So we now have Ynnek claiming to have poisoned someone but everyone else has come forward to say they hadn't been poisoned.
Also just to clarify but your saying that what message you received back about your target failing was different Night 1 to Night 4?
If Ynnek7 is telling the truth, it would make sense if the mafia jailed squidyj on N1 to preserve his shot.
Otherwise, it leaves an obvious hole in his story.
Baiting what?
A possible real cop? On Day 1? Remind me again why you're town?
Why would you want to vote out someone who was poisoned when you can take this opportunity to lynch mafia?
If Ynnek7 is telling the truth, it would make sense if the mafia jailed squidyj on N1 to preserve his shot.
Otherwise, it leaves an obvious hole in his story.
El Topo said:“Employee’s only - them’s the rules of the queen bitch herself."
You are Vandal Cleaver. A more or less loyal subordinate of Therese Voerman, stuck at the blood bank, you couldn’t care less about the plots of the kindred.
You are aligned with Town and you win, when all members of the conspiracy (i.e. Mafia) are eliminated.
Even as a child you had been different. While some kids burn ants with a magnifying glass, you loved to kill rats with traps and watch their blood coagulate. Maybe that is why you fell for the charm of Therese Voerman, who convinced you to become her ghoul. Maybe you thought that you two had a connection. Maybe people are not your strong suit. Now you work at the blood bank of Santa Monica, resentful of vampires in general and Therese Voerman in particular. You’re an unpleasant, misanthropic asshole and the blood of your Malkavian domitor hasn’t been kind to your mental state. On the other hand, you are Employee of the Month, isn’t that something?
You have what vampires crave, the really good stuff actually, so once every night you may PM me the command HEAL:<player>. If successful, your target is healed from any attack during that night.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
El Topo said:“Hrrm. Hrrm. A possible sighting of a bigfoot in Griffith Park? Shit, I gotta see if I can get some samples....”
You are an Ordinary Nosferatu. You are a loyal member of your clan and the Camarilla, eager to uncover the secrets of the world, but no intention to contribute to them.
You are aligned with Town and you win, when all members of the conspiracy (i.e. Mafia) are eliminated.
<Backstory for the player, removed to make this post easier to read>
While you are, as all vampires, a natural predator, you are of little threat to other kindred, nor do you have any particular standing among them. Therefore you do not have any power, other than your vote.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
El Topo said:“Sex, drugs, bad hygiene… everyone’s gets a little dirty when the doors close.”
You are Imalia. A former supermodel and Nosferatu, you are also a loyal member of your clan and the Camarilla.
You are aligned with Town and you win, when all members of the conspiracy (i.e. Mafia) are eliminated.
Not much more than a few years ago you were a woman of breathtaking beauty, your face on the cover of magazines, your everyday life the topic of TMZ. As beautiful as you were on the outside, as ugly you were on the inside. Selfish and vain, you cared little about others. You had just won Guy magazine’s “Most Ridiculously Hot Chick In The Known Universe” Award in 2003, when you found the Nosferatu primate Gary Golden sitting on your couch. None of your beauty is left, ever since he embraced you that fateful night. Your once soft skin is now crackling and ashen, your long brown hair gone, your face unrecognizable. You haven’t gotten over your lost beauty, but even worse your spotlight has since been usurped by newcomers like Tawni Sessions.
Once in the game during the night you can PM me the command SPY:<target> to place a camera on a player. As a result, for the rest of the game, unless you are blocked, you will learn who visited the player during the night or whether the player left, but not what they did.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
El Topo said:“Roberts, born 1977, NYC hedgefund manager? Sweet, with opulent character; an excellent vintage.”
You are an Ordinary Ventrue. A member of the Camarilla, your life revolves around vitae, not the plots of the kindred.
You are aligned with Town and you win, when all members of the conspiracy (i.e. Mafia) are eliminated.
