I'm 38 minutes into the VP debate. I thought Romney gave Bams a bruising the first go around, but this VP debate so far is a back alley curb stomping in Bidens favor.
Does it continue?
It's 90 minutes of curb stomping.
I'm 38 minutes into the VP debate. I thought Romney gave Bams a bruising the first go around, but this VP debate so far is a back alley curb stomping in Bidens favor.
Does it continue?
I've never thought much of Joe Biden. But man, did he get it right in last night's debate, and not just because he walloped sniveling little Paul Ryan on the facts. What he got absolutely right, despite what you might read this morning (many outlets are criticizing Biden's dramatic excesses), was his tone. Biden did absolutely roll his eyes, snort, laugh derisively and throw his hands up in the air whenever Ryan trotted out his little beady-eyed BS-isms.
But he should have! He was absolutely right to be doing it. We all should be doing it. That includes all of us in the media, and not just paid obnoxious-opinion-merchants like me, but so-called "objective" news reporters as well. We should all be rolling our eyes, and scoffing and saying, "Come back when you're serious."
The load of balls that both Romney and Ryan have been pushing out there for this whole election season is simply not intellectually serious. Most of their platform isn't even a real platform, it's a fourth-rate parlor trick designed to paper over the real agenda cutting taxes even more for super-rich dickheads like Mitt Romney, and getting everyone else to pay the bill.
From my facebook
It's 90 minutes of curb stomping.
I'm pretty sure at one point he brings out a flame thrower.
You mean the part where he reminds us that Congressman Ryan sent two letters asking for some of dat sweet sweet stimulus money?
What I want is for you to articulate the problem. What is the point of talking about something if you cannot even articulate your argument. You have given the conclusion to an argument: that our current and future massive budget are problems. I am asking you to give me the argument.
pretty telling Something Wicked had to wait till the day after to chime in, he knew he couldn't come in while Ryan's smoldering corpse was still fresh
cry some more
just like you'll be doing on election night
From my facebook
Biden had no class, no respect for a debate, and very obviously was under prepared and scared. He acted like it was his first debate.
Benjamin, sore losers??? Paul Ryan certainly did not lose that debate.
Hey Joe Wallace why are you so jealous of Romney's wealth,he worked hard for it .he did not use your social security money to put up business like solyndra,I'm a middle class I work hard but I don't want to pay fr somebody's contraceptive pills and abortion.Bec .all those sluts will keep sleeping around once the get free abortion and contraceptive pills.Go Romney.I'm glad u r already rich.I know u will not steal our money.
How can anyonein their right mind compare Crazy Uncle Joe's unhinged performance to Mitt's. Joe was condensending, rude and I think age has caught up to him. Mitt held Obama to the fire. Held him accountable. No one else has.
Mr. Romney was not disrespectful to Obama. Biden was like a smiling, interrupting fool! Not professional at all!
To mizz Hooper ,how many times did the moderator or biden cut Ryan off before a complete answer was given
Sorry Lyn~ but "keeping God out of it" is what has gotten our country in the horrible mess that's it's in. The single most important thing we can do in this country is please oh please, put God back in it! Everything else will fall into place!
Apparently Biden lost the debate because he smiled too much.
OK, I tuned in for the presidential debate. I saw Obama getting his ass kicked live. I posted as much on here.
I tuned in last night. I saw fake and flacid Ryan trot out terrible talking points over and over ("They shouldn't have called him a reformer!") in meter that makes Jindal sound like the smoothest talking guy in the world, while Biden controlled the entire debate from go, countered every falsehood presented, was in control of both figures and flow, and spoke directly to the audience.
I'm just trying to figure out, how, in any reality, Biden "lost" the debate. Can someone, conservative or otherwise, elucidate this for me? What is the narrative of a Ryan win? Is it simply "Biden laffed 2much, TKO Ryan."? What's going on?
I haven't seen anything yet besides calling Biden mean.I'm just trying to figure out, how, in any reality, Biden "lost" the debate. Can someone, conservative or otherwise, elucidate this for me? What is the narrative of a Ryan win? Is it simply "Biden laffed 2much, TKO Ryan."? What's going on?
biden was rude and disrespectful.
Sorry Lyn~ but "keeping God out of it" is what has gotten our country in the horrible mess that's it's in. The single most important thing we can do in this country is please oh please, put God back in it! Everything else will fall into place!
Only because the guy next to him had the audacity to tell blatant lies to millions of Americans, often contradicting his own work from just the last 2 years.
Far more rude to lie to the masses.
That comment fills me with rage.
OK, I tuned in for the presidential debate. I saw Obama getting his ass kicked live. I posted as much on here.
I tuned in last night. I saw fake and flacid Ryan trot out terrible talking points over and over ("They shouldn't have called him a reformer!") in meter that makes Jindal sound like the smoothest talking guy in the world, while Biden controlled the entire debate from go, countered every falsehood presented, was in control of both figures and flow, and spoke directly to the audience.
I'm just trying to figure out, how, in any reality, Biden "lost" the debate. Can someone, conservative or otherwise, elucidate this for me? What is the narrative of a Ryan win? Is it simply "Biden laffed 2much, TKO Ryan."? What's going on?
Did Biden really say that the government didn't know there was lack of security at the US embassy in Benghazi?
biden was rude and disrespectful. ryan played it cool and played it presidential, like jfk.
Did Biden really say that the government didn't know there was lack of security at the US embassy in Benghazi?
I loved Biden's tone towards the other guy. That's what debating is, not reciting pre-rehearsed lines for two minutes at a time. The hell is the point of that? Call each other out on bullshit. Ryan could have attacked Joe the same way if thought he was BS'ing. But he didn't because he can't. He doesn't fucking know anything, just like that doofus in the last election.
It's really pathetic how he didn't answer a straightforward question put to him, twice, on specifics of his tax plan. Isn't that way more disrespectful than Biden laughing and facepalming the whole time?
Shit, I don't even think the media picked up on the Libya shit. Which, honestly, is about the only thing they could criticize and sound legit about.
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/12/us-usa-campaign-debate-poll-idUSBRE89B1AK20121012The energetic Biden claimed a seven-point victory - 42 percent to 35 percent - among registered voters, with a similar margin among independents. Nearly a quarter of registered voters and about a third of independents were unsure who did a better job during the debate at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky.
From my facebook
Reuters/Ipsos debate poll
Biden 42
Ryan 35
Seems like that also applies to Mitt Romney.
Seems like that also applies to Mitt Romney.
Pretty funny how pundits are saying that Ryan was quiet and dignified. Some even said that he looked presidential. Meanwhile, Obama did the same thing, yet he looked weak and unsure.
Our media is bullshit.
exactly and the Republican strategy is to give them just that sort of campaign. All fluff no substance.You have to keep in mind that a large portion of our population treats this as they might American Idol.
Yep its about what I expected.Pretty funny how pundits are saying that Ryan was quiet and dignified. Some even said that he looked presidential. Meanwhile, Obama did the same thing, yet he looked weak and unsure.
Our media is bullshit.
As of today facts matter at Fox News.
I actually heard Rush Limbaugh call Biden "mean, rude and disrespectful". What kind of Twilight Zone episode have I awakened to today?
False equivalency ftw.Wonder if they had the same story when Romney's campaign had to correct some of his facts after that debate...
False equivalency ftw.
False equivalency ftw.
False equivalency ftw.
False equivalency ftw.