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Wait a minute...Los Lonely Boys f'ing rock?

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Seth C

I would never have gone to this concert, but I was driving home about a week ago and heard them say they had free tickets and passes to the warm-up party for the fourth caller. I didn't even know who the band was (missed that part) but I called anyway. I got the passes, and found out it was Los Lonely Boys. Not the best band in the world, I thought, based on hearing the one song on the radio, but worth seeing for free. The show was tonight.

Let me first talk about the opening act, Ingram Hill. They're out of Memphis, TN. I had never even heard of them, but came away very impressed. Good beats, nice hooks in most of their songs. I wouldn't be surprised if they're end up quite successful. Mind you, they already had a song on a movie soundtrack (13 Going on 30) so they aren't exactly nobodies. They were good enough that fter hearing them play I actually thought they would end up being better than Los Lonely Boys. Boy was I ever wrong. What was coming was so good that I almost for the name of the first band.

Most of you have probably heard Los Lonely Boys first single, "Heaven." If you liked it, good. If you didn't, that's fine too. Either way, forget about it. Either that song is nothing like the rest of their music or their live show is nothing like the CD. All I know is that live and in person these three brothers will absolutely blow your freaking mind.

Their music is sort of a bluesy southern rock with a southwest/Mexican influence. They call it Texican rock. It doesn't matter what they call it. All I know is that it is GOOD. This music has a soul. If you like good guitar music you will absolutely be amazed. If it can be done on a guitar, I can almost guarantee that they'll do it, and do it well. It's the kind of stealy blues guitar that makes you close your eyes, grit your teeth, and just listen to the whine of the guitar. It makes you want to close your eyes, grit your teeth, and just FEEL the rythm. It permeates you, right to your core. You feel it in your chest, in your stomache. It's the kind of music that has so much to it that it leaves you physically and emotionally drained just listening to it.

Their set lasted very nearly two hours. Every song had them absolutely rocking out. Either amazing work on guitar, or some fantastic harmonica. Every song was different enough to be fresh, but the blues influence and rock-n-roll roots pushed through in every song. Near the middle of their set they went in to an instrumental that lasted, and this isn't a joke, almost 30 full minutes. What came after was even better than what was before, unbelievably. By the time they broke in to "Heaven" the entire crowd was absorbed in the music. Thankfully they blessed us with a jam session to finish the show. Imagine the seen from Back to the Future with Marty jamming out on guitar, and then multiply it by 1000. Guys playing guitar with only one hand, one guy playing two guitars, two guys playing one guitar, it was all in there.

Seriously, these words can't even begin to express how completely impressed I was. If you get the chance to see them live, PLEASE do it. I'm begging you. If you regret it I'll refund you the cost of the ticket. As Jack Black might say, these guys will rock your fucking socks off.
I think they rock. Would be nice if other people did too, but I don't know anyone that agrees.

I honestly think their name is what puts people off. It doesn't really convey the sound they have well.


Count of Concision
Their single "Heaven" is great-- very catchy, if a tad repetitive. If the rest of their stuff is even better, count me as a fan. :p

Seth C

Loki said:
Their single "Heaven" is great-- very catchy, if a tad repetitive. If the rest of their stuff is even better, count me as a fan. :p

The rest of their stuff (if their live show is any indication) rapes it in the bunghole.

Seth C

For anyone that wants to hear the kind of great guitar work I listened to all night, try download "Cottonfields and Crossroads."
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