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Now that Twitch allows simulcasting I can see on Youtube whenever a Twitch Vtuber is streaming. Pretty cool. Probably the best change in the world this year.


My indie oshi:
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Nobody talking about the Riro Ron story yet? I found that one really interesting.

Let me summarize all details:

Riro Ron was formerly a Vsinger (still is) called kyOresu doing high-pitched voice music.

She said before she often feels lonely and if you listen to some of her songs, you can find hints on that she also wants to meet with people on the internet in real life, for example in "Here We Go" (https://genius.com/Lone-alpha-here-we-go-lyrics) she literally talks about "I'd want to be with you in 3D".

She debuted as Vtuber under the Idol Vtuber company 9 months ago.

About a month ago she had a membership only stream on which she offered to take a sleep pill (which she called "silly pill") for $250 and later on proceeded to plan out real life meetings with her fans (mainly planning out rules to keep it fair and safe). During that stream she clearly hinted on having sex with her being an option, but she makes the choice if more goes or not during the real life meeting (even though she did not name it by the word).

For that stream, she was suspended for the past month (obviously this stream broke several rules of an Idol Vtuber company). She also apologized for her actions and accepted the suspension.

However, instead of her suspension being lifted after a month, the company then instead announced that Riro was fired. Two of the reasons are the ones mentioned above, but two more being that they actually found that Riro had already met a fan in real life who gave her thousands of $ im form of gifts and that she also had a "secret relationship" (whatever that means) with her manager.

Now Idol phrased these allegations is a fairly questionable way. Like offering to take a sleep pill for $250 became "misuse of controlled substances" (suddenly people think she is on drugs) and many fans interpreted the other three points as her having sex with fans and her manager. Riro as kyOresu actually memed about that (post was removed on X due to violations) and when one asked if she really did all that (having sex) she replied with "I didn't. Totally would tho".

I feel that knowing her personality and her reaction makes it fairly clear what happened.

(I want to note that kyOresu lists that she lives in "Spain" (apparently she is half-Russian half-Spanish) and according to my google research prostitution is legal there, so I guess it's not a legal problem.)


Opinions seems to split the community. On reddit pretty much everyone was against Riro and pro-Idol. Everybody defending Riro on there was downvoted into oblivion (I tried to write down a neutral post on there but when it was at -2 karma after just 10 minutes, I decided to just delete it again). On Twitter and some Youtube comments people were however also fascinated by her, calling her "based" and even wanting to meet up with her themselves.

This kind of got me thinking. Wouldn't there be an extremely high demand of people actually wanting to meet and fuck a Vtuber? I can imagine many people would easily pay thousands of dollars for it. It has a quite high upvalue over normal prostitution because you actually know the person. Even not having sex, just being able to meet up with someone is probably worth it for all the people who turned to Vtubing because they felt lonely in the first place.

I guess this is kinda a more extreme version of me wondering why Vtubers just joke about it and don't actually sell their bath water.


Gold Member
Well most Vtubers are seen as idols and that's why their contracts are basically like idol contracts. You then obviously can't act like an escort girl because their fans want them to be pure or something like that.. 🤓
There are more and more Vtubers who don't give a damn about Idols and do whatever they want, so I'm sure we will see Vtuber bathwater or onaholes one day

edit: oh well, of course there's an official melody onahole lmao
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Yeah I'd say for a lot of fans the purity aspect is pretty important. On the other hand, for some hiring a tuber as an escort might be the ultimate (para)social experience. I'd personally wonder why I'm even watching a literal whore play video games and acting like a cute anime girl, but everyone's got their kinks I suppose.

On the situation itself, I guess I'm pro-Idol in this case. I don't really have a horse in this race since I don't know either of these parties, but corpos like this have their own rules and I'm not surprised those include a ban on prostitution or other sexual exploits. She should've just gone indie if that's what she was aiming for.
Is purity important to you guys? I'd personally be probably more intrigued by a literal whore than a girl with zero experience. But maybe that's just my "I can save her" personality speaking.

On the situation itself, I guess I'm pro-Idol in this case. I don't really have a horse in this race since I don't know either of these parties, but corpos like this have their own rules and I'm not surprised those include a ban on prostitution or other sexual exploits. She should've just gone indie if that's what she was aiming for.
I think firing her was the only correct course of action here. And I agree with you, I said the same thing about Zaion before: Some people should just be Indie Vtubers, then they can do whatever they want. Just like it's clear that Zaion has a personality that always wants to speak their mind and do edgy jokes with no filter, Riro has obviously an increased interest in physical contact. And both is perfectly fine in itself, it just doesn't fit into the shell of an idol company.

