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VLTTP: Super Mario Sunshine!

Super Mario Sunshine was the second 3D platformer in the Super Mario Bros. franchise. Set in bright and sunny…and colorful Delfino, Super Mario Sunshine appeared to be a nice departure from its predecessor.

Now I never really gave this game a shot...and I don't know why. I wish I could tell you but I just didn't but on the advice of a friend, I finally gave the bloody game a shot after all these years...imagine that! And it seems it was well worth it!

What made this game different from 64 was a device Mario had on his back called FLUDD (The acronym stands for something but you can google it yourself!). FLUDD is basically a really really fancy water pump that allows Mario to float around in the air, spray off paint and do a host of other stuff…later add ons allow Mario to speed around or rocket high into the air.

Speaking of cleaning off paint, that brings me to the story of Sunshine. While Mario, Toadstool and friends are on vacation in Delfino, a watery Mario lookalike attacks the island with a paint brush and somehow the locals decide Mario is to blame…because yea he totally looks like the swell chap who painted the town with rainbows…yea exactly. Kangaroo Court in action! However Mario is let go and tasked with the job of cleanup and what a job that is! Later on we discover who is this watery imposter and the truth is…well kinda sucky but that would be spoiling the fun!

Anyway, Island Delfino is broken up into a bunch of tropicaly areas. Don’t expect the variety in levels like you would from 64…that is one downside to it but to be honest, the places you do discover are pretty sweet anyway! First there is Bianco Hills a less tropical area and more of a Holland like level with windmills and large grassy hills. Next up you have Ricco Harbor, a coastal town with a very busy busy harbor area. After that is Gelato Beach, a large beach with a large building on the hills and even a large hill that overlooks the bay. Following that you have Pinna Park, an amusement park level complete with dangerous ferris wheels, Yoshi carousels, swinging ships and even a roller coaster that would put Millenium Force to shame! Sirena Beach is another beach level but the focus is actually the ghost ridden hotel, full of ghosts trying to escape the heat. Noki Bay is a sort of mysterious level that takes place on some steep cliffs…it’s not really apparent if it’s even a part of Delfino considering how different and mysterious it is! And finally you have Pinata Village, a village in a jungle like area with an mysterious and dark underground with giant mushrooms and the ever popular death!

Okay so we got the areas covered. Each one of them is home to 10 specific levels/missions you can do to earn Shine Sprites…aka the equivalent of Stars in 64. They start off pretty easy but get tough in a hurry. Many of the toughest one involve Imposter Mario swiping FLUDD and making Mario walk through a literal death course of platforming, complete with a remix of old school Mario music! But some other levels include competing in a watermelon festival, fighting off a giant Mecha Bowser on a roller coaster with pop bottle rockets, cleaning a giant eel’s teeth and even having fun with a not so water friendly Yoshi! Your skill will be tested, many of the latter levels are tougher, much tougher than 64 could ever dish out but who said everything has to be easy?

So what about the music? Well well my friends, the music is what you would expect, very energetic and cheerful for a colorful local like Delfino. The music works in every spot you expect, from the ragtime music of Pinna Park (Paying tribute to Coney Island perhaps?), to the mysterious and mystical music of Noki Bay and then even to the somewhat serene and creepy music of Sirena Beach. And then you have the Boss music and all of the other various tunes and you have what makes to be an excellent soundtrack, perhaps one of the best in the franchise!

Now Sunshine is a bit of a decisive game…some really hate the FLUDD mechanics and just prefer the non FLUDD parts. Some hate that the game sticks to many tropical locales and some love it. As for me, I think both parts are fantastic, the main draw of the game for me is FLUDD and I love using it but the non FLUDD levels are just as fun…if a bit nerve wracking at times. The game isn’t super varied in the level selection but each one is so full of character and personality that it makes up for it. I love the music so much, there is hardly a track I tire of…okay well maybe Ragtime got annoying after being stuck on the red coin mission for the longest but still! The game is certainly much harder than the 64 one but hey, a challenge is nice. Now do I love this over Super Mario 64, the only other 3D Mario game I love (Yes, I’m not a fan of the Galaxy games one bit) ? That’s a toughie…I haven’t replayed the 64 version in years now that I think about it in years so…I guess that might be next on my agenda! But seriously people, if you haven’t played it, get to it…it’s fantastic!
FLUDD sucks.

Preach it. Could've worked really well if it was treated like an item and there were more fun situations where it was just used to supplement your platforming, but far more often than not you just had to clean up shit.

