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Valedictorian barred from his graduation due to having facial hair in Louisiana

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"I don't have any problems so no one else should 'if they do it right!'"

Okay, I was wrong in saying that. But how about this?

I really don't care if shaving makes your skin irritated. It used to make me irritated before I bought decent products and I still did it every 2 days. If you're ordered to be clean shaven by your boss or someone who is in a position where they can tell you how to dress and present yourself, and you reply with "no, it makes me itchy", you shouldn't be surprised when they think you're being whiny and not following rules for a stupid reason.

You also shouldn't be surprised when violating said rules for what is easily perceived as a fucking moronic reason causes you to lose privileges or be denied from being a representative for said employer, boss or authoritive figure.

This clearly wasn't him blaming skin irritation though, I have no idea why I'm even talking about this now.
Why would you understand a rule against green mohawks? What possible harm could come from a student wearing a green mohawk.

It was just an example. I wouldn't be surprised if a school had some form of hair policy because students having stupid hair can make the school look trashy.

My school had a rule where all males hair must be neat, not touching the collar, not covering the eyebrows or ears and must be of a natural colour.

Some people still fucked with this rule, like a black friend of mine getting blonde streaks (or highlights, I don't know how to describe it) and somehow convincing the teachers it was natural because some island in the oceanic region has a large population with dark skin and blonde hair or something.

Pretty much everyone else looked very natural though, I always laugh with him about how he accomplished that.


But schools do dictate how long/what style your hair can be.

In my school boys couldn't have hair go past the middle of their ear. No "crazy" colors either.

And this isn't exclusive to schools. Do you think there's no harm in your doctor walking in with a purple Mohawk? I know you said earlier what's the harm, but come on, you know people with professional jobs are expected to present themselves certain ways. You can throw your hands up and say it's dumb, but I don't see society changing anytime soon, and rightfully so.

(I've never heard of an armpit/leg shaving rule)

It's dumb.
Telling kids (young adults even) how they can and can't dress serves no purpose at all. And you know, I don't give a crap if my doctor has a mohawk as long as it's not unhygenic. I'm allowed into a freaking cleanroom despite having a beard, and this kid can't go to his graduation ceremony with one lol


It's dumb.
Telling kids (young adults even) how they can and can't dress serves no purpose at all. And you know, I don't give a crap if my doctor has a mohawk as long as it's not unhygenic. I'm allowed into a freaking cleanroom despite having a beard, and this kid can't go to his graduation ceremony with one lol

This isnt actually true. The evidence is mixed for sure but there are numerous studies that speak to their being benefits from uniforms and certain dress codes. On top of that it makes sense from an economic standpoint. Poorer communities here in Louisiana I find tend to like uniforms in part because it is cheaper to outfit a child throughout the year then having to invest in a fashion wardrobe for their kids.

I probably paid a couple hundred dollars and was outfitted for an entire year of school when I had to wear a uniform. Compare that to the money I spent living in Colorado where I was having to buy school wardrobes and it was a fairly stark difference.

As someone that experienced both systems, I see pros and cons to each and don't really think there is an obvious choice over another.
It's dumb.
Telling kids (young adults even) how they can and can't dress serves no purpose at all. And you know, I don't give a crap if my doctor has a mohawk as long as it's not unhygenic. I'm allowed into a freaking cleanroom despite having a beard, and this kid can't go to his graduation ceremony with one lol

it can serve plenty of purposes.

for example, safety and recognition. a school can have academies that wear different color shirts based on the specific programs. Students couldn't be in areas where their shirts were not common after lunch or during regular class hours, and it also helped differentiate the students from the regular students of another school.


it can serve plenty of purposes.

for example, safety and recognition. a school can have academies that wear different color shirts based on the specific programs. Students couldn't be in areas where their shirts were not common after lunch or during regular class hours, and it also helped differentiate the students from the regular students of another school.

Not just different schools, but weeding out adults versus kids. Adults are much more likely to sport facial hair or alternative hairstyles. Then there were things like making us tuck in our shirts due to increased gang activity (harder to hide a weapon).

Never saw the rationale for shorts only on designated days though--probably just modesty.
if the staff can't seem to enforce the rule I don't understand why students have to adhere to it

don't get me wrong if the rule stated you have to shave for graduation and graduation only there wouldn't be any issue but they can't pick and choose when to enforce the rules
It's dumb.
Telling kids (young adults even) how they can and can't dress serves no purpose at all. And you know, I don't give a crap if my doctor has a mohawk as long as it's not unhygenic. I'm allowed into a freaking cleanroom despite having a beard, and this kid can't go to his graduation ceremony with one lol

Are we just allowed to ignore evidence that we dislike now?