I however also think that they shouldn't have published it like that. Like phrased vaguely so people who weren't really there misinterpret the things as much worse than they were. People praise Idol for their "transparency", but considering they didn't allow Riro / kyOresu to talk about it from her side, I call bullshit on that one. To me it seems they just wanted to punish her by that (she did cost them not only an idol but also a core manager after all).

In my opinion companies should either just state that it was a breach in the contract and leave it at that or allow both sides to talk about it (within limitations of not revealing any facts that would endanger other talents).
I mostly see vtubing as a way for shy, introverted nerds to stream and build a community with like-minded people while maintaining anonymity. If they're a normie with a bustling social life, why would they even go into this field? It would make me question their motivations. So while their purity doesn't directly affect me (I don't do the parasocial thing) I think it could potentially worsen their content. And since there's hundreds of other vtubers out there to watch, why would I bother with someone with that baggage? It's just not beneficial to me as a viewer.

I think you're right about how Idol handled the situation. Didn't really consider that too much. It comes off as a bit vengeful and petty.
The graduations this month are really taking down my mood.
Mika graduating was already pretty sad as she was one of the better Vtubers.
Then suddenly the small Vtuber I was always watching Sunday evening posted yesterday that she will stop any online activity as she has been doxxed.

So I searched for someone who is live on Sunday evening instead and found out that two talents just did an annoucement that they will be graduated from VReverie too. Their biggest talent included.
i bet mika is going to vshojo
I really hope she continue streamings, but I'm kinda afraid she will focus on work (she wanted to be a teacher, right?) or family instead.

Edit: By the way, it looks like VReverie will completely die soon. Not just one of the two talents that announced their graduations, but all other talents all reactivated their old accounts.

I also found out that one of the talents is super lewd on her private account. That's hot.
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just found out we have a Vtuber thread. cool stuff.

myself only fell into the rabbit hole last year and had been watching a lot of clips (yay for WFH) and some streams. I find the whole vtuber business very interesting from the aspect of the entertainment and emotional connection it provided. and the definitely not small amount of influence they have on the gaming community through the games they play on stream is also very interesting to me (most recently Palworld to some degrees). might throw some of my thoughts out here later on if you all don't mind.
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Gold Member
just found out we have a Vtuber thread. cool stuff.

myself only fell into the rabbit hole last year and had been watching a lot of clips (yay for WFH) and some streams. I find the whole vtuber business very interesting from the aspect of the entertainment and emotional connection it provided. and the definitely not small amount of influence they have on the gaming community through the games they play on stream is also very interesting to me (most recently Palworld to some degrees). might throw some of my thoughts out here later on if you all don't mind.
same and welcome.
yeah, looking forward to see what Lily can do with the new model. she's one of the most expressive Vtubers out there other than Code Miko (which I guess is more of a tech level thing).

I feel Vtuber is probably a good combination/alternative of real live streamers and Japanese idols. they're more flexible and seems to be able to stay more true to what they're interested in and their personalities. and it's not like generally speaking the fans would have a better chance of actually courting a real life idol or streamer than a Vtuber anyway. so the parasocial relationship aspect of things would be at worst the same as a regular idol, if not less. but Vtubers can do a lot more with what they're given, so I see this as one of their advantage.

personally I'm mainly drawn to the ones with a comfy voice like Ina, Watame, Ui, Lily and Squchan. just leaving their stream on in the background feels really cozy.
seems like this year had been filled with drama. with Mel from Hololive having to leave last month and now Nijisanji as a whole is having a crisis.
I wonder if this is truly the end of Nijisanji. So many of their talents are leaving, and they're not painting the prettiest picture of the company.
yeah, I mainly watch Hololive and Vshojo and not a lot of Nijisanji. but from what I read they definitely had not been in the best shape lately. the way they operate the company is also rather... problematic. hopefully they can sort things out.
naw let it burn.

from the looks of things, it seems to be mainly a management issue (not saying the main company doesn't have it's problems. not giving the talents their Youtube silver plates being one of them). the management in the NijiEN seem to be directly from JP and doesn't actually speak English. I can imagine that would lead to a lot of problems with their business decisions and miscommunications with their talents. hopefully they can fix it. and yeah I know there are also talks of the company not paying people and the talents ended up having to pay out of pocket and stuff. that too can be due to language issues. one of my first job we had a manager who's from the company's home country. she had some personality issues but she also refused to get help with some English stuff and chose to work things out with dictionary and what not. needless to say we have to do a lot of clean up work afterwards. I feel like this might be a similar case.
Damn. Dokibird (Selen) currently has almost 130k viewers for her return.
She just said she spent 200k(!) of her own funds on projects for her Selen persona. She didn't make any profit in 2023. That's insane. I mean, I don't know what those projects were going to be, but you'd expect the company to fork out some of the money for that stuff. Really makes it sound like the corpo just leeches off their talents.

