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"Video games need fewer 'sexy' women and more you can actually fancy"


You know, they've got a point.

It's easy to point at female characters that are hot, but ones that I'd ask out a real life equivelant of? I'm struggling to think of many.

Tali from Mass Effect 2, Kinzie from Saints Row are about the only two I can think of off the top of my head.

It's a weird question for me, because video game characters are entirely divorced from my real-life considerations that it doesn't factor into whether I find them attractive or not. I mean, I look at male characters in games and I can't even think of any that immediately spring to mind as people I'd want to be friends with.

Master Chief is awesome, but inviting him over would be one awkward barbecue. The guys from Sunset Overdrive? Maybe cool to hang with them a little bit but I'd be afraid they'd light my house on fire. People from The Witcher or other medieval RPGs just seem like they'd be foul-mouthed and dour all the time :)

The only character female or male that I can instantly think of that made me interested in them outside of the pure narrative and gameplay constraints was Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite, because they did a good job of suggesting an inner life to her (little things like how she pokes around and looks at stuff during lulls in action, or her excitement about the puppet entertainment she loved as a kid and realized were kinda' creepy.) Even Alyx doesn't feel like a real person outside the confines of the game, partly because she's all flirty with a mute killing machine.


Just want to say that the setup to this article, where the girl is asking her boyfriend what game characters he fancies, and he can't think of any, sounds like a guy who knows better than to step on mines in a minefield, i.e. "I like Liz from BioShock" --> "WHAT? ARE YOU SAYING YOU DON'T LIKE MY MODEST CUP SIZE," etc.

Not discrediting the article. Just amused at this fun thought, lol.

At any rate, I've been playing Bayonetta recently, and if she could open up a bit emotionally, she'd be a very attractive personality. (Even if I have to climb a stepladder to kiss her, and that's coming from someone who is 6'2") She's very guarded emotionally, though. You see glimpses of her soft side, i.e. when Jeanne is saved, "Mummy," "Daddy," etc. But she quickly hides it behind her tough girl attitude.
Sounds to me like her fella wisely ducked a loaded question. That dress looks great on you and I don't fancy anyone unless they have an amazing personality like you dear. No I wasn't looking at her breasts, merely admiring that lovely brooch she had.

Exactly what I was thinking!


Gold Member
They're 3d models right? I've never had a female or male ask me who I liked. If anything charcters like Ivy from Soul Calibur begged the question more than it made girls mad. That's been many years ago, but even with DBZ Videl powering up was more about symbolism than who the character actually was. I wonder how an argument or a conversation would go if I had a serious conversation about games with a female. For one it's mostly ," you play video games?" "Cool me too", which ones are you playing. I've never had the chance to discuss it in detail. Not saying I can't but it just hasn't been broughten up. The what's cool and video games are acceptable are mainly key points before "who do you have a problem with or who don't you like is brought up".

I might not be living my life with a current gf or wife but maybe that will change

That's just my old ex experience.


At any rate, I've been playing Bayonetta recently, and if she could open up a bit emotionally, she'd be a very attractive personality. (Even if I have to climb a stepladder to kiss her, and that's coming from someone who is 6'2") She's very guarded emotionally, though. You see glimpses of her soft side, i.e. when Jeanne is saved, "Mummy," "Daddy," etc. But she quickly hides it behind her tough girl attitude.
This is a good one, I think that's what makes Bayonetta interesting. This might just be because of the great job the voice actress does but there's often glimpses into there being more than meets the eye. That stuff fascinates me.


So, my wife is crazy, jealous, argumentative, I'm partially sexist and married the wrong girl, and you have doubts about our relationship, all based on me saying that I'd be looking for the hidden subtext in my wife asking which computer game characters I fancy?

Wow indeed.

You're making sweeping judgements about people you will never meet based on sod-all info here. It's fair to say that a two-minute conversation about my hobby isn't the bedrock of our happy, long-term family life.

Yeah, some really going to far in their amateur armchair online psychoanalysis. I assume most guys here are just pulling out an old joke and aren't actually worried about being honest with such a silly question. On the other hand a LOT of people seem to have weird insecurities that aren't neccesarily a sign of being unable to carry on a healthy relationship.


At any rate, I've been playing Bayonetta recently, and if she could open up a bit emotionally, she'd be a very attractive personality. (Even if I have to climb a stepladder to kiss her, and that's coming from someone who is 6'2") She's very guarded emotionally, though. You see glimpses of her soft side, i.e. when Jeanne is saved, "Mummy," "Daddy," etc. But she quickly hides it behind her tough girl attitude.

