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Virtual Fighter 5 REVO Announced | Out Now

Turning Around GIF by Max

Can't wait to hear burning soul like the reveal trailer and play some Virtua Fighter!


Before I ramble about Virtua Fighter 5 REVO for the PC let me say that setting up a PC to play games suck! Installing Steam Deck, downloading a bunch of apps from all over the place, updating ancient drivers to boost CPU performance, blah blah blah... very annoying time-consuming stuff! 😬

At any rate, finally got to dabble with Virtua Fighter 5 REVO a bit.

Coming from playing VF5 Final Showdown just earlier today having access to expansive custom outfits and items available for every character, then looking at the custom outfits and items in VF5 REVO... I can't help but to admit that the custom item lists for every character in VF5 REVO is absolutely appalling! And my personal gripes with this game don't just end there. Aesthetically speaking, all of the characters in this game just look sooooo far worse in REVO than they do in VF5 Final Showdown despite the improved graphics! But with that said, several stages and environments in REVO look much better than they do in FS -- most notably Pai's and Lion's stages. However, I do miss the look of Dural's stages from FS that aren't in REVO.

VF5 REVO plays sublime offline. It's possible for anyone to make a seamless transition from playing VF5 Final Showdown to REVO and not miss a beat. (I did not play VF5 Ultimate Showdown on PlayStation 4 or 5 systems.) And this is especially the case since I can move my HORI Fighting Stick Alpha over from my Xbox Series X system to my PC without a hitch. Also note that there have been a few gameplay balance changes made in REVO. Some obscure moves that were present in VF4, VF3, and even VF2 before being removed in subsequent VF games have made a return to VF5 REVO. Anyway, I will test online play in REVO some time tomorrow.

VF5 Final Showdown on my Xbox Series X system is still my go-to VF game without a doubt. And VF5 FS will continue to be my most played VF game moving forward. But it's nice to finally be exposed to playing matches online against a large player base while playing PC VF5 REVO.
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Before I ramble about Virtua Fighter 5 REVO for the PC let me say that setting up a PC to play games suck! Installing Steam Deck, downloading a bunch of apps from all over the place, updating ancient drivers to boost CPU performance, blah blah blah... very annoying time-consuming stuff! 😬

At any rate, finally got to dabble with Virtua Fighter 5 REVO a bit.

Coming from playing VF5 Final Showdown just earlier today having access to expansive custom outfits and items available for every character, then looking at the custom outfits and items in VF5 5 REVO... I can't help but to admit that the custom item lists for every character in VF5 REVO is absolutely appalling! And my personal gripes with this game don't just end there. Aesthetically speaking, all of the characters in this game just look sooooo far worse in REVO than they do in VF5 Final Showdown despite the improved graphics! But with that said, several stages and environments in REVO look much better then they do in FS -- most notably Pai's and Lion's stages. However, I do miss the look of Dural's stages from FS that aren't in REVO.

VF5 REVO plays sublime offline. It's possible for anyone to make a seamless transition from playing VF5 Final Showdown to REVO and not miss a beat. (I did not play VF5 Ultimate Showdown on PlayStation 4 or 5 systems.) And this is especially the case since I can move my HORI Fighting Stick Alpha over from my Xbox Series X system to my PC without a hitch. Also note that there have been a few gameplay balance changes made in REVO. Some obscure moves that were present in VF4, VF3, and even VF2 before being removed in subsequent VF games have made a return to VF5 REVO. Anyway, I will test online play in REVO some time tomorrow.

VF5 Final Showdown on my Xbox Series X system is still my go-to VF game without a doubt. And VF5 FS will continue to be my most played VF game moving forward. But it's nice to finally be exposed to playing matches online against a large player base while playing PC VF5 REVO.
I am a bit let down with this release as well or rather the product descriptions. Only VF1 beach stage makes a return despite the description using the plural term. Also, anniversary soundtrack is separate from game. I was hoping I would have another set of tracks to use for the game's stages (without modding). I love soundtracks and only being able to choose a single title's entire soundtrack instead of choosing a track for each stage and not being able to hear it outside of battle is disheartening. As far as customization I am puzzled about not being able to equip a tan or remove shoes and belts for outfits as I am sure I was able to do it in the PS3/360 release. I am also displeased about the Sega costumes (Yakuza and swimsuit) not being customizable as I like changing hair and adding shades to tailor the look of certain characters.

It is a good thing combat is notably improved and online is a valid option in this PC release because otherwise there would be no point getting this over Judgment or Yakuza 6 for much less and just playing Final Showdown as a mini-game. Thankfully it plays really smooth and looks sharper than any other entry in the series and I am pleased about that. Most of all I look forward to the possibility of mods.

