leaves more space for imagination
... I mean i guess.
leaves more space for imagination
You know, they've got a point.
It's easy to point at female characters that are hot, but ones that I'd ask out a real life equivelant of? I'm struggling to think of many.
Tali from Mass Effect 2, Kinzie from Saints Row are about the only two I can think of off the top of my head.
Sounds to me like her fella wisely ducked a loaded question. That dress looks great on you and I don't fancy anyone unless they have an amazing personality like you dear. No I wasn't looking at her breasts, merely admiring that lovely brooch she had.
Really great character.
This is a good one, I think that's what makes Bayonetta interesting. This might just be because of the great job the voice actress does but there's often glimpses into there being more than meets the eye. That stuff fascinates me.At any rate, I've been playing Bayonetta recently, and if she could open up a bit emotionally, she'd be a very attractive personality. (Even if I have to climb a stepladder to kiss her, and that's coming from someone who is 6'2") She's very guarded emotionally, though. You see glimpses of her soft side, i.e. when Jeanne is saved, "Mummy," "Daddy," etc. But she quickly hides it behind her tough girl attitude.
One of the few peole that didn't out right take advantage of John, but still challenged him.
She also ran the ranch like a boss.
So, my wife is crazy, jealous, argumentative, I'm partially sexist and married the wrong girl, and you have doubts about our relationship, all based on me saying that I'd be looking for the hidden subtext in my wife asking which computer game characters I fancy?
Wow indeed.
You're making sweeping judgements about people you will never meet based on sod-all info here. It's fair to say that a two-minute conversation about my hobby isn't the bedrock of our happy, long-term family life.
At any rate, I've been playing Bayonetta recently, and if she could open up a bit emotionally, she'd be a very attractive personality. (Even if I have to climb a stepladder to kiss her, and that's coming from someone who is 6'2") She's very guarded emotionally, though. You see glimpses of her soft side, i.e. when Jeanne is saved, "Mummy," "Daddy," etc. But she quickly hides it behind her tough girl attitude.
I could have written the same thing. I hope you and I can be friends, you get it.
To the people thinking the guy in OP dodged a loaded question... let me ask you, are there any female characters you'd fancy being in a relationship with? I don't mean a one night stand, I mean someone you could spend a sizable portion of your time with and think you'd enjoy their company... I can't think of too many personally.
You know, they've got a point.
It's easy to point at female characters that are hot, but ones that I'd ask out a real life equivelant of? I'm struggling to think of many.
Tali from Mass Effect 2, Kinzie from Saints Row are about the only two I can think of off the top of my head.
I wouldn't even remotely dream of dating someone who would even think of doing that, I guess.
I agree with the sentiment of the original post. Get tired of looking at perfect tens in every single video game. As a result they all just kind of come off as whores, even when they're not supposed to.
Clearly the man hasn't played Fire Emblem Awakening.
Sounds to me like her fella wisely ducked a loaded question. That dress looks great on you and I don't fancy anyone unless they have an amazing personality like you dear. No I wasn't looking at her breasts, merely admiring that lovely brooch she had.
So, my wife is crazy, jealous, argumentative, I'm partially sexist and married the wrong girl, and you have doubts about our relationship, all based on me (half-jokingly-Ackbar rarely implies a serious response) saying that I'd be looking for the hidden subtext in my wife asking which computer game characters I fancy?
Wow indeed.
You're making sweeping judgements about people you will never meet based on sod-all info here. It's fair to say that a two-minute conversation about my hobby isn't the bedrock of our happy, long-term family life.
I found brutal honesty is great when I was young and dating, and only saw my gf a few times a week. When you're settled down, approaching forty with kids destroying your sleep pattern, both of you are exhausted after work and your wife is worried about her figure after childbirth, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour if it's late and you're both shattered.
If you think people are crazy for telling the odd white lie in order to maintain harmony in a long-term relationship as the years roll by and they know their other half inside-out, then so be it.
Yeah it doesn't sound too healthy but it's definitely something that happens.