Indeed! There's a fair bit of nuance to the character which, combined with her swagger and impeccable fashion sense, makes her genuinely interesting and attractive. Definitely one of my favourites.


To the people thinking the guy in OP dodged a loaded question... let me ask you, are there any female characters you'd fancy being in a relationship with? I don't mean a one night stand, I mean someone you could spend a sizable portion of your time with and think you'd enjoy their company... I can't think of too many personally.

Isn't that basically what waifus are to people?


No personalities? The guy hasn't been playing any good games I see. UC has female characters with great personalities. Half-Life 2. Etc. etc.

Some of her choices are weird too. Link has no personality whatsoever. Leon Kennedy? They are basically the male version of the sexy, personality-less female.


Wait, so, because her BF couldn't find a female VG character he "fancies" this means that all such characters are just headless boobies or something?

I mean sure there's lots of these, but there's also tons of great female characters. Just like, you know, there's a shitload of one-dimensional muscle mountains with as much personality as the gun they're holding, and then there's interesting one.


You know, they've got a point.

It's easy to point at female characters that are hot, but ones that I'd ask out a real life equivelant of? I'm struggling to think of many.

Tali from Mass Effect 2, Kinzie from Saints Row are about the only two I can think of off the top of my head.

If I had to pick one I'd go with Chloe Fraser:


She seems like a game lass who knows how to have fun and get a little bit naughty but she's not completely nuts.

I wouldn't even remotely dream of dating someone who would even think of doing that, I guess.

Yeah it doesn't sound too healthy but it's definitely something that happens.


I agree with the sentiment of the original post. Get tired of looking at perfect tens in every single video game. As a result they all just kind of come off as whores, even when they're not supposed to.


Junior Member
whatever. there are just as many meat head dude protags as sexy vixen game characters and plenty of gaming women with substance. dude just didnt want to tell his SO about the ones he fancies

I agree with the sentiment of the original post. Get tired of looking at perfect tens in every single video game. As a result they all just kind of come off as whores, even when they're not supposed to.

so, is that how you see people in real life too? attractive people are whores? seems like that is more a problem with your perception than anything else


So, my wife is crazy, jealous, argumentative, I'm partially sexist and married the wrong girl, and you have doubts about our relationship, all based on me (half-jokingly-Ackbar rarely implies a serious response) saying that I'd be looking for the hidden subtext in my wife asking which computer game characters I fancy?

Wow indeed.

You're making sweeping judgements about people you will never meet based on sod-all info here. It's fair to say that a two-minute conversation about my hobby isn't the bedrock of our happy, long-term family life.

I found brutal honesty is great when I was young and dating, and only saw my gf a few times a week. When you're settled down, approaching forty with kids destroying your sleep pattern, both of you are exhausted after work and your wife is worried about her figure after childbirth, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour if it's late and you're both shattered.

If you think people are crazy for telling the odd white lie in order to maintain harmony in a long-term relationship as the years roll by and they know their other half inside-out, then so be it.

Look, I get that a good number of people are joking, but those jokes are perpetuating a pretty silly stereotype of women. That they're jealous, and out to try and trap you and just want an argument out of this sort of stuff. Everyone making this joke is making sweeping judgements about the relationship of the writer of the article and her boyfriend, too. It's a sexist joke, in my opinion.

For what it's worth, my fiancé saw the thread and thought everyone was kind of crazy, too with that stereotype. The only reason she could see to tell a white lie like that is if it was like a close friend that even remotely would be possible as a threat. Even then, she's more a fan of actually being able to discuss these things. Asking about video game characters, though? Really?

Yeah it doesn't sound too healthy but it's definitely something that happens.

I realize it happens. I've seen a case in a friend. Never about video game characters, though.. I don't know anyone that would be that bad at all. Never met them and neither have any of my friends. But yeah, some jealousy pops up with people you do actually know. That happens. Still, I think it's kind of bad to be perpetuating this stereotype that women are all into entrapment and will throw you a question just to get angry at you...


Look, I get that a good number of people are joking, but those jokes are perpetuating a pretty silly stereotype of women. That they're jealous, and out to try and trap you and just want an argument out of this sort of stuff. Everyone making this joke is making sweeping judgements about the relationship of the writer of the article and her boyfriend, too. It's a sexist joke, in my opinion.

