So frustrating. Many times the needs of business run opposite to the benefits of art and preservation. It boils down to a few things: if you believe video games are art; if you think art eventually transcends private ownership; what you think about copyright laws and how they are enforced.
Then should they run and store the system for ages even if it's reporting more expenses than earnings? lol.
Also, it's not Nintendo nor any owner shop business to keep legacy of games that are not theirs... Why are Nintendo responsible to keep "legacy" afloat and not developer's? Aren't they the ones that should be putting their games on people hands?
Oh, sure, it's business and many will probably see no more return of investment since nobody cared about their games on the eShop anyway.
I can believe how naive and fake some users are here.....
"If it's not legally available then piracy is ok" so what do you do when sex with minors is not legal? Have it anyway?
What do you do when a 1950s car is not made anymore? Just steal it? Make it yourself without licence?
Entitled kids I swear...
In those examples, someone is getting damaged and that's why clearly they crimes, let me explain:
- I don't even have to comment on child cases...
- If someone is selling the car pieces and you steal them, it will obviously cause harm, but if you take from abandoned sources that no one will get benefited or harmed by it, then what's the problem with it?
In Nintendo case, if they're not selling the games and there's literally no way to get them unless you download them from a random source on the internet, they are literally not being harmed for your actions since they wouldn't be getting money from it anyway... It's an actual conflicting argument when determining if doing that should be even considered piracy and why they use the IP missuse when sending their C&D to these sites owners... The case of the guy that was recently jailes was totally justified because he was providing a way to bypass purchasing Switch games, their literally current console.
These forgotten games/IPs should be made public including source code. I understand that re-releasing many of these isn’t profitable and therefore companies don’t care. However, at the same time, if you download/share a rom you risk yourself being prosecuted by a multi-billion dollar company trying to grab some money from you.
That's not Nintendo business, ask the devs of those games to do so or to port them to a current platform.
IDK How is any of this so dificult, damn...