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Videos to help encourage and improve the minds of men.


The latest incel thread reminded me how low a place men can go. While I don't recall ever thinking of myself as an incel, I do come from having some very self defeating mindsets. I'm still overcoming these these issues.

Being married now I can with confidence say having a woman does not fix my problems.

Feel free to share videos you believe will provide something to help heal and improve the mental health of men.

My pick is a video from the channel Essential Craftsman. This video does not specify address the topic of mental health but behind the topics related to the world of construction is information I believe will help naturally heal and improve a persons mental state.


Listen to this and ask yourself some questions: Does it seem like the things being said here are true? When it comes to the way you like other people to treat you, do you dislike the things he says not to do, and like the things he suggests doing? Would it benefit you and those around you if you did these things, and learned to approach people like this?
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The latest incel thread reminded me how low a place men can go. While I don't recall ever thinking of myself as an incel, I do come from having some very self defeating mindsets. I'm still overcoming these these issues.

Being married now I can with confidence say having a woman does not fix my problems.

Feel free to share videos you believe will provide something to help heal and improve the mental health of men.

My pick is a video from the channel Essential Craftsman. This video does not specify address the topic of mental health but behind the topics related to the world of construction is information I believe will help naturally heal and improve a persons mental state.



Gold Member
I think a part of incel anti-behaviour is simply laziness. it just so happens to go hand in hand with trying to get chicks.

Who knows. Maybe big groups of incels have always been around since the caveman days, but I dont that impression even if there was no internet to see it widespread. The internet age has made a lot of people lazy and anti-social where they sit home doing everything.... WFH, order take out, groceries and anything from Amazon from home, no need to talk to people face to face since you can text them etc.... If you think about it you probably can live at home never going out as long as the company allows you to WFH 100% of the time. Hell, they'll even mail you a corporate laptop.

So these internet nerds are amped up in anger they cant press a button a get a chick like clicking a button to order a pizza or pornhubbing all night. For you young people who do everything on the net, believe it or not you used to need to pick up a phone and order a pizza and not every restaurant had delivery. There was no uber eats too, so you or dad had to pick it up. And picking up a girl was hanging out with buddies on a weekend at a pub or club hoping to see hotties. And then low and behold, swap phone numbers writing it down.
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Father figure in my life gave me great advice once - to be the best man one could be, one should be kind/helpful to others and also “do”. That’s key, a man must “do” - be it taking care of random things around the house, running random errands, or just doing great work in your profession. Contributing to the world, helping the people around you it’s very fulfilling.
I don’t think anything will help in that regard until we get rid of the stigma “of man-ing up”. I mean, this used to be somewhat ok still when family bonds were strong and boys had father figures but today it is a cause of a lot of troubles.

And no, it doesn’t help if we keep pretending that this topic is already a thing of the past when it’s clearly not. You know, men who show their feelings are sooo cool. Yeah, nice story. Men laugh at you and women lose all respect for you as soon as you show weakness.

Buddy of mine in the office is just going through a though break-up and it’s taking him real hard. Dude is straight up on benzos at the moment. From my short talk the other week with him I kinda filled the blanks and surmised that he doesn’t really have a man to talk to. Brought him a Buddhist book yesterday because I think there might be some stuff in there that could help him cope. When I gave it to him the guy stood there speechless and then said he like nothing more than to give me a hug but won’t because we’re in the office and stuff.

Made me super sad, because I can fully relate. Hugging me would have made us the laughing stock…

Most people have no clue how much men struggle because they have no one to talk to. Every time I hear a women say we men are so much better off I tell them they would not last a month as man. Because of this. No one gives a damn.


Gold Member
Father figure in my life gave me great advice once - to be the best man one could be, one should be kind/helpful to others and also “do”. That’s key, a man must “do” - be it taking care of random things around the house, running random errands, or just doing great work in your profession. Contributing to the world, helping the people around you it’s very fulfilling.
I agree. That's an old school kind of mentality, but I agree with it since a lot of things in life women wont do (or barely do). Any kind of pain in the ass physical job the guy is more likely to do it be expected to do it and thats ok since us guys are stronger, faster and have more confidence to do it. That's not a sexist thing. It's a reality thing. And when anyone tries their best it's the best a father figure can do. Lead by example.

In modern day, expectations are men and women are totally equal. That's fine. But lets face it, when it comes to paying for dates the guy has always been the side to pay up. And thats ok with me. I open car doors for women too even if we are just a bunch of coworkers going for lunch. Someone might say thats stupid to do. It's 2024 and you arent Sir Lancelot so let them open their own door. But I have no problem with chivalry kinds of things because its a nice thing to do and it's what can make both men and women for distinct.


not tag worthy

Always Sunny GIF by hero0fwar



No shit post. It really helped me back in the day.

I just watched it again.

The rigid structure and routine to get back in the groove is kinda lacking atm. Perspective given through that video helps me. Fwiw. Forget the bodybuilding aspect. Just his general inner motivational philosophy works on all levels I like to think.