Because uniforms have been PROVEN to substantially reduce the incidence of bullying. So yes, telling kids how to dress does serve a motherfucking purpose.
here is the super's letter: http://www.amitetoday.com/news-local/letter-tangipahoa-parish-school-board-superintendent-mark-kolwe

so basically the kid was given plenty of chances to shave his beard, and didn't. they talked to his dad, his whole family, friends, gave him shaving cream, etc. etc. and he didn't do it?

i mean......this is kinda ridiculous

It is nice to hear from another side.
If he was given his diploma and awards after the show, I don't see an issue with this.
The article was pretty much baiting saying he gotten it taken away.

You don't have to walk, it is not a privilege.


In the OP, the student says that the superintendent wasn't trying to hear what his parents had to say.

The superintendent letter says his parents tried to convince him to shave and he said no.

Somebody fibbing.
In the OP, the student says that the superintendent wasn't trying to hear what his parents had to say.

The superintendent letter says his parents tried to convince him to shave and he said no.

Somebody fibbing.

Well the superintendent referenced quite a number of other sources so if any real scrutiny is put to the situation it will be readily apparent who is "fibbing".

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Not angry, annoyed at your behavior and now the lying. *insanely angry vitriolic post follows*
W...what the? xD Dear me, you've really lost it now. Meh, not worth it.

That's just bizarre to me. In here students don't have any clothing or hair rules, and even the idea is strange. And somehow we're always ranked among the best school systems in the world. It's as if the teachers here were actually more interested in teaching than in blind obedience to conformity.
B-b-but decorum! It is ruined because a boy has some hair on his chin. Ya know? xD And of course this matters more than, say, teaching students to use their own head.
I am just talking of schools, which is what this thread is also about. Why would I need to acknowledge anything? In high school I saw punks, metalheads, piercing enthusiasts and what not, and none of them actually detracted from any learning environment, because it's absolutely inconsequential. Google Finnish school system results if you believe this dress code nonsense is somehow essential to learning.
Pfft, what would Finland know about quality education and quality of life? Metalheads roaming freely in schools, the horror. I bet president Obama would be horrified... ;)


W...what the? xD Dear me, you've really lost it now. Meh, not worth it.

Lost what? The evidence is right there in front of you friend.

However it's become perfectly clear you aren't here in this thread to engage in anything but drive by posts and disingenuous responses when questioned.

So you are right, there is little value in continuing to conversate with you.
here is the super's letter: http://www.amitetoday.com/news-local/letter-tangipahoa-parish-school-board-superintendent-mark-kolwe

so basically the kid was given plenty of chances to shave his beard, and didn't. they talked to his dad, his whole family, friends, gave him shaving cream, etc. etc. and he didn't do it?

i mean......this is kinda ridiculous

Ok but now I want to shift the goalposts. So even if he was breaking the rules, and given multiple chances to follow the rule, it is a dumb rule. We should all be free to not follow whatever rules or laws we don't like. That's why I don' pay my taxes. I don't like where the money goes. Dumb rules need not be followed.


Ok but now I want to shift the goalposts. So even if he was breaking the rules, and given multiple chances to follow the rule, it is a dumb rule. We should all be free to not follow whatever rules or laws we don't like. That's why I don' pay my taxes. I don't like where the money goes. Dumb rules need not be followed.

Sorry, what?
That makes no sense

Edit: I still think the whole "no facial hair" thing Is dumb.
Sorry, what?
That makes no sense

Edit: I still think the whole "no facial hair" thing Is dumb.

In the United States there are laws that say I need to give my money to the government so that they can spend it on various things. Now I don't like that rule. And I should be able to not follow whatever rules I want to not follow. So long as no harm is done to anyone else.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
The no facial hair policy is pretty dumb, but he was given plenty of opportunities to shave beforehand. I don't see how this has anything to do with race.


The no facial hair policy is pretty dumb, but he was given plenty of opportunities to shave beforehand. I don't see how this has anything to do with race.

It's because the student is black.

ETA- To be clear, I don't think it has anything to do with race.
Has anyone of the people involved actually brought up race?

No I don't believe so. And the school happens to be 83% black. And 13 other students besides him were asked to shave their beards and all of them complied and were allowed to walk. And his parents were contacted well in advance, and he was given multiple warnings well in advance.

