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Wage Slaves: What keeps you going in life?


Weekend warriors assemble!
Honestly, amidst all the risks that entails, i'm considering into moving onto something more sustainable myself. I've come to the conclusion that living for the weekend it's pretty miserable and hardly sustainable when you get settled in it. Doesn't look easy, but might as well take some advantage of the stability of a weekend warrior on the meantime.


play the hand you got and don't stop until you get what you want

at some point you'll have to accept the prison of your mind regardless of wealth or capital accrued

one of my closest pals was a millionaire, killed himself for reasons that have nothing to do with wage enslavement or work fulfillment


I like going to the office. I like interacting with people. And working at the office is always 2-3x faster downloading or uploading files vs. doing this remote VPN shit.

And I find most meetings in person are more valuable than a Skype conference call. I've noticed when everyone is doing Skype 100% now, most of the people are dead silent on the phone like they aren't even there. When you have in person meetings, people seem to interact more and you can't hide. And you cut out the BS like "technical difficulties" and the people who are always like "I can't see the presentation", "my laptop crashed, I got to reboot". I bet half the time it's BS.

Every once in a while, you can tell someone on conf call is fucking around because they forgot to go on mute and you can hear they are making food or playing with their kids. One person I swear sounded like she was vacuuming.

However, since working from home due to Covid I can finish my work within core hours or whenever I want and nobody is going to notice or care. They probably do the same. If I want to take a nap at 3 pm, I can. I'll finish what I need to do after dinner and nobody is going to care as long as it's done.

My commutes are short so I save time on that and gas but not a killer time waster. Commuting has it's perks as I can parlay it into stopping off and grabbing dinner or groceries or Costco on my way home. Now I have to make a special trip to go out and do that,

There are certainly pros and cons to working from home, but I'm a huge introvert. I hate being in an office and I hate the "asses in seats" mentality that a lot of middle managers seem to devote their existence towards propagating. So the bolded part really rings true for me. If I need to work 12 hours in a day, no biggie. It's what I have to do. But if there isn't shit to do on a particular day past 2 p.m. but I still have to sit around until 5:30 p.m. when traffic volumes become unbearable, well, that's just bullshit.

It's interesting, the company I work for has actually had to really reorganize some of their middle management structure due to COVID because they are realizing how utterly useless many of those people/positions are when everyone is working quite productively and efficiently without them breathing down their necks and organizing ceaseless meetings (meetings to plan meetings, meetings to summarize meetings, meetings to discuss how best to conduct future meetings, etc.).


Weekend warriors assemble!
Honestly, amidst all the risks that entails, i'm considering into moving onto something more sustainable myself. I've come to the conclusion that living for the weekend it's pretty miserable and hardly sustainable when you get settled in it. Doesn't look easy, but might as well take some advantage of the stability of a weekend warrior on the meantime.

Most people don't even live for the weekend. They live for Saturday. Friday night they're exhausted from a long week of work. And Sunday has an early bedtime anyway (so you can't really sleep in for fear of fucking up your sleep schedule), plus you need to do housework and various chores.

Of course you can still do leisure activities with a modern 40-hour week, but it does feel like 75% of your time/thoughts/energy go towards work with that schedule when it should be 50% at most, IMO.


Perpetually Offended
I work majority of the day from M-F. I get up at 6:30am and don't get home until after 10:30pm. I'm depressed most of the time even when I am super smiley at work. This past 4-day weekend has been great! But I've been feeling it since yesterday. I'm too easily depressed.

I don't make enough money to get my own place even though I work overtime every day (I make 10.75 an hour) ... I'm going to apply to school online and hope I get employment afterwards where I don't have to work as hard and for as many hours per day.


I work 3x 12h shift. I love working long hours over a few day, i get more days off a year than i'm working and am never thinking about work while out of it. maybe the day before if i'm doing meal prep, but even then, i enjoy cooking. The switch to 12h was unconfortable for maybe a week, but all the time i get actually relaxing during the weekends outweighs the 4h loss of pay and the lack of actual free time in the evening.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Most people don't even live for the weekend. They live for Saturday. Friday night they're exhausted from a long week of work. And Sunday has an early bedtime anyway (so you can't really sleep in for fear of fucking up your sleep schedule), plus you need to do housework and various chores.