No, they really don’t need another video, they need a dose of reality and to unplug from the social construct of lies that the internet and online communication are.

Just turn off the PC

go to third world countries and realize where you do or do not get a chance to stick your dick inside of have no importance in life outside of std’s and the repercussions of having children

Interact with real people and see what the real world is and you will see most everyone shares the common ground of living human lives like the rest of us 8+ billion humans.

You have to try and live your life if you want to experience any part of it and hiding behind a screen is doing the opposite

Edit: BTW, I just realized I’m actually spoiling all the videos everyone is and will post with this cause they all amount to the same message
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Gold Member
The best thing any man (or anyone) can do to better themselves is to push outside your comfort zone every once in a while. Get to know people different from you. Broaden your horizons. Build empathy. Treat people with respect, and earn the respect of others. That's what 'manning up' actually is.

No one book or source is going to make you a well rounded individual. Just the opposite, in fact. As clearly evidenced.
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I've been following Taylor Cavanaugh on YouTube and Instagram the last couple of months for a little self motivation and inspiration. He was one of those high risk-high reward type individuals who flew to close to the sun when he was young and got burned. He was a Navy Seal who got kicked out of the military and joined the French Foriegn Legion, to get back to the basics and get his life back on track. He is now transitioning back into civilian life and has an interesting story to tell.

This is his very first YouTube video when he was still in the French Foriegn Legion.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
The latest incel thread reminded me how low a place men can go. While I don't recall ever thinking of myself as an incel, I do come from having some very self defeating mindsets. I'm still overcoming these these issues.

Being married now I can with confidence say having a woman does not fix my problems.

Feel free to share videos you believe will provide something to help heal and improve the mental health of men.

My pick is a video from the channel Essential Craftsman. This video does not specify address the topic of mental health but behind the topics related to the world of construction is information I believe will help naturally heal and improve a persons mental state.

That's a pretty good video.


Gold Member
I think a part of incel anti-behaviour is simply laziness. it just so happens to go hand in hand with trying to get chicks.

Who knows. Maybe big groups of incels have always been around since the caveman days, but I dont that impression even if there was no internet to see it widespread. The internet age has made a lot of people lazy and anti-social where they sit home doing everything.... WFH, order take out, groceries and anything from Amazon from home, no need to talk to people face to face since you can text them etc.... If you think about it you probably can live at home never going out as long as the company allows you to WFH 100% of the time. Hell, they'll even mail you a corporate laptop.

So these internet nerds are amped up in anger they cant press a button a get a chick like clicking a button to order a pizza or pornhubbing all night. For you young people who do everything on the net, believe it or not you used to need to pick up a phone and order a pizza and not every restaurant had delivery. There was no uber eats too, so you or dad had to pick it up. And picking up a girl was hanging out with buddies on a weekend at a pub or club hoping to see hotties. And then low and behold, swap phone numbers writing it down.
I would use the word unmotivated. It looks and feels like laziness.
Straight to the point.
Stop Jerking yourselves off.
Get off social media (IG, Youtube, TikTok, Uber, OF)
Get off the screen.

I'm an old dog, so I can clearly see and feel the effects these things have on a body/mind. We are men... hunters. We pursue things.
You young guys were basically born into an algorithm. I call you all addicts and treat you as such when I interact with you.

The things you should find pleasurable...rewarding you don't because you are on that screen jerking yourselves off (mentally/physically)
You need to reset. Allow those chemicals in your body to level out back in reality.
The starting point really is that simply in theory. I get it, more difficult to practice in real life. (Sounds like an addict?)

You don't have to get out of that dark place all by yourself though. Life wants you to be happy and healthy. Your body? That meat puppet with living cells, bacteria, organs? It wants to thrive. You... the one reading this. You are more of a landlord than a tenant.
Your body by its very existence wants to go up... move forward... be better. It knows no other direction. You are getting in the way.

I could go on and on. But that's one of the problems. Complicating life. Looking for that right message, said the right way, at the right time. Always searching so "I'm doing something about it".

Streets is 100% on this. Uber example spot on.

I finished working a 12 hour shift. Nevermind the fact that I had to be up at 4am to get to work. So that's 4am - 8pm + 2 more hours for a commute home. 4am - 10pm.
My entire day taken by work. It would have been so easy to Uber some food when I got home. On the bus it was all I was thinking about. It made me so agitated and angry. The thought of getting home then pressing a button for someone to shovel slop down my throat.
On the bus, I made the decision to go and get food. A late night spot that I knew would be open. It added another 45 min to my day (night at this point)
But the thought of Ubering it, fucking disgusted me. I would have eaten and just felt horrible about myself.
Going out to get that meal. So worth it. I got less sleep. Had less 'down' time once I got home. Still so worth it.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Says the man calling transgender people trannies...

Very graceful and understanding..

I don’t think I have used a derogatory term for trans people. But I have said there is a mental health issue there.

Also this is always the case with people that say “oh you have to act the way I interpret is correct”. Every time this is the self righteousness of those that judge.
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