Well this thread hasn't seen any action for a long time, I'm hoping there's still enough of a community to help me though.
Started replaying Vanquish a couple of weeks ago, it's strange how it keeps surprising me with how goddamn good it is, even though it was my third playthrough.
Anyway, I'd never touched the Tactical Challenges until now - and it's been a real wake up call that I'm not actually very good at this game. I still haven't cleared the first challenge, I've got to the final wave numerous times but have yet to beat it.
I'm just wondering if there are any good online guides out there? Gamefaqs was a little help in reading through the enemy types, but I feel a bit lost as to what tactics to employ, what weapons are best for each enemy, how I should priortiize them etc etc.
I've made it a goal to beat Challenge 6 (if I ever get there), but just watching youtube vids of elite players is hard to follow with the speed at which they are making decisions. I'm just wondering if there are more slower paced guides/tutorials on helping me 'get gud'.
Any help much appreciated.