For what it's worth, my fiancé saw the thread and thought everyone was kind of crazy, too with that stereotype. The only reason she could see to tell a white lie like that is if it was like a close friend that even remotely would be possible as a threat. Even then, she's more a fan of actually being able to discuss these things. Asking about video game characters, though? Really?

I realize it happens. I've seen a case in a friend. Never about video game characters, though.. I don't know anyone that would be that bad at all. Never met them and neither have any of my friends. But yeah, some jealousy pops up with people you do actually know. That happens. Still, I think it's kind of bad to be perpetuating this stereotype that women are all into entrapment and will throw you a question just to get angry at you...
I agree. That's why I said my response was about what would happen if my wife asking the question, not women in general.

While I appreciate your stance on sexism, I definitely don't appreciate your judgemental comments based on my specific relationship. How you can stand up for general women with one hand and yet say my other half is crazy because she might, on occasion, over a decade or so, ask her husband a question that smacks of 'answer very carefully!, with the other is beyond me.

I don't know, I don't think we need to put people in boxes regarding their mental state over one specific, potentially loaded, silly question to their partner. Long-term relationships are far more complex than that, I might give a different answer to the question 'who do you think is prettier' based on all manner of things. In an ideal world people might ask rational, honest questions and give rational, honest answers to everything throughout their life, but relationships are about loving people even if they have had a rough day and throw the odd curveball at you once in a blue moon.

In case I'm taking this too seriously, congrats on the engagement and good luck :)
I think the author meant characters are both people (personality, have a purpose other than to be a love interest which isn't always bad, and get give guys a boner).

I agree, we need more characters that are complex like Elizabeth and less characters like Eve, although characters like eve should exist though.

Whelp... it's 10:15am and that's about enough Internet for today. :p

here here.

back to work for me.
Personally I can't fathom being attracted to a goddamn video game character, hell I am not even attracted to TV or Movie characters either, just the actresses


Finnel from Ar Tonelico Qoga. Once you spend some time with her inside of the cosmosphere I realized how perfect for me she was.


It's depressing how many people are saying "He's definitely just dodging the question, exactly like I would."
Maybe it's "He's definitely just dodging the question, exactly like I would if my girlfriend wrote for the Internet and I knew my answer would be published worldwide."


Personally I can't fathom being attracted to a goddamn video game character, hell I am not even attracted to TV or Movie characters either, just the actresses

It doesn't mean that it's easier to find them admirable and cool. In which case I feel that there are way more interesting and well-developed male characters than females. I'm not sure it's necessarily about "attraction" to a character that you might think about them at night, but someone actually interesting where their tits aren't a 'key feature' of their personhood and look.

Sexiness isn't bad, the problem is when a pervy camera starts circling around more than it would a male, or when a personality is reduced to male perception of women than actual women.


not me
Are there?
I mean, she has a point in that a female character with actual personality is allways going to be more atractive than one whose personality is basically "I have large breasts and use a bikini armor", which is something we sadly see too often in videogames.
And yeah, games more often tend to have a male protagonists so of course there is a higher selection of them.

But are there really that many interesting male characters? Because most of them are just generic action heroes.
I mean, she says the few female characters her friends mentioned are "the ones that always get mentioned", but out of this universe of hundreds of male characters her own personal list is made up of literally the same ones I allways hear when the topic comes up while talking to my female gamer friends: Leon, one or more characters from Mass Effect/Dragon Age (Alistar in particular) and Link (this one doesn't even have a personality).

These are my thoughts. Sexualization of characters is a problem mostly centered around female characters. Interesting personalities is not. It's just a problem of crappy writing. I mean, I'll try and think of games where the men are written well with deep personalities and character arcs and backgrounds and the women aren't, but I doubt it'll happen.


I liked the article. It's nice to see somebody talk about this subject without lacing their article with accusations, blame, and hyperbole. And some very good, useful points were made.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Now that I think about it, he's right. I like eye candy as much as the next guy, but I don't find a lot of female characters actually attractive past that.

The only recent ones I can think of off the top of my head would be Tali from ME and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite.

If I were to add characters that I think are cool but not people that I would be attracted to, I'd add Bayonetta and Femshep.
Well that's one hell of a beauty shaming article. I love this trend of women telling men what we should find attractive and "fancy". Sure I get the sexualized armor argument, but think to tell me what it is I need to see to be attracted to somebody. It's insulting.
That is literally what the article says

"That’s what I’m asking for: characters whose sexuality makes sense and who have different things to offer. I don’t want fewer attractive women in games, I want more of them."

