The Friendly Monster said:Or your thumb if you're me, I have a massive scar now with the least cool story attached!
yeah it's true mandolines can suck for that. just got to be careful that's all. i love my daikon carrot salad too much!
The Friendly Monster said:Or your thumb if you're me, I have a massive scar now with the least cool story attached!
As old hat and shit as it sounds nut roast can actually be really good if done well. You can have all the veg too with it if you ask your mum not to use animal fat when cooking them.any recommendations for veggie christmas dinners - it's my first christmas as a vegetarian and my mum likes to be very organized so is pushing me to hurry up with coming up for something to have.
Help me Veggie Gaf. Necro-bumping since I don't feel like making a thread:
I want to go vegetarian for the summer to try it out, but I'm having trouble finding out what I specifically need to consume while I'm on this diet. What specific supplements should I add to my shopping list to make sure I'm getting all the right nutrients? I know I'll need B12 for one but are things like iron hard to get in plant form? I want to cut out all animal products but if I can't then I will probably add in milk just to make sure I'm getting adequate protein since I'll be lifting weights and such.
Found and bumped this thread cos of a question I got for vegetarian-GAF:
Is your S.O. also a vegetarian (or vegan)?
I've kinda experienced a change in terms of who I am attracted to ever since I became a vegetarian - gals who eat meat are just less attractive to me. Stuff like Kate Upton eating a burger in that Carl Jr. ad is just somewhat off-putting.
I am definitely more attracted to vegetarian girls. just imagine kissing someone who just ate a some salami/peperoni-sandwich or something. ugh
Found and bumped this thread cos of a question I got for vegetarian-GAF:
Is your S.O. also a vegetarian (or vegan)?
I've kinda experienced a change in terms of who I am attracted to ever since I became a vegetarian - gals who eat meat are just less attractive to me. Stuff like Kate Upton eating a burger in that Carl Jr. ad is just somewhat off-putting.
Found and bumped this thread cos of a question I got for vegetarian-GAF:
Is your S.O. also a vegetarian (or vegan)?
I've kinda experienced a change in terms of who I am attracted to ever since I became a vegetarian - gals who eat meat are just less attractive to me. Stuff like Kate Upton eating a burger in that Carl Jr. ad is just somewhat off-putting.
can anyone help with some vegetarian lunch ideas? I pack my lunch and usually eat deli meat wrapped in cheese, nuts, and apple. What can I replace the deli meat with? Goin to Trader Joe's after work.
Or your thumb if you're me, I have a massive scar now with the least cool story attached!
Soy lunch meat or similar fake meat products.
Though I would just replace it with with a couple of nice vegetables, like grilled courgettes/mushrooms/peppers/red onions and just turn it into a Mediterranean lunch sandwhich. Use feta cheese as cheese.
After being forced to eat to that stuff as a kid, I can say with certainty that it does not taste the same.If you're really attached to lunch meat? It tastes basically the same.
I'm no longer strict vegetarian but I always make multiple trips throughout the week to pick up whatever I want to make for the next day or two. I also live right next to a store so that is easier for me. I don't really use any special tupperware, just put stuff in the veggie drawer of the fridge.Two more quick veggie questions...
I really like making salads. I have my "standard" salad somewhat set, but I was wondering about the actual leafy greens. What are my best options? Normally I just buy the prepackaged romaine lettuce bags, but those seem to brown fairly quick and I feel like there are better options. Spinach?
related, do you guys/gals usually stock up for a week's worth of veggies, or do you typically make multiple grocery store visits per week so you have the freshest stuff on hand at all times? If I want to space my food shopping out to about a week between each trip, what is the best way to store veggies in a fridge? Just some standard tupperware?
Avocado goes well in a packed sandwich, and/or hummous. I'd generally just cook extra the night before and take in a tupperware of leftovers to work, maybe with some salad.can anyone help with some vegetarian lunch ideas? I pack my lunch and usually eat deli meat wrapped in cheese, nuts, and apple. What can I replace the deli meat with? Goin to Trader Joe's after work.
I love raw spinach, rocket or watercress. Very little or no dressing. Yum. I work my own hours from home so go food shopping every couple of days, with what I'm going to make in mind already. Root veg can last a while but I try and use everything else within a couple of days of buying it.Two more quick veggie questions...
I really like making salads. I have my "standard" salad somewhat set, but I was wondering about the actual leafy greens. What are my best options? Normally I just buy the prepackaged romaine lettuce bags, but those seem to brown fairly quick and I feel like there are better options. Spinach?
related, do you guys/gals usually stock up for a week's worth of veggies, or do you typically make multiple grocery store visits per week so you have the freshest stuff on hand at all times? If I want to space my food shopping out to about a week between each trip, what is the best way to store veggies in a fridge? Just some standard tupperware?
Found and bumped this thread cos of a question I got for vegetarian-GAF:
Is your S.O. also a vegetarian (or vegan)?
I've kinda experienced a change in terms of who I am attracted to ever since I became a vegetarian - gals who eat meat are just less attractive to me. Stuff like Kate Upton eating a burger in that Carl Jr. ad is just somewhat off-putting.
Went vegetarian last year and vegan this year, couldn't be healthier. I have to cook everything myself though because I live in Japan and here almost everything has meat in it.
Wouldn't care too much, it is her personal choice. I'd lead by example. Not that I have much of a choice everyone here eats meat and the idea of being vegan is laughable and can actually be considered negative.
Major respect for being Vegan in Japan. When I visited my then girlfriend while she was teaching for Nova I had a difficult time just eating vegetarian. In the month I was there I ate a lot of egg salad sandwiches from convenience stores and went to all the Indian restaurants we could. The worst would be when our "vegetable" curries would come with hunks of meat or the primavera pasta had tiny red chunks of mystery meat.
I have a question for all of the vegans that avoid meat because of the animal cruelty factor.
Do you avoid all of these products?
Serious question because I do not think many people realize how much stuff is made from animals.
Found and bumped this thread cos of a question I got for vegetarian-GAF:
Is your S.O. also a vegetarian (or vegan)?
I've kinda experienced a change in terms of who I am attracted to ever since I became a vegetarian - gals who eat meat are just less attractive to me. Stuff like Kate Upton eating a burger in that Carl Jr. ad is just somewhat off-putting.