Of course you can still do leisure activities with a modern 40-hour week, but it does feel like 75% of your time/thoughts/energy go towards work with that schedule when it should be 50% at most, IMO.
As long as you can leave work at work then 40 hours a week is fine. It's when work creeps into your leisure time either literally having to do work outside of the 40 hours or just thinking and/or stressing about work, that it starts to be an issue.


OP has a very narrow, pessimistic and reductive view of life. My job is what I do to power my life, that's just what you have to do in this society. And as much as I grumble about it and get annoyed when I'm there, when I'm off on vacation for extended time I realize that the job does give me a sense of structure and purpose which all humans need on a base level. Though I don't make much, I get by and have plenty of sick/vacation hours to use when I need. And when I walk out that door I don't think about the place until I clock in the next morning. So in many respects I'm lucky, even bringing in just under 60K net these days I have enough to buy games I want, the fridge is stocked, etc.


Gold Member
As long as you can leave work at work then 40 hours a week is fine. It's when work creeps into your leisure time either literally having to do work outside of the 40 hours or just thinking and/or stressing about work, that it starts to be an issue.
Most people commit about 40 hours a week to work.

There's 168 hours per week. So the average person is spending about 25% of the week at work.

Even if someone bumped it up to 50 hours per week to take into account commuting, you're talking 30% of the week is working to earn money to pay for shit. Doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

How much time do people feel entitled to work to pay for everything and keep their lives status quo? 20 hours per week? So everyone works PT hours and lives great. Ya, ok.


Most people commit about 40 hours a week to work.

There's 168 hours per week. So the average person is spending about 25% of the week at work.

Even if someone bumped it up to 50 hours per week to take into account commuting, you're talking 30% of the week is working to earn money to pay for shit. Doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

How much time do people feel entitled to work to pay for everything and keep their lives status quo? 20 hours per week? So everyone works PT hours and lives great. Ya, ok.

You have to count work as a percentage of the time spent awake, not as a percentage of all time (which includes time spent sleeping). You have to factor in also commute time and preparation time.


I had to learn something new, I was a retail manager at Walmart and it was awful. From rude employees to customers, I think that job gave me bad anxiety, never had it before. I studied on the side to get into IT, now I’m working at home with decent pay and good hours. It gives me time to work on my dream of starting my own company.


Gold Member
Food. Brb bout to eat 10,000 calories in the next three days. LMAO @ trees that live in the same spot for thousands of years. Old wrinkly as$ thousand year old trees.


Gold Member
1. What does this have to do with the topic being discussed?

2. Go back to the Misc.


iono i worked like over 200 hours in the last month walking standing on my feet burning through energy and made over 3 gs its not so bad if you like exercising. when i didn't work and had free time i'd hit the gym for hours on end i'd probably practice for those ironMan competitions if I could and had the time. gonna work 50 hours this week mayne just gotta fuel up and get amped.



Worked about 114 hours for the last two week paycheck plaaaayyyaaaa WAGE _ SLAVE CHECKING IN
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As a wage slave, a majority of the time that you're awake is devoted to your job, either directly or indirectly. When you're awake, you're most likely either getting ready for work, traveling to work, working, traveling home from work, and cleaning yourself up as a result of being at work (e.g. showering, putting away the clothes that you wore to work, cleaning the dishes from and with which you ate your lunch while at work, etc). Hence, you're left with very little time to yourself; at most, you probably have three hours to yourself before you have to go to sleep...in order to be well rested for your next shift at work. I imagine that leisure time is even more limited when you have children. Of course, there are the meager two days off from work that you're granted every week, but those fly by, as they're spent doing chores such as laundry, food shopping, mowing the lawn, etc. Hence, considering how little time you get to yourself as a wage slave, what keeps you going in life? Why wake up the next morning or evening just to repeat the same, monotonous routine that you've engaged in for years or perhaps even decades? What is there to look forward to? Also, in regard to having children, why do so considering that they're going to grow up just to become a wage slave like you?
Possibly the most short sighted thing I’ve read in my entire life.