P.S. While I like the content in Final Showdown I cannot stand the mechanics so it is nothing more than a novelty. I do share your disappointment in Dural's cool stage getting the boot while generic VF4 copy takes its place.
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For single player this version is very bare bones.

Just an arcade mode, very few customization options and that's it.
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Want to give some impressions of online play for VF5 REVO.

I played about 90 ranked matches on a wired connection so far against opponents who had green box indicator shown prior to the match. To be honest, I still don't know what to make of the rollback feature. It seems to be a hindrance more than a benefit whenever it jumps over 4-5 frames during a match, as some input commands I buffer in during this situation appears to not be read by the game, and thus my next move/attack doesn't happen on screen. Plus I may see odd stuff going on like flickering, warping, or even teleporting between my character or my opponent's character, or both at the same time. There has been brief but rare occurrences during high rollback situations (>4 frames) where I attack my opponent and hear a sound indicating "hit", yet it shows the attack blocked on screen. However, whenever rollback stays under 4 frames throughout a match this game plays great -- almost equal to VF5 Final Showdown online play over Xbox Network. Almost.

Another issue for me regarding VF5 REVO is that I want to connect an HDMI 2.1 cable from my laptop PC directly to my OLED TV so I can play VF5 REVO online watching on a 55-inch TV screen instead of looking at my 16-inch laptop PC screen. But I'm afraid that doing this would increase input delay. So I chose to not use it during my online VF5 REVO sessions up to this point. But I still want to connect said HDMI 2.1 cable in the near future to find out how it goes.

I also want to experiment with saving some online match replays for VF5 REVO to upload to my YouTube channel in the near future.
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Played a wee bit yesterday and it was fine. I did absolutely hate the tutorial as it didn't give normal button inputs like press like X or O, but instead uses P G K etc had to go into the button mapping a few times to see what the hell it wanted from me.

I didn't look to deep into it yet, but in the options I turned the framerate up to the max, 120 I think, but the game still ran at 60. Was smooth playing it, but seemed a bit weird.

Overall, runs and looks good for £12 so can't complain. Will get back into it later for a proper session.


I tinkered with a few settings inside Graphics Settings menu before going online to play VF5 REVO earlier today, checking how much the frame rate fluctuate while adjusting and toggling various settings on or off. Most importantly I turned on Low Latency Mode inside Graphics Settings > Performance Improvement Settings menu, and I think I'll keep this setting going forward.

I played fewer online matches today then hopped offline shortly after since I felt the need to do extensive combo testing for my character in Free Training mode. And while messing around in Free Training I quickly find out there is a whole lot to changes left to discover! Overall I would say that there is potential higher max damage for various combos that can be done in VF5 REVO compared to the max damage combos that work in VF5 Final Showdown.

How about HDMI 2.1 cable? Well, I connected an HDMI 2.1 cable from my laptop PC directly to my 55-inch OLED TV while doing extensive combo testing offline and dammit... I'm going to have to try to play online with this next session! Extra input delay be damned! 😄

Anyway, as far as my online session today, there seemed to more consistent connection in my matches with less odd stuff occurring from previous online sessions. So far I have kept Rollback at 'Balance' setting, which sets input delay to 2 frames. But I am tempted to play online without any rollback next session. After all, this is the way VF has been set up from the beginning.

And finally... this is just a suggestion regarding online play, but I would hope that there will be an icon or some kind of signal to show which type of connection a player is using while playing VF5 REVO online, whether it's wired or wi-fi. Online VF is unquestionably better when playing under wired connection because this particular setup doesn't suffer loss data packets that often occur whenever playing under wi-fi connection. The network connection type really has an enormous effect on how rapid input commands between the two players are read by the game and eventually carry out on screen during online matches.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Any word from devs to make this version better?

Wild to me how they pulled the customization items lol.


It has everything from Ultimate Showdown which is mostly on par with the original release (PS3/X360). I don't know why you expect them to have everything from Final Showdown.
I kind of was expecting it to have everything from FS.Feels weird that they removed costumes, but this game has bigger issues to address first.
Gotten back into Virtua Fighter 5 lately and… I think I prefer it to Tekken 8

Tekken has veered so far away from what made the series great (even Tekken 7) its unreal

- Being downed but then being juggled because my characters legs ended up in the air

- Combos that break animation

- Ridiculous teleporting moves

- Sidestepping is useless now, you barely move at all and it’s completely out of step with backdashing

I think Tekken 8 drew me in with the shiny graphics and lack of loading, but wow is playing online such a miserable experience

Really excited about the future of VF because the developers are focusing on keeping it grounded.
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What are the chances of this coming to PS5 and Xbox Series?

