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wait a second, the mighty mighty bosstones are in konga and taiko?


I know it shouldn't seem that suprising, but it just does. While the Bosstones have graced game soundtracks before, they never quite made the leap into the rhythm genre a la Reel Big Fish or Chumbawhatever.

I was pretty psyched at E3 when "The Impression That I Get" was on the Konga tracklist, but upon closer examination of the Taiko songlist, well, it's on there too. Yea they're both Namco titles, so it isn't that amazing from a legal standpoint, but still. Konga and Taiko owners get a double dose of mighty goodness this fall!
Just so you know, it's not actually the Bosstones. I'm a huge Bosstones fan, and one of the first things I did upon seeing that song on the track list (of Donkey Konga) was listen very carefully to the song. It's unfortunately a cover. Still, pretty cool to see them on there, even if it is the song that made the world love them for 30 seconds before declaring them a lame retro novelty fad, which they never quite recovered from.

Yeah, I'm totally bitter. Some of the best nights of my life were spent at pre-1997 Bosstones shows, and it was just never the same after the horrible MTV explosion. :(
Man, that's weird. I've had their hit song stuck in my head all day, despite not having heard it on the radio or anything for years.


bobbyconover said:
Just so you know, it's not actually the Bosstones. I'm a huge Bosstones fan, and one of the first things I did upon seeing that song on the track list (of Donkey Konga) was listen very carefully to the song. It's unfortunately a cover. Still, pretty cool to see them on there, even if it is the song that made the world love them for 30 seconds before declaring them a lame retro novelty fad, which they never quite recovered from.

Yeah, I'm totally bitter. Some of the best nights of my life were spent at pre-1997 Bosstones shows, and it was just never the same after the horrible MTV explosion. :(

maybe things have changed post-e3? i remember hearing talk that namco put a few cover songs in the e3 build while they were trying to acquire the actual song.


"it was just never the same after the horrible MTV explosion. :("

I blame them for their stint in 'clueless' before i'd blame MTV.


Yeah, I'm totally bitter. Some of the best nights of my life were spent at pre-1997 Bosstones shows, and it was just never the same after the horrible MTV explosion. :(

I have a bunch of old shows on video from the Worcester Artists Group in Worcester,Mass if you're interested in trading or getting copies. Mostly Pre-Devils Night Out stuff but a bunch from right after DNO released,including one with Jimmy from Murphy's Law on stage. ALso have the first performance of Enter Sandman as well.:)
BuddyChrist83 said:
maybe things have changed post-e3? i remember hearing talk that namco put a few cover songs in the e3 build while they were trying to acquire the actual song.

I guess it's possible that it'll be changed before release, but the demo I played at Best Buy a couple weeks ago (an SUV was parked in front with the back open and a 4-bongo demo unit protruding) had the same cover of the song.

ZILLION - those shows sound awesome. I'll have to send off a PM about acquiring them, thanks for the offer!
Great to see other Bosstones fans on GAF. My first exposure to the Bosstones was in 94 or 95 from a fellow Magic player after school (Magic: The Gathering later got banned after I graduated because we started such a trend that kids were playing during class and getting in fights over card trading--not to mention we even got a few teachers hooked on it :D ). Anyway, IIRC the first album of theirs I heard (and bought) was Ska-Core, The Devil, & More. "Simmer Down" remains one of my favorite Bosstones songs to this day.
DJ Demon J said:
"Simmer Down" remains one of my favorite Bosstones songs to this day.

You know it's a Bob Marley cover, right? :)

Still, yeah, the small amount of Bosstones love here is unexpected and cool! I was expecting mass-hate from most people.
bobbyconover said:
You know it's a Bob Marley cover, right? :)

Still, yeah, the small amount of Bosstones love here is unexpected and cool! I was expecting mass-hate from most people.

No, I actually didn't know that. :O That's cool. I'll have to seek out the original. Are the Bosstones still together? I haven't heard any of their new stuff after Let Me Be.


bobbyconover said:
I guess it's possible that it'll be changed before release, but the demo I played at Best Buy a couple weeks ago (an SUV was parked in front with the back open and a 4-bongo demo unit protruding) had the same cover of the song.


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