of my life (as his mom called it). I would shave the beard, have my moment, then address it afterwards. I would not have let facial hair trump the most important moment of my life.


Having a beard would not stop me from attending the most important moment of my life (as his mom called it). I would shave the beard, have my moment, then address it afterwards. I would not have let facial hair trump the most important moment of my life.

Cool, I get that, but again, that's a lot easier said than done when you know it's just stupid policy rather than the possibility of something more sinister.
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