VF5US plays brilliant in single player, but online feels sluggish and there needs to be something cross platform to boost the player base while we wait for VF6



One of the green rats
I bought this off steam and while fun I realize I've been playing this same game since it released on ps3 .. 😵‍💫

John Bilbo

I bought this off steam and while fun I realize I've been playing this same game since it released on ps3 .. 😵‍💫
I think it is better they iterate on what works than release something half-assed just because there is a pressure to publish the next big thing.
It just strikes me as odd that there is only arcade and online. VF2 had VS CPU at the very least. I do think that in terms of balancing and many characters' move sets this is the best version of Virtua Fighter currently. Though my boy Wolf is pitiful in this revision. :messenger_downcast_sweat:

P.S. DoA 6 is better than 5 contrary to the B.S. in the video.
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I want to further commend the online experience I've had so far in Virtua Fighter 5 REVO. I play this game online with a wired connection and rollback disabled. Most of my matches were played in the 60-100 ms ping range with a 5-6 frame delay against opponents in the 'Same Area' region. I wait about 3-5 seconds on the status of my pending opponent's connection box before choosing whether or not to go on and play match. This is not the ideal way to play VF since offline play rules all day every day. However, I find this game definitely playable online.

I would like to be given a thorough explanation on what distinguishes between 'Not Frequent' and 'Infrequent Only' whenever the game scans disconnect rates for online opponents. I have my game currently set to 'Infrequent Only,' but I honestly don't know the difference whenever I switch between these two settings.

Oh, and the HDMI 2.1 cable gets plugged in from laptop PC to OLED TV for every offline and online session! The stages and backgrounds in VF5 REVO looks fabulous in 4K resolution while moving at 60 fps! And this output goes some ways in outshining the aesthetically disappointing looking characters and sorely lacking available custom costumes and items.


I wonder why they've used the audio from VF5 Final Showdown though? That was compressed to hell to fit in the 2GB limit of Xbox Live, it just feels jarring when the ost sounds amazing and the visuals look great, ...and then the characters/contact sfx sounds like it's coming from a PS1 game.
I wonder why they've used the audio from VF5 Final Showdown though? That was compressed to hell to fit in the 2GB limit of Xbox Live, it just feels jarring when the ost sounds amazing and the visuals look great, ...and then the characters/contact sfx sounds like it's coming from a PS1 game.
I looked into it and the files in this version match the extractable files in the Virtua Fighter 5 Online XBOX 360 title with matching codes. Of course all the revisions since R have had a subset of the sounds but quality of audio was never altered in any way. I think you are thinking of textures and the like that were compressed for Final Showdown release.

I am having a lot of fun modding the game at the moment personally. Soundtrack is wide open and some community made mods are dope.

P.S. I get the feeling that Final Showdown costumes could theoretically be imported but at the cost of cloth physics.
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I want to give a brief update on my recent online experience with VF5 REVO.

I had been playing VF5 REVO with rollback disabled. However, since the zero rollback setting has been disabled after the release of the recent update patch, I'm back to playing on 'Balanced' Game Setting under 4K resolution at 60 fps. And of course I still have an HDMI 2.1 cable running from laptop PC to 55-inch OLED TV.

I find that there are apparently two ways to record matches. Microsoft Xbox App interface and Steam interface are both accessible for recording. While messing around with both types of interface over the last few days I learned to eventually like both ways. However, online VF5 REVO matches that are played in aforementioned 4K resolution then recorded and video captured through Xbox App interface are inexplicably downgraded to 1440p resolution. Meanwhile, VF5 REVO online matches video recorded through Steam interface then later exported to YouTube Studio account remained at 4K resolution. So which way do you all think I'm recording online VF5 REVO matches?

At any rate, it's nice to be able to record video of whatever you choose to do in VF5 REVO, whether it's for playing online matches, combo testing, free training, etc. But I have to admit that I miss the option to save a match as a replay like what can be done in VF5 Final Showdown. Replaying a saved match allows the opportunity to show frame data and other detailed information as a match plays out, which are really useful tools.

Soooo... maybe a Replay Save prompt can be included at the end of an offline or online match. And maybe a separate Replay mode that stacks up a list of saved match replays can be added in the Main Menu. Just some thoughts to include in a future patch perhaps? Please? 🙏
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