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Wal-Mart pulls Mexican comic called racist

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Funky Papa said:
I think I'll quote myself again:

Again: I never said that every single person in the continent agreed. Both the character and the comic are loved in Latinamerica, and a couple of organizations protesting against it doesn't change that.

Bit of a misunderstanding here. By saying "Yes you made that claim" I wasn't correcting you, I was agreeing with your last post.
what the fuck? i loved memin when i was growing up as a kid.... this is not racist. at. all.
it's kinda too bad wal-mart won't be selling them anymore...


Kapsama said:
Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You got your tag from one, for god's sake.

I was questioning your wording. You made it seem as though it was a current and ongoing thing in multiple threads. It is not. It never was. I was pointing that out.

You said I "keep trolling Turkish threads".... which I do not.

Big difference from that and me actually doing it in only one thread about a year ago. In fact, I believe it might have been the very first day I posted on GAF. Just wantyed to set the record straight. No need to embelish.

Kapsama said:
But one countries congress passing judgement over other countries, does that count as butting according to you?

Very slight and subtle difference comes into play.

One involved an international war which featured GENOCIDE and affected the US directly with an influx of refugees as a result. The other involved a beloved cartoon character on a stamp and an outcry by a few select foreign groups (I'm talking stamps here, I don't give a f*ck about Walmart and the comics not being sold any longer).

Kapsama said:
Who claimed this?
The article posted included Jesse Jackson's name, as him being one of the voices of discontent. You then said the groups were hispanic and originated in Mexico. I was poitning out that it was AMERICANS that were belly-aching, not MEXICANS.

Kapsama said:
Yes putting up cartoons akin to the Sturmer is disturbing alright and printing them over and over and over is disturbing alright.

If the cartoons were disturbing, how would you describe the killings and the riots? Did you condemn those? Did you also label them as race-crimes, because that's what they were.

Kapsama said:
Yes you made that claim, which I disputed by posting that Wikipedia link.


Kapsama said:
And Memin does not compare to Speedy Gonzales. Last time I checked calling and comparing Mexicans to rats has no historical baggage attached to it.

But that's how it all starts, right? It might not have started out as such, but ask any person who grew up watching cartoons in the US, who Speedy Gonzales is and who he represents and you will get the obvious answer. That's if they're being honest anyway.

Kapsama said:
I didn't insult you btw.
He was pointing out your somewhat childish outburst at me. Appreciated, but wasn't needed though... like water of a duck's feathers.


amodelmerol said:
Once that said. Only racist people think that's racist. Nobody here thinks he looks like a monkey. It's a damn cartoon for god's sake! A comic that tackles prejudice and has educated a lot of mexicans to be more polite to people in any race and condition.

But racist people see stereotypes, see mockery, see evil where there is none.

What I see here is an art style that originated from American media to mock and degrade black people, that was adopted by a comic artist in another country in the 1940s, still being used today in a modern comic in another country and a bunch of GAF members who want to spread a "political correctness of any kind is evil and should be erradicated" agenda picking the wrong platform and trying to use grade school "he who smelt it dealt it" tactics.

It doesn't matter if Mexican people find the character iconic or what the message of the comic book is about. This same issue was brought up in the Japanese racist thread where everyone defending the ad and other imagery in the thread claimed "different history, no black population, they don't mean for it to be hateful racist". The art style has racist origins and is a reminder to an awful time in history for many people and it is offensive, regardless of the actual message of the comic and this type of reaction should be expected.

And if this author wants to sell his comic book in America or not want outcries of racism from the black community at large, then he should update Memín look the same way characters like Bugs Bunny was updated and racist messages/characters were removed. Otherwise the creator can keep selling the comic book in Mexico where apparently black face caricatures are still acceptable. No one is forcing him to stop selling this "iconic black faced" character.

But don't expect people in America, especially black people, to see this offensive art style and go "Oh it's Mexico, they don't know any better/don't mean any harm". And don't get upset when an American Wal-mart pulls the comic book because they don't want to offend their customers.

Not all of that was directed at you amodelmerol, I just didn't want to bother quoting ImperialConquest.

sonikokaruto said:

Wrong + Wrong =/= Right

If you want to complain about Mexican stereotypes that need to be changed then complain. This is a free discussion topic. But don't attempt to use negative stereotypes of other races that have gone under the radar in America as a way to get us to excuse an art style that is offensive to another race.


get some go again
the first time i heard of memin was when there was a big outrage over the stamps. i used to go to this mexican store that sold many mexican comics and never saw it there. i kinda feel like reading a few comics to see what the big hoopla is all about. i asked my mom if she read those comics as a little girl and she said yes.


I don't get why some people seem so riled up.

First of all, this isn't an American comic. The few Walmarts that imported them took them off the shelves from customer complaints. Isn't that the proper response the store should take?

Secondly, this is a pretty obscure comic. I guess it might be popular in Mexico, but this is the first I've ever heard of it. I doubt that most of people here complaining about it knew of the comic's existence yesterday.

Thirdly, the character is apparently beloved and the story of the comic is race-sensitive?

Now I realize the comic is from the 1940's and adopted the infamous drawing style of time, but do you really think kids today see that in a racist tone? Especially people/children from different countires, like that Obama cellphone commerical thread awhile back. I would think that most would just see a monkey. Having a black family is pushing it a bit though in this case. I agree that the character could have been updated for today, and I personally wouldn't support the artist.


ImperialConquest said:
I was questioning your wording. You made it seem as though it was a current and ongoing thing in multiple threads. It is not. It never was. I was pointing that out.

You said I "keep trolling Turkish threads".... which I do not.

Big difference from that and me actually doing it in only one thread about a year ago. In fact, I believe it might have been the very first day I posted on GAF. Just wantyed to set the record straight. No need to embelish.
Even better, starting out as a forum troll and getting a tag on your first day. Must be a new record.

Very slight and subtle difference comes into play.

One involved an international war which featured GENOCIDE and affected the US directly with an influx of refugees as a result. The other involved a beloved cartoon character on a stamp and an outcry by a few select foreign groups (I'm talking stamps here, I don't give a f*ck about Walmart and the comics not being sold any longer).
Actually according to your logic it doesn't because just like Mexicans deny the racism here, Turkey denies the genocide. Logic and Consistency, beautiful concepts are they not?

The article posted included Jesse Jackson's name, as him being one of the voices of discontent. You then said the groups