Although the video is kind of on the older side (2019), it still raises many valid pros of Gyro Aiming on controllers!
Here are some of the key points:
-joystick aiming typically relies on dev. tricks like aim assist and bullet snapping to achieve more accuracy
-mouse and keyboard is more accurate for aiming because it doesn't rely on the above tricks
-gryo aiming is a "best of both worlds" approach because it combines the form factor of the controller with the aiming precision of the M&K
-gyro aiming is NOT the gimmicks like Wiimote waggle which is imprecise but has utility in games such as aiming precisely in action games, or tilt steering in racing games, or game building in Dreams, etc.
There are alot more points in the video, and I'm not even done watching it myself XD But I agree with alot of what he said, especially being able to use the Steam controller to fix sluggish-feeling controller console PC ports. You can assign M&K setups to the controller and then assign gyro aiming to the mouse input which makes a night-and-day difference with aiming, can confirm myself because I'm an avid Steam controller fan and for me, The Evil Within is essentially unplayable for me on the PS4 due to the lack of gyro aim. On PC, I got that option and my gyro aiming configuration for the Steam controller is butter smooth combined with dat 144hz screen on my gaming laptop!
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