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Waco Ressurection: Play as David Koresh


From From KCEN TV

The game brings Koresh back to life for one last battle with federal agents. The goal? Convert as many of them to Branch Davidians as possible or kill them first. The end is always the same though. After 10 minutes, Koresh dies, the compound burns.



they need to make a cult simulation.. recruit your followers! fleece them like sheep! victory conditions: kool aid or shootout with the feds..

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
I want a fighting game with all the self proclaimed Prohpets,with Jesus,Moses,Buddha,Muhammed as unlockable characters or bosses,that would rock(and sell)


The version they had playable at the Yerba Buena exhibit earlier this year had some sort of mic inside a Koresh mask that you apparently had to don and speak into in order to start the game. It looked sort of tattered and ratty though -- and god knows whose faces and breath were steaming and greasing up the inside of the thing -- so I passed. We fiddled with the game otherwise for a bit, but it was crazy awkward to move around in, and inevitably I'd end up inexplicably caught up in the clouds.

With Vib-Ribbon and Rez playable about 10 feet away, I couldn't maintain the political/artistic curiousity long enough to get a real handle on it, even though I'd played those two a million times before. Call me fickle.
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