do some research on how the human mind works. We revolve around needs and structure. Being a “wage slave” ie having a job and fulfilling needs of shelter hunger and safety are what the human mind and psyche are built around. People who are insanely wealthy often struggle with dark demons and heavy depression because the mind isn’t built to not have needs and desires. The happiest people typically are people who are constantly improving their situation whatever that may be.

would you prefer to go back in time where you broke your back 6 days a week just to put food on the table and a roof over your head farming and hunting?

i guess it’s would surprise you that people have never had more free time and quality of life than now in history.


I'm abandoning this thread. I knew that there would be people who disagree with me, but I thought that there would also be a few people who actually agree with me.
Work is hard. I had a crisis like you several years ago. Maybe you should set some goals, that could help or tey visiting a psychology


Gold Member
What's the opposite of a wage slave in terms of hours worked?

I'm as close as I can imagine to being successfully self-employed but without the stress. Minimally desk-bound, varied tasks, light and non-obligated travel, great and intelligent colleagues, great perks, always stocked fridge with food, ice cream and beer, great coffee, frequent BBQs.
I'm always asking my boss if we can cut out the absolute planks we have to keep on calling 'customers' but they seem to be paying us, no dice so far.

I think OP needs a better job.


Unconfirmed Member
I enjoy what I do, I get paid a fair wage for the value I bring to the company I work for, and it sustains a good lifestyle for my family. It's pretty easy really.
Some pals here are getting butthurt. BluRayHiDef BluRayHiDef isn't talking about everyone, or anyone in particular.

Not all people qualify as wage slaves, if you have a job you love or at least you're content with, more power to you, but that's not the case for everyone. Some hate their jobs, have to deal with shitty colleagues or customers all the time, get paid too little for too much work, destroy their health and sanity in the process, etc.

If you reply by mentioning your job conditions which suit you, well your perspective is narrow too. You have no idea what nonsense others are going through. Don't assume everyone has a similar cushy job, or a job that's hard but fulfilling. You may say "set goals or get rekt" and you'd be right, but it seems to me people tend to blame individuals for their poor choices (which is fair) while disregarding corporations that perpetuate the existence of bullshit jobs.

Granted, not all corporations and jobs are like that. But if you want more out of life than working a job you hate, you'll understand where OP is coming from. I've been there. Life isn't worth living for a corporation that sucks your soul and throws you breadcrumbs. I'd rather break my back as a farmer under the scorching sun than go back work in these places.

BluRayHiDef BluRayHiDef Are you an employee? A business owner? Are you in a good spot now, or stuck in a bs job yourself? I'm curious.

Honestly, who gets 8 hours sleep.
Me, every day.


Unconfirmed Member
Some hate their jobs, have to deal with shitty colleagues or customers all the time, get paid too little for too much work, destroy their health and sanity in the process, etc.

Thing is even if you're not a wage slave you still end up dealing with assholes. Either assholes you employ or assholes you do business with. Life is like that, because so many people are assholes. I've run a business (back in the day I worked for a company, concluded they weren't doing it right so went and built the tech and infrastructure for my own company doing the same thing and got better sales results for about a third the resource cost), and now I work for a really chilled company. Both were fun and both had their issues.


Gold Member
Some pals here are getting butthurt. BluRayHiDef BluRayHiDef isn't talking about everyone, or anyone in particular.

Not all people qualify as wage slaves, if you have a job you love or at least you're content with, more power to you, but that's not the case for everyone. Some hate their jobs, have to deal with shitty colleagues or customers all the time, get paid too little for too much work, destroy their health and sanity in the process, etc.

If you reply by mentioning your job conditions which suit you, well your perspective is narrow too. You have no idea what nonsense others are going through. Don't assume everyone has a similar cushy job, or a job that's hard but fulfilling. You may say "set goals or get rekt" and you'd be right, but it seems to me people tend to blame individuals for their poor choices (which is fair) while disregarding corporations that perpetuate the existence of bullshit jobs.