Is it really that hard to read the OP?

Yes, a lot of people won't bother reading the whole article (no matter how short) in threads about women and games, but rather read the title and go off on their own tangents. Like clockwork :p


not me
In any case, there are plenty of female characters with attractive personalities, or characters for whom their looks weren't as important as their personalities:

Elena from Uncharted 2
Terra from FF6
Celes from FF6
Dagger from FF9
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Sherry Birkin
Regina from Dino Crisis
Aya Brea
Morrigan from DAO
Aveline from DA2
Cassandra from DA: I
Josephine from DA: I
Tali from Mass Effect
Kid from Chrono Cross
Karin from Shadow Hearts 2
Kasumi from Suikoden/2
Chris from Suikoden 3
Lucrecia from Suikoden 5
Nel from Star Ocean 3
Lady from DMC3 (not 4)
Eris from Drakengard 2
Several Persona characters
Lenneth/Hrist from Valkyrie Profile/2
Farah from Prince of Persia
Ozma from Tactics Ogre LUCT
Agrias from Final Fantasy Tactics
Elly from Xenogears
Meryl from Metal Gear Solid

Off the top of my head.


Yeah, Leon Kennedy and Link have such deep and interesting personalities.

I'm attempting sarcasm

Well RE4 Leon does have a sense of humor.

Speaking of which ...
This article sounds like:




Although she has a point, but one thing does not exclude the other.

This was an actual episode and not a photoshop?

In that case i've gotta go with Chie

She's the kind of Girl i could easily see myself spending Time with if she was real. energetic, fun, also a bit tomboyish, but thats okay.

But in the End your point still stands, there are not much non-sexualized Characters in Videogames

Disclaimer: This is my Opinion, and is not meant to start a discussion about Persona

Think of the potential for kung fu movie marathons on weekends. So good.
Sounds to me like her fella wisely ducked a loaded question. That dress looks great on you and I don't fancy anyone unless they have an amazing personality like you dear. No I wasn't looking at her breasts, merely admiring that lovely brooch she had.

Exactly. This is just the way things seem to go down. Example, my fiancee told me earlier the girl at the changing rooms today was the first time she saw another girls ass and wished that was hers, but I tell her that it was probably the jeans and if she tried on some of the new fashion she'd find she looks just as good in them. Likely true. What I wasn't gonna tell her was how the girl at the changing rooms did have one damn fine ass, because that's just not what they're looking to hear us say anyway.

I get the feeling the writer might have become pissed at this poor guy had he actually given her honest answers instead of having duck and dive through a bunch of questions that are probing for an unwanted answer.
Well RE4 Leon does have a sense of humor.

Speaking of which ...

This was an actual episode and not a photoshop?

Think of the potential for kung fu movie marathons on weekends. So good.

It was an actual episode, there is a clip on youtube.


Newsflash to GAF, emotionally-mature adult women don't care which video games you want to bang, believe it or not.

I think you meant emotionally stable.

A lot of people could argue having a video game character you want to bang is, also not emotionally stable as well.
Or are you assuming all writers for the Guardian are just waiting for their egg shell walking people they talk with to say something or fall into a trap so they can spin it into an article?
Fixed, although to be fair it also applies to writers of pretty much any establishment of news (for all values of "news").
We have entered a grand age in which pillow talk or casual driving talk can be used as a 500+ word article in a major newspaper.

I can't wait until the day that I pick up The Denver Post and the above the fold article is "My wife and I have decided that there is not enough Sriracha sauce in use at pizza places. Could this be racism?"

The whole article feels like the author was paid by word.
Also, there's a bunch of people in this thread who claimed they wouldn't immediately dodge the question if their significant other asked them if they had a crush on a videogame character. Frankly, I think every last one of you is lying.


Bonnie McFarlane from Red Dead Redemption was a really nice woman.
Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite had tons of personality that I enjoyed.
Tali in Mass Effect would have been a good (but difficult) dining partner as well.
I would say I love the personality of Bayonetta (and I do), but I would never ever fancy her since she would definitely crush me completely, nor can I say I have any fantasies about her despite her complete focus on sex appeal for the same reason, still like her a lot though. :p

There cannot possibly be grown adults in lasting relationships full of support and compromise whom haven't this exact scenario and realized the only way to make it out alive is to not even play.

Comedian Reginald D Hunter sums it up perfectly.

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