I agree. That's why I said my response was about what would happen if my wife asking the question, not women in general.Look, I get that a good number of people are joking, but those jokes are perpetuating a pretty silly stereotype of women. That they're jealous, and out to try and trap you and just want an argument out of this sort of stuff. Everyone making this joke is making sweeping judgements about the relationship of the writer of the article and her boyfriend, too. It's a sexist joke, in my opinion.
For what it's worth, my fiancé saw the thread and thought everyone was kind of crazy, too with that stereotype. The only reason she could see to tell a white lie like that is if it was like a close friend that even remotely would be possible as a threat. Even then, she's more a fan of actually being able to discuss these things. Asking about video game characters, though? Really?
I realize it happens. I've seen a case in a friend. Never about video game characters, though.. I don't know anyone that would be that bad at all. Never met them and neither have any of my friends. But yeah, some jealousy pops up with people you do actually know. That happens. Still, I think it's kind of bad to be perpetuating this stereotype that women are all into entrapment and will throw you a question just to get angry at you...
Whelp... it's 10:15am and that's about enough Internet for today.![]()
Maybe it's "He's definitely just dodging the question, exactly like I would if my girlfriend wrote for the Internet and I knew my answer would be published worldwide."It's depressing how many people are saying "He's definitely just dodging the question, exactly like I would."
Personally I can't fathom being attracted to a goddamn video game character, hell I am not even attracted to TV or Movie characters either, just the actresses
Are there?
I mean, she has a point in that a female character with actual personality is allways going to be more atractive than one whose personality is basically "I have large breasts and use a bikini armor", which is something we sadly see too often in videogames.
And yeah, games more often tend to have a male protagonists so of course there is a higher selection of them.
But are there really that many interesting male characters? Because most of them are just generic action heroes.
I mean, she says the few female characters her friends mentioned are "the ones that always get mentioned", but out of this universe of hundreds of male characters her own personal list is made up of literally the same ones I allways hear when the topic comes up while talking to my female gamer friends: Leon, one or more characters from Mass Effect/Dragon Age (Alistar in particular) and Link (this one doesn't even have a personality).
Oh gee I guess I'd better reevaluate my whole decade-long relationship with my wife because I know what she wants to hear when she asks bullshit fluff questions like this.
Clearly the man hasn't played Fire Emblem Awakening.
That is literally what the article says
"Thats what Im asking for: characters whose sexuality makes sense and who have different things to offer. I dont want fewer attractive women in games, I want more of them."
Is it really that hard to read the OP?
Yeah, Leon Kennedy and Link have such deep and interesting personalities.
I'm attempting sarcasm
This article sounds like:
Although she has a point, but one thing does not exclude the other.
In that case i've gotta go with Chie
She's the kind of Girl i could easily see myself spending Time with if she was real. energetic, fun, also a bit tomboyish, but thats okay.
But in the End your point still stands, there are not much non-sexualized Characters in Videogames
Disclaimer: This is my Opinion, and is not meant to start a discussion about Persona
It's depressing how many people are saying "He's definitely just dodging the question, exactly like I would."
Sounds to me like her fella wisely ducked a loaded question. That dress looks great on you and I don't fancy anyone unless they have an amazing personality like you dear. No I wasn't looking at her breasts, merely admiring that lovely brooch she had.
Well RE4 Leon does have a sense of humor.
Speaking of which ...
This was an actual episode and not a photoshop?
Think of the potential for kung fu movie marathons on weekends. So good.
Newsflash to GAF, emotionally-mature adult women don't care which video games you want to bang, believe it or not.
Fixed, although to be fair it also applies to writers of pretty much any establishment of news (for all values of "news").Or are you assuming all writers for the Guardian are just waiting for their egg shell walking people they talk with to say something or fall into a trap so they can spin it into an article?
There cannot possibly be grown adults in lasting relationships full of support and compromise whom haven't this exact scenario and realized the only way to make it out alive is to not even play.
Comedian Reginald D Hunter sums it up perfectly.