Granted, not all corporations and jobs are like that. But if you want more out of life than working a job you hate, you'll understand where OP is coming from. I've been there. Life isn't worth living for a corporation that sucks your soul and throws you breadcrumbs. I'd rather break my back as a farmer under the scorching sun than go back work in these places.

BluRayHiDef BluRayHiDef Are you an employee? A business owner? Are you in a good spot now, or stuck in a bs job yourself? I'm curious.

Let's say that I could find it quite insulting to be called a wage slave without OP qualifying the kind of job he refers to, just a blanket statement from a guy who hates his job on the futility of... what exactly? Living?

Does the term 'wage' mean something different on OPs country than what it says on wikipedia?
'A wage is monetary compensation (or remuneration, personnel expenses, labor) paid by an employer to an employee in exchange for work done. ... Since wage labour is the predominant form of work, the term "wage" sometimes refers to all forms (or all monetary forms) of employee compensation.'

edit: added 'could' to 'could find it'
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How much leisure time do you have per work day? It can't be much.

01. 8 hours per day are spent sleeping

02. 8 hours per work day are spent working

03. About 45 minutes per work day are spent traveling to work

04. About 45 minutes per work day are spent traveling home from work

05. About 45 minutes per work day are spent cooking, cleaning dishes, and taking out the trash

05. About 45 minutes per work day are spent preparing to leave for work
24 hours - 8 hours - 8 hours - 0.75 hours - 0.75 hours - 0.75 hours - 0.75 hours = 5 hours

Okay, I guess you were right. However, that's still not that much time.
Sounds like you just need a new job bro. I worn 8-4. Get home at 4:30. Then to midnight is pure free time.


To get into the old age home of my choice, where I can really live.

no seriously, suicide is terrifying and over coming the biological wiring against self harm is really brutal. Maybe if pentobarbitol was still a thing, but you cant even get it in India anymore. So what else are you gonna do besides work and stuff until you die?
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life is pretty amazing. fwiw i just spend a week on a beach in Florida eating fresh shrimp drinking nice beer and swimming in a pool. the first day i got there, i watched a dolphin swim only 50 feet in front of me. the final day i watched the sunset from a dock and fish were jumping in the twilight. "what is there to look forward to?"? that is your question? lol um

"wage slave" is a drastic overstatement. it does a giant disservice to actual slavery. people who were whipped and beaten for trying to leave, who were denied the ability to educate themselves, who were tortured and murdered. even before slavery there was feudalism and villainage, where you lived on someone else's land and were forbidden from eating most types of food and if you were caught trying to work for someone else they would lock you up in the public stocks for several days (minimum sentence). also there are actual slaves right now, forced labor in 3rd world countries used to make Nike shoes, ethnic prisoners producing fashionable electrionic devices, etc. you could be one of those people. thankfully i'm in the USA and freedom and all that "nonsense" really means something.

comparing those actual slavery conditions to being a "wage slave" these days which involves going somewhere for less than 1/4th of your time and usually doing the same things you would be doing otherwise: transporting consumer goods from one location to another, doing computer based work, driving to/from locations, goofing off, listening to music, browsing the internet, etc. a full 40 hour workweek is still only 40/168, which is less than a fourth your time, to afford to meet all your physical needs as a modern adult human (food, shelter, wifi).

WORK of the past was actually work, physical manual labor, backbreaking WORK, with very little class mobility, and very little reward. nobody is breaking their backs blogging about Spider-Man or selling lattes. yes if you work retail, you have to endure some special stresses, but you could also argue that the (slighter higher) physical demands of the service industry only makes those types of jobs healthier than sitting in front of a screen for 8 hours. then you consider that perhaps the demands of a work lifestyle forces a sedentary society to get at least SOME exercise, possibly adding years to your life and improving mental/physical QOL.

we have it SOOOOO good today. people have no idea. this is because most people are ignorant of history. try reading about life just 100 years ago, when you were sent to work in a factory shortly after your 12th birthday. we didn't even have a "weekend".