By no means a bad game, but unlike how I really dug Luigi's Mansion a lot since I never really saw it as a Mario game in the first place, I would've warmed up to Sunshine more if it wasn't billed as a follow-up to Mario 64 and instead was another spin-off or even a new IP. Bizarre how EAD Tokyo went from Sunshine (meh) to Jungle Beat (great, but I still feel it has some pretty big flaws) to the Galaxy's and 3DLand (almost perfect games).


at last, for christ's sake
I had fun with it, but it felt lacking in terms of variety and graphical oomph. The two Galaxys completely obliterate it, but the game doesn't deserve the hate it gets. It's still a Mario game, with lots to do, fine tuned mechanics and a great amount of fun

But the sunny tropical setting works, so I hope it makesa a comeback in the next 3D Mario...a open world, colourful playground with Isle Delfino as part of it
The "Mama Peach" bit was really creepy
Bowser Jr. himself was simply awful; just a ripoff of Baby Bowser's design and a replacement for the vastly more unique Koopalings and their whole musician motif. Glad it seems like he's been slowly fazed out, I don't even think they used him for 3DLand. EAD Tokyo had a bad habit of doing that for awhile; a lot of JB's characters are weird facsimiles of DKC characters too, yet then suddenly never got used again.


at last, for christ's sake
Bowser Jr. himself was simply awful; just a ripoff of Baby Bowser's design and a replacement for the vastly more unique Koopalings and their whole musician motif. Glad it seems like he's been slowly fazed out, I don't even think they used him for 3DLand. EAD Tokyo had a bad habit of doing that for awhile; a lot of JB's characters are weird facsimiles of DKC characters too, yet then suddenly never got used again.

Bowser Jr is in NSMBU


It makes sense that someone who hates Galaxy would love Sunshine. Galaxy has tons of gameplay variety & Sunshine doesn't.

Hate Galaxy? I'd give it an 8.0. Sunshine has quite a vast variety itself, I just recently beat the game and it's quite divine. I prefer the controls with FLUDD, using the nozzle attachments and the physics in Sunshine vastly more than Galaxy.

Galaxy also uses a sphere/gravity system which I don't care for in platformers. Sunshine is plenty to shake a stick at, and it's a stellar game as well.


Bowser Jr. himself was simply awful; just a ripoff of Baby Bowser's design and a replacement for the vastly more unique Koopalings and their whole musician motif. Glad it seems like he's been slowly fazed out, I don't even think they used him for 3DLand. EAD Tokyo had a bad habit of doing that for awhile; a lot of JB's characters are weird facsimiles of DKC characters too, yet then suddenly never got used again.
Unfortunately he's a pretty big part of Paper Mario Sticker Star (and I think NSMB U too)


at last, for christ's sake
Hate Galaxy? I'd give it an 8.0. Sunshine has quite a vast variety itself, I just recently beat the game and it's quite divine. I prefer the controls with FLUDD, using the nozzle attachments and the physics in Sunshine vastly more than Galaxy.

Galaxy also uses a sphere/gravity system which I don't care for in platformers. Sunshine is plenty to shake a stick at, and it's a stellar game as well.

a 8 to a game like Galaxy is basically hating it!


I just recently beat the game and it's quite divine. I prefer the controls with FLUDD, using the nozzle attachments and the physics in Sunshine vastly more than Galaxy.

To each their own, I'm glad Galaxy pleased a few people. For me Mario is about level variety, power-ups & platforming, so Sunshine was the series low point for me.


I really didn't like Sunshine. It has way too much tedious moments (that Watermelon contest... Who thought that would be fun?), the spraying mechanic isn't fun, the bosses mostly suck. Awful characters and voice acting too :| It's also pretty glitchy somehow...

Oh and it features the worst swimming mechanic in a 3D game ever made too...

Game looks good though.


Sunshine is the worst Mario game after Super Mario Bros 2 USA. I did enjoy those bonus levels where Fludd is taken away from you.


I really didn't like Sunshine. It has way too much tedious moments (that Watermelon contest... Who thought that would be fun?), the spraying mechanic isn't fun, the bosses mostly suck. Awful characters and voice acting too :| It's also pretty glitchy somehow...

Oh and it features the worst swimming mechanic in a 3D game ever made too...

Game looks good though.

The water in this game actually looked REALLY good.


I actually think the bonus levels are the worst part of Sunshine. The game was designed entirely around the FLUDD mechanic, and some parts are a bit slippery in those bonus level segments. Well, I still like the, but think they don't compare.

Mario 3D Land is how I like to view that type of gameplay.
Such a great game that was very well reviewed in its day but received way too much hate on video game message boards. I had more fun with Sunshine than either of the Galaxy games.