Still racist tho.
I don't really have a problem with dress codes and appearance standards.
Students push boundaries all the time to get attention or to distract the class.

We weren't allowed to have pajama pants, wigs, tank tops, no underwear showing, and I'm pretty sure no lip/eyebrow piercings.


I understand that beards are forbidden at that school, but it's graduation for fucks sake. Let the kids enjoy themselves! So what he has a beard now, it's the last day you'll ever have to look at him. Hell, for busting his ass to become valedictorian, he earned the right to have a beard.
He intentionally sat out to make a point about how dumb the rule is. If he's accepted it, we shall too. He'll move on from this quickly.


What grounds would or could he actually sue for?

LawyerGAF up in here - does he have grounds for a lawsuit? (Serious question)

My dad's a lawyer, and when I give him hypothicals like this he always tells me you can sue for anything, but probably won't win. He has no grounds here, because he was aware, and he suffered no material damage. He would be suing for undue suffering I guess? If the media decided to get behind him the school might settle out of court to end the thing, but that's the most he'd ever get.


Stupid rule fueling unnecessary and reductive conformism.
I understand that beards are forbidden at that school, but it's graduation for fucks sake. Let the kids enjoy themselves! So what he has a beard now, it's the last day you'll ever have to look at him. Hell, for busting his ass to become valedictorian, he earned the right to have a beard.

He ignored multiple warnings that his facial hair was against the rules and what the consequences would be. Why reward childish behavior? Dude chose to be a martyr.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
He intentionally sat out to make a point about how dumb the rule is. If he's accepted it, we shall too. He'll move on from this quickly.

How the fuck do you not shave that shit for your family, though? Was his goatee the secret source of his strength?

Die on 'Facial Hair Hill', or let my mom have one of the proudest moments of I've given her to date.

This kids thought process ain't shit.

What am I missing? I don't care if they say the school has a "policy" of no facial hair. That's a stupid rule.

Was everyone attending not have any facial hair? I really fail to believe that.

13 kids were asked to shave, 12 complied
What am I missing? I don't care if they say the school has a "policy" of no facial hair. That's a stupid rule.

Was everyone attending not have any facial hair? I really fail to believe that.

You aren't just allowed to opt out of rules you find stupid.

Okay, sorry. I still think its really harsh, its just hair. I don't get it. Maybe he shouldn't sue, but I still think there shouldn't be a rule for something like that.

He was given multiple warnings, well in advance. As was his family. His friends and family told him to shave. "Really harsh" my ass.


Stupid rule fueling unnecessary and reductive conformism.

Put your money where your mouth is and go to work tomorrow in your underwear and a shirt that says fuck.

The world is full of stupid rules that we follow every day.
I would love to go to my job in PJ pants and slippers but sadly I would not have a job long.
Some people can have many colored hair at a job and piercings, and others can not.
I know that one of my teachers pushed grooming and hygiene because it will get you further in life.
Yes times are changing as far as what is acceptable in some work places but not all work places.
But at the end of the day it does not have a damned thing to do with racism, and now people are pissy because they went in hard on that angle and it hurts to have to let that go this once.
The job I have right now, I had to cut my hair for.
Sell out? Yep. Sucked it up and did it and have enjoyed the better paychecks since.
Now a few years later they have relaxed that policy a bit (but it depends who your admin is).
He was one day out, he was at the door and they gave him many many chances.
They said nothing about his hair or anything else, just some chin growth that would grow back in a week or three.

Its just hair man. Nothing to lose your shit over.

And he lost nothing.
But you are right, it is just hair that would have grown back and he would have had his big moment.


I don't understand why this is such a big deal. It's facial hair, it grows back. It's a silly rule that the school has, but it's completely asinine to feel victimized over this.


Its just hair man. Nothing to lose your shit over.

Exactly, it's just hair. He could have shaved it off like the other 12 kids and grown it back right after.

Some schools have dress codes and appearance standards. Hell, I was suspended for a week in high school because of my hair. I kept my hair short as a kid and didn't want to pay a barber $10 just to spend 5min going over with clippers so my mum used to do it..One day she fucked up and started without putting the usual length accessory thing on (don't know what they're called..) So she straight up shaved the back of my head before noticing, thought screw it and shaved completely. School didn't like that one bit so suspended me until it grew out a little.

This was a private catholic school though..so they were more uptight than usual.


Sounds like he was looking for drama. Shave the beard, it's not a big deal. Schools have dress codes that don't make sense, but if someone knows about it and willingly breaks it, I don't see the issue if they are punished.
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