I'm hoping the drop-off in viewers after this drama dies down isn't too harsh.

Selen, Pomu and Rosemi were the ones I watched from Niji. Kinda hoping Rosemi jumps ship too.


Gold Member
She just said she spent 200k(!) of her own funds on projects for her Selen persona. She didn't make any profit in 2023. That's insane. I mean, I don't know what those projects were going to be, but you'd expect the company to fork out some of the money for that stuff. Really makes it sound like the corpo just leeches off their talents.
Yeah, she even had to pay for her own birthday stream. Also she paid artists out of her own pocket after Niji neglected paying them.

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Gold Member
She just said she spent 200k(!) of her own funds on projects for her Selen persona. She didn't make any profit in 2023. That's insane. I mean, I don't know what those projects were going to be, but you'd expect the company to fork out some of the money for that stuff. Really makes it sound like the corpo just leeches off their talents.

I'm hoping the drop-off in viewers after this drama dies down isn't too harsh.

Selen, Pomu and Rosemi were the ones I watched from Niji. Kinda hoping Rosemi jumps ship too.
i want them all to get out of that hell hole.
yeah, I think the future for NijiEN really doesn't look good. the community simply can't trust them any more and I'm guessing the talents who can get out will most likely do so if possible. it just doesn't look like there's a future for them staying there. but I wonder thou, how did it get so bad? is it because of them just spreading too thin in both resource and man power due to going with the "more is better tatic"? looking at Hololive and Vshojo, they both have some problems of their own, but nothing to this scale. it's just baffling how you can run a business into this kinda shape in this day and age. especially consider the circle they're in. does NijiJP have this problem? how about their other branches? I would imagine the EN branch, due to the generally higher buying power of the NA market, should warrant more attention and resource for them. this whole thing, from the way the talents were treated to the company statements, all seems really strange when you think about it. unless of course they really are a black company and this is just them finally tripping up on covering their bad behavior.

but on the bright side, at least Doki has 300K sub and she's free to do what she wants to now.


Gold Member
yeah, I think the future for NijiEN really doesn't look good. the community simply can't trust them any more and I'm guessing the talents who can get out will most likely do so if possible. it just doesn't look like there's a future for them staying there. but I wonder thou, how did it get so bad? is it because of them just spreading too thin in both resource and man power due to going with the "more is better tatic"? looking at Hololive and Vshojo, they both have some problems of their own, but nothing to this scale. it's just baffling how you can run a business into this kinda shape in this day and age. especially consider the circle they're in. does NijiJP have this problem? how about their other branches? I would imagine the EN branch, due to the generally higher buying power of the NA market, should warrant more attention and resource for them. this whole thing, from the way the talents were treated to the company statements, all seems really strange when you think about it. unless of course they really are a black company and this is just them finally tripping up on covering their bad behavior.

but on the bright side, at least Doki has 300K sub and she's free to do what she wants to now.
if they had let the dragon exit gracefully i do not think niji would be going through what they are right now imo.
if they had let the dragon exit gracefully i do not think niji would be going through what they are right now imo.

for sure. the other graduations before this had some degrees of... bitterness to them also but at least those all seem to be in relatively good terms. this one thou, they really choice to do the most tone deaf thing possible and screwed themselves over.
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see this here? that's why I hate the country I was born from. a while ago the CCP government of Mainland China had passed a policy that (if I remember correctly) ANY AND ALL vtubers/streamers/content creators with over 1 million followers are require to disclose their real life identity. here's the result. let's see how long before some news break out about some nut job stalking or attacking one of them.


Gold Member

This is mental. Is Niji run by a bunch of highschoolers? I wouldn't be surprised if the English branch actually burns down after this.

The fact they did it as soon as she started streaming too.... Plus they were shown private legal documents that was only supposed to be between her, her lawyer, and Niji's lawyers. Niji is literally giving her lawyer free ammo.
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