Honestly that's a really hard to answer question, so I'm going to give a short answer and a long answer.
The short answer: the overall translation quality is ok but has been getting better, JAST has the best overall quality.
The long answer: The real question here is do you mean solely translations or localisations, because those are two very different things. You should know better than most the difficulties of things like properly expressing 敬語 or the implications of honorifics in English, and it's something companies definitely still struggle with in my opinion. Translations, as I said, have been getting better as a whole but a lot of the older material, especially older MangaGamer needs some work. Usually the translations are decent enough, but editors seem to struggle to eloquently rewrite the text they get provided in a way that conveys the correct idea and doesn't make the character sound like a robot. I'm probably more picky about it than most people though because learning Japanese somehow translated in to me having super high linguistic standards even in English.
Also I haven't played a game in English in over a year now, so what do I know ヽ(´ー`