i dispute this calculation of "leisure time". first of all sleeping, travelling, eating, and basic maintenance are not quite "WORK". you can listen to whatever music you want while doing all of those things. you can clean your house naked while drinking beer if you want. you can sleep however little or much you want. you can eat whatever you want. as for 45 minutes to "prepare for work" which doesn't include the 45 minutes cooking, cleaning, eating, i don't know. outside of taking a shower (15 minutes) and putting on clothes (5 minutes) that seems a bit inflated. also you can watch youtube videos while you get dressed, converting that back into leisure time.

these things also do not rob you of leisure. is it not pleasurable to eat something you love? do you not PLAY in your DREAMS when you sleep? does sleep really "take away" from leisure time? what if you have a three day weekend, does that mean you stay away all weekend long to max it out? what if you ENJOY sleeping? hell, what if you ENJOY working? uh oh.

at any rate, if the basic necessities of life for an adult (not a child who is literally physically dependent on their parents) are too difficult to be met, that is some SERIOUS entitlement going on lol.
Read all of this. 100% correct.


BluRayHiDef BluRayHiDef Are you an employee? A business owner? Are you in a good spot now, or stuck in a bs job yourself? I'm curious.

I work for a large company; I work in a division that has a contract to provide services to the City of New York and I'm in a good union that provides medical, dental, and ophthalmological insurance for a few dozen dollars per month. I earn the current maximum pay for non-supervisors; I've been offered the position of supervisor several times, but the additional pay of $0.45 is not enough for the additional responsibilities.

The company for which I work also has contracts for work at airports, corporate offices, college campuses, and government buildings, which offer five dollars more per hour or even more; I'd have to go through an entire application and interview process, but my history with the company would place me above candidates coming from outside of the company. I think that I could get a job at an airport, corporate building, or college campus but not at a government building because that type of facility requires a certain type of experience that I don't have. I haven't seriously considered transferring to another division...because I don't like change. However, I'll force myself to try doing so in the coming months.

Having said all this, I'm pretty sure that work in the other divisions wouldn't be any more exciting than the work that I do now; it would be the same job that I have now but in a different environment.

Super Mario

People don't realize what they are being conditioned to think. Lots of memes going around these days making it not cool to work. Like the clown one that says if you are a good employee, the company will recognize you. Too many kids thinking this means to not give a shit at your job. When in reality, it is just trying to make you think like a Liberal.

Our generation isn't working anymore than our parents and grandparents did. It is quite easy to live a comfortable life. Heck, you can walk into many large retailers right now and start at $15 an hour with no discernable skills. Don't buy dumb stuff, have kids too early, etc and you can live a nice life.


I work 12 hour shifts and 7 of 14 days per pay period. This is they way to go. Days you're working suck, but having half of your days off is great and I would never want to go back to 8 hour shifts.

You can't brush your teeth, wash your face, and get dressed in fifteen minutes. You've just confirmed that you have poor hygiene

Lol what? You can have a full shower, brush your teeth and get dressed in 15 minutes.
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I work 12 hour shifts and 7 of 14 days per pay period. This is they way to go. Days you're working suck, but having half of your days off is great and I would never want to go back to 8 hour shifts.

Lol what? You can have a full shower, brush your teeth and get dressed in 15 minutes.

What does a sufficient shower entail?

1. Washing your hair
2. Scrubbing behind your ears and in your ears,
3. Scrubbing your neck, back, chest, abs, arms, buttocks, but crack, legs, in between your toes, and the soles of your feet

This all can't be done in five minutes.


What does a sufficient shower entail?

1. Washing your hair
2. Scrubbing behind your ears and in your ears,
3. Scrubbing your neck, back, chest, abs, arms, buttocks, but crack, legs, in between your toes, and the soles of your feet

This all can't be done in five minutes.

30 seconds to clean pits and chest
30 seconds to clean back
30 seconds to clean ears
30 seconds to clean feet
30 seconds to clean privates
60 seconds to clean hair (I have no hair so it takes me 20 seconds maybe.)
60 seconds to clean everything else
30 seconds to clean butt area

Seems reasonable to me? Anything more than 5 minutes and you're just wasting water IMO.