I had a good time with it...and those 64-ish retro levels are pure evil in the best way. Cleaning stuff up and trying to navigate just about anywhere with Yoshi was pretty bad though. I've been meaning to replay it..only reason why the Wii is still hooked up after buying the WiiU
i always felt like the physics in the non-FLUDD levels were....off. it wasn't such a big deal in the rest of the game because it never required that level of precision otherwise, but in those levels it really became a problem.


I need to get back to this game. I played it briefly, collecting 2-3 shine sprites. I don't mind the FLUDD mechanism although I do admit it can be hard to control.

There were some comments about the voice acting. That was my one complaint is that I couldn't understand very many words at the beginning when Mario was caught and put on trial. I couldn't believe how a game in this day and age would have bad vocals. If this was back in the mid-80s, I could understand but not 20 years later.


Gold Member
I actually think the bonus levels are the worst part of Sunshine. The game was designed entirely around the FLUDD mechanic, and some parts are a bit slippery in those bonus level segments. Well, I still like the, but think they don't compare.

Mario 3D Land is how I like to view that type of gameplay.

The bonus stages were the best part of Sunshine. Straight up platforming goodness. No bullshit.
The blue coins will keep me from 100%'ing the game forever. Great game otherwise despite the camera acting up at times. FLUDD makes for some crazy acrobatics too.


Super Mario Sunshine is one of the most under-appreciated games I can think of. As a 3D platformer it is pure bliss, the only issue with the game is the occasional camera problem. From a gameplay perspective, it's stunning, but people could not get past FLUDD or the setting and just hate on it all the time incessantly.

As a person who does not own a Wii U and does not plan to ever own one, I can stay this: if Nintendo makes Super Mario Sunshine HD, I will buy a Wii U the day it's released. Guaranteed.
Sunshine is an interesting experiment but I can't help but feel it took things in the wrong direction from the SM64 template.
FLUDD doesn't add as much to the formula as one may expect, in fact the core applications of it being spraying gunk and simplifying platforming with the hover nozzle make it less than satisfactory, the other two nozzles are pretty underused but i'll confess to having a blast with the Rocket Nozzle when available, it's one of the games highlights for me at least.
SMS is a repetitive one, it'll have you fight the Blooper Squid on three occasions without switching anything up, multiple goop piranhas that are tediously dull, and even two slightly different fights against the grotesque Petey Piranha manage to feel lacking when it turns out he can't actually hurt you unless you somehow get stuck walking around his vomit. Stepping aside from the weak bosses you've got the many Shadow Mario chases which could be great if most weren't winnable in like 5 seconds, red coins everywhere even in the formerly FLUDD-less stages and a shopping list of Blue Coins which can be plain obtuse in their hidden locations. SMS caps itself off with a shockingly bad last stage in leading me to believe that perhaps it ended up a bit rushed.

SMS funnily enough reaches its loftiest heights without FLUDD, the Shell's Secret in Noki Bay is one of the purest 3D platforming stages you can experience in the Mario series and the Goopy Inferno is an inspired Shine to be sure. But for the most part SMS feels lacking, stage design is often just big and devoid of much interesting (Gelato Beach leaps to mind), the most fun comes from making your own fun like a Super Mario Sandbox of which FLUDD comes into its own, swinging around the elastic like telephone(?) lines, blasting around with the rocket nozzle or just spraying down water to belly slide on.

Of course Sunshine was worthwhile since SMG took the best aspect of Sunshine (that being the linear obstacle courses) and ran with it. Sunshine is fun enough but it's the weak link in the 3D Mario collection that doesn't fully realize its own concept with FLUDD, it's pretty unique among them but for what i'd consider to be the wrong reasons, if they tackle a more open Mario game again then they best pick back up from SM64 and not from SMS.

I will give props to Sunshine's music, I love it quite a lot, the Sandbird theme, Bianco Hills, Pinna Park interior and Noki Bay are my favourites.
It's hard to compare this one to the other Mario games, but I'd rather play Sunshine than SM64. I always have a ton of fun playing through it, and the soundtrack is fantastic.

I'm still hoping for a 64/SMS/SMG1&2 HD collection.


I think it is better than Mario 64. It doesn't have the mind blowing factor like the first time you played Mario 64, but everything is tighter, bigger, and better looking. The FLUDD hate is silly. It's just like having a power up the whole game. I enjoy it a lot and there were times when I've liked it more than the Galaxy games (mostly due strictly to wacky camera sometimes, though).
It's the weakest of the 3D Mario games, for sure, but it's still a great game and I had a ton of fun playing it back when it came out. The game has a certain charm to it, and maybe its the change of scenery and feel from your normal Mario game, but it always stood out to me in a positive way. I still find myself whistling some of the game's tunes at work, so it can't be that bad.