<Backstory for the player, removed to make this post easier to read>
While you are, as all vampires, a natural predator, you are of little threat to other kindred, nor do you have any particular standing among them. Therefore you do not have any power, other than your vote.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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El Topo said:“It was as far as I could fall; it was as low as I could go; way past oblivion, to a point only described as … ‘negative zero’.”
You are Ash Rivers. A former movie star, you care little for the schemes of the kindred, their ever-changing conspiracies and plots to usurp power.
You are aligned with Town and you win, when all members of the conspiracy (i.e. Mafia) are eliminated.
A dashing young man with an almost palpable charisma, you were only 21 when you became the icon of a new generation. Too much for a young man to handle. Your life spiralled out of control. You began taking drugs, you started to drink and party in excess. One night, movie producer Isaac Abrams found you at your home, at the brink of death from an overdose, and embraced you to save you. Your new life came at the expense of your old one though, as you had to leave acting behind. Unfortunately you have not been able to come to terms with your existence, but instead have become more and more reckless and suicidal, but something is holding you back from pulling the trigger, maybe it is because you don’t know why death seems so sweet.
Once in the game you can post REVEAL in the game thread, upon which your identity and alignment will be revealed to all other players by me.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
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El Topo said:You are Bishop Vick. You are trying to bring forth a new age and plunge the world into the abyss.
You are aligned with no one and you win, when three players have been successfully infected. You do not win, if either team reaches its win condition before you.
It took a long time for you to see the light, to cast off the chains of lies. Your human life? A flickering memory. The years you spent in the Sabbat? Wasted time. You had always been a nobody, blind to the truth; you just hadnt realized it. It was only when you drew back the curtains and saw what lies beyond that you became enlightened. There are no all-powerful gods, there is no mercy, there is only the truth. So you have set off, you have become God, to bless others with the plague, to share your unholy communion, so that you all may journey down into the abyss. The truth will set them free.
You are dedicated to bring forth a new age. Once during the night you may PM me the command INFECT:<player>. If successful, the player becomes infected with your cursed plague and dies two nights later, i.e. someone infected during N1 dies at the end of D3.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
Congrats, scum! And thanks for running a great game, El Topo!
I'm really going to need to have that doctor/jailer thing explained to me, lol
Congrats, scum! And thanks for running a great game, El Topo!
I'm really going to need to have that doctor/jailer thing explained to me, lol
El Topo said:Someone prevented you from infecting StMeph.
El Topo said:You were unsuccessful. Due to reasons unknown to you, squidyj is still as healthy as ever.
So what I want to know is, were Blarg and Mazre telling the truth? If so how come Zubz saw no action on Mazre N1.
El Topo said:“Each minor problem like a grain of sand, each night I inherit the desert.”
You are Sebastian LaCroix. Plotting to remove all opposition and to gain more power, you are conspiring with others for your own end.
You are aligned with Mafia and yo u win, when there are at least as many Mafia members left as there are Town members.
You were born in the late 18th century in Calais. A member of the French aristocracy, you joined Napoleon’s army and ascended the ranks, until a Belgian nobleman saw your value and embraced you. Ever since you have lived a colorful life, travelling all over the world. In Africa you encountered a Nagloper, who would serve you for a long time as a loyal bodyguard. In those years you forged alliances and made enemies, such as the Bach family, a line of vampire hunters. Only recently you managed your latest coup, becoming prince of Los Angeles after the Kuei-jin had defeated the Anarchs. Charismatic and power hungry, cunning and treacherous, you only care for yourself.
As the prince of Los Angeles, once in the game you can use the command OVERRULE:<player> during the day to overrule the voting process and lynch said player instead. If no player is specified, no one is lynched that day. Trying to preserve your public image and unwilling to dirty your hands, you cannot kill anyone during the night, unless you are the last member of the conspiracy remaining. In that case you can use the command KILL:<player> during the night to kill someone. Well protected in your own tower, you are also safe from attacks during the night.
The other members of mafia are: Hobohodo, Dr. Worm and Fat4all.
Your mafia chat can be found here.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
El Topo said:“You’ve become a great disappointment, kindred.”