I stopped reading right there.
I read your sloppy post all
The way through but yeah that top sentence is all you really need to know about your “wage slave” op.

What's the opposite of a wage slave in terms of hours worked?

I'm as close as I can imagine to being successfully self-employed but without the stress. Minimally desk-bound, varied tasks, light and non-obligated travel, great and intelligent colleagues, great perks, always stocked fridge with food, ice cream and beer, great coffee, frequent BBQs.
I'm always asking my boss if we can cut out the absolute planks we have to keep on calling 'customers' but they seem to be paying us, no dice so far.

I think OP needs a better job.
People that complain about work seem to have forgotten or simply don’t even know what life was like in the past before 40 hour work weeks and want some phantasy land utopia where they just do what they want all day. Which is funny since all psychological research points to most people actually need structure and work to be happy.
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I read your sloppy post all
The way through but yeah that top sentence is all you really need to know about your “wage slave” op.

I lied. I actually read your whole post. However, your post missed my point. I'm not arguing against working (i.e. fulfilling my need as a human being) but am arguing against the amount of time that work consumes and the monotony of it.


I lied. I actually read your whole post. However, your post missed my point. I'm not arguing against working (i.e. fulfilling my need as a human being) but am arguing against the amount of time that work consumes and the monotony of it.
I didn’t miss your point that’s hardly what your OP is about or you wouldn’t complain about being a wage slave. IE the entire reason people work in the first place.

If you don’t like the monotony of your job get a new one. There are plenty of jobs that aren’t monotonous. Don’t like the amount of time your job entails? Get a new one. There are part time jobs and full time jobs and salary jobs that pay more but require more time it’s a free world full of different standards of living.
A lot of people choose their jobs because they like them. I run restaurants bc I like it. The pay has grown to six figures but I liked it even when I wasn’t making great money. Before that I waited tables because I liked it. A job is never going to be as fun as a hobby that’s why it’s called work.


Not sure if this is a unique situation given the GAF demographic but I'll weigh in here.

I'm currently a wage slave because I'm trapped and don't have any other options. I'm 31, married with 2 kids, a dog, and a house, and a middle-class household income (Canada). If you're into the 5 stages of wealth, I would peg myself at Financial Strategy (stage 2), and generally in a place where I should feel secure. The issue comes with responsibility to my family, as I would love to go back to school and complete switch industries but I don't have the financial freedom to do so without putting 3 others at risk. You find yourself working towards goal after goal, eventually trapping yourself into a situation where your only option for progress is to suck the corporate cock and dive deeper and deeper into the wage-y life.

I'm incredibly lucky (and privileged) to be in the situation I'm in, yet I have no motivation to do anything both inside and out of work. Everything that I used to enjoy has effectively been sucked out of my life and now acts as a brief distraction that I find myself unable to become emotionally invested in. This also affects my desire to learn new skills and move into a different line of work, something that I've been extremely successful in doing all of my life.

I guess it's just a question of discipline and my lack of apathy for my own life at this point.


I'm very bad with time management, I procrastinate real bad when I get creatively stuck (one could say it's not really procrastination considering I'll be thinking constantly about the task and how to solve it, trying to figure out what works, but it's very unproductive in terms of time), I end up working the weekends past 2am to get things done and it becomes my life. No time for anything else. It sucks.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
What keeps me going? Not being a worthless leech sack of shit I guess

If you're able to work and refuse, society shouldn't help you sit around doing nothing all day. Suck it up, go to work, make money, spend it. Up to you whether you choose to spend that money on a house, car, wife and kids, or flat screen TVs, dirt bikes and holidays. You've earned it, whatever it is.

The NEETs of the world think they've "figured it out" by stewing in their own filth and bragging about not being a wagey until they're so depressed and lonely that they can't take it any more. Not working is not healthy for a person. Video games are fun until they're all you do for 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Obviously, again, I'm talking about those that are fully capable of working and refuse to.
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