The big problem with this game is its uncharacteristic lack of polish. That was an era when Nintendo was under a lot of pressure and released a few of their big games (Sunshine, Wind Waker and Double Dash in particular) earlier than I think they normally would. Big time problems with the camera in parts, and the frame rate got really rough when using FLUDD.

On the flip-side, the game's secret stages (the pure platforming sans FLUDD) were some of the best 3D platforming stages in ANY game, and in a lot of ways they were a hint of what was to come with the Galaxy games, though those games rarely got as challenging as the "old school" Sunshine stages.

I think it gets more of a bad rap than it deserves, because its a fine game that was both really fun and challenging. At the same time, it is the lesser game when compared with SM64 and Galaxy and there are a number of areas where things could have been improved.

Conor 419

Sunshine is the best 3D mario game.

Nah man, it was clear that Sunshine was heavily influenced by Nintendo's fear of the PS2/GTA3, as a result they tried to make the game competitive with the GTA titles.

- Shitty Voice Acting
- Shitty, 'Mature' plot trying to emulate 'The Wire'. Failed attempt of including political intrigue, abduction and the protagonist being framed for crimes they didn't commit, in a Mario game.
- Forcing Mario into trying to make something of himself in a setting where he's villified, play on 'The American Dream'.
- Giving Mario a gun
- Open world, urbanised setting which tried too hard to be Rio de Janeiro/City of God but failed spectacularly.
- Trying to make sympathetic villains, implied sex scene.

It was so bad, Galaxy saved the IP.
Fuck the haters, sunshine is awesome. So many memorable missions, sure the fludd made platforming easier but it was still fun. The setting and music were also amazing.
Such a great game that was very well reviewed in its day but received way too much hate on video game message boards. I had more fun with Sunshine than either of the Galaxy games.

Same here, except I've only played Galaxy 1. The only aspects of Galaxy I enjoyed more than the same ones in Sunshine were the soundtrack (easily top five material for me) and the graphical fidelity. Linear 3D platforming levels in a Mario game never fit right with me, even if the level design was really clever. Running around and traversing areas in myriad ways rather than just being forced to find the one right way to do it was what always made 64 and Sunshine fun to go back to.

Sunshine was more like 64 and I really enjoyed the unified theme. Even within that theme the Sunshine levels had a good deal of variety in terms of design and content. Ricco Harbor's scaffolding was awesome to jump around in and Noki Bay had a sense of verticality that I don't see too often in other platformers.

I hope future Mario games take place in actual locations within the Mario universe rather than the unrelated, mushroom trip-like snow/fire/water levels you normally see.

Net_Wrecker mentioned in another thread about platformers that one of the best draws of the genre is how fun just controlling your character can be. I want another 3D Mario with wide open areas that I can play around in; SMG (still need to play SMG2) was pretty easy for the most part, so the platforming itself, when it wasn't really mind-bending, wasn't engaging because of any sense of challenge/need for skill and it wasn't open enough to allow for any experimentation/exploration. I wanted more areas where you could mess around with the physics, like that floating star-outline.


Delfino is easily the best hub world for a 3D Mario game. It's thrilling to run across shingled rooftops or twirl off tight-ropes with a water-propelled somersault. Or how about spraying water on the ground and belly-sliding down the street, or using the Turbo Nozzle to turn the game into Wave Race? The whole tourism theme really tied the game together nicely, as well. I would've liked more variety in levels (and levels, in general), but the hub world at the heart of it all was such a wonderful place. It really felt like a tropical getaway.


Nah man, it was clear that Sunshine was heavily influenced by Nintendo's fear of the PS2/GTA3, as a result they tried to make the game competitive with the GTA titles.

- (Shitty) Voice Acting
- (Shitty) Mature, 'The Wire' esque plot, with political intrigue, abduction and the protagonist being framed for crimes they didn't commit.
- Forcing Mario into trying to make something of himself in a setting where he's villified, play on 'The American Dream'.
- Giving Mario a gun
- Open world, urbanised setting. Tried to be Rio de Janeiro/City of God but failed spectacularly.
- Trying to make the villains sympathetic because of some fucked up belief that Peach is Jr's mother.

It was so bad, Galaxy saved the IP.

Or, you know, it was Nintendo trying to do something new. God forbid they ever try that for their franchises!

Galaxy is okay, but it's no where near Mario 64 or Sunshine.
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