You are Ming Xiao. Baroness of Chinatown, you have struck a deal with LaCroix to eliminate opposition, secretly plotting against all kindred.
You are aligned with Mafia and you win, when there are at least as many Mafia members left as there are Town members.
You and your followers came to Los Angeles in 1998 as part of the Great Leap Outward, an attempt of your people to conquer the lands of the kin-jin, or kindred, as they call themselves. Unexpectedly victory did not come swift, as the Anarchs fought back viciously. Only thanks to your cunningness and resilience were you able to secure Chinatown as your domain. Ever since you have been plotting against the kindred, taking careful steps to expand your power and learn more about the enemy. For that purpose, you have recently struck a deal with the prince of Los Angeles, Sebastian LaCroix, to eliminate his opposition. Little does he know that Los Angeles will be ripe for the taking, once the Camarilla and Anarchs are weakened.
As a powerful Kuei-jin, you are the mistress of powers unknown to the kindred. Twice during the game you can use the command DISGUISE:<player>. During that night, any action taken against you will target that player instead, i.e. for example if someone tries to investigate you, they will investigate the player instead. Every night one member of mafia can use the command KILL:<player> during the night to night someone. You can use both abilities in the same night.
The other members of mafia are: batsnacks, Dr. Worm and Fat4all.
Your mafia chat can be found here.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
El Topo said:“Subject is by all definitions...clinically dead.”
You are The Mandarin. While eager to study the kindred and find ways to exterminate them, you are also a loyal servant of Ming Xiao, thus taking part in the conspiracy against the kindred.
You are aligned with Mafia and you win, when there are at least as many Mafia members left as there are Town members.
For many years you served the Kuei-Jin loyally. After the Great Leap Outward came to a halt due to kindred resistance, you were ordered to study them and (more importantly) to find ways to kill them. Under the cover of the Fu Syndicate you have travelled to Los Angeles to support your mistress Ming Xiao as good as you can. You are solely focussed on your goal and you will do anything to please those that pull your strings.
A brilliant and ruthless scientist, you have devised measures to keep vampires locked up. Once during the night you may PM me the command JAIL:<player>. If successful, that player cannot be targeted, nor can they use any ability, in that night. Furthermore every night one member of mafia can use the command KILL:<player> during the night to kill someone. You cannot use both abilities in the same night.
The other members of mafia are: batsnacks, Hobohodo and Dr. Worm.
Your mafia chat can be found here.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
El Topo said:“Me, security’s in my blood. My father, father’s father, my six brothers, yeah, we’re all real keen on upholding the law. Like a family of Magnum PIs.”
You are Todd Chunk. You have been hired by the powers-that-beto serve as cannon fodderto protect them.
You are aligned with Mafia and you win, when there are at least as many Mafia members left as there are Town members.
You come from a long line of officers. Your father and his father, as well as your six brothers all serve the law, some as police officers, others even as FBI agents. You? You are unfortunately just a middle-aged, balding, stinking, unsuccessful, delusional, obese security officer. You take great pride in what you do, trying to follow into the footsteps of your ancestors and do your job as good as possible, without putting too much effort into it. It hasn’t been too stressful anyway, although recently your job has gotten a bit weird. Also what is it with those strange meetings at night that you now also have to take part in?
You are an ordinary, some might say less than ordinary, human, as such you have no special power. Nonetheless, every night one member of mafia, that includes you, can use the command KILL:<player> during the night to kill someone.
The other members of mafia are: batnsacks, Hobohodo and Fat4all.
Your mafia chat can be found here.
The game thread can be found here.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Please confirm that you received this PM and your participation via PM.
Congrats to Batsnacks for being he scummiest scum that ever did scum.
Thank you to everyone here for welcoming me into the community! I wasn't sure if I could do well here, but I'm very flattered by the compliments in the spectator thread, and I hope to play more games with you fine folks in the future. There's a lot of stellar talent here, and I'm looking forward to more mafia fun.
oh don't worry. you will screw up later
oh yes you will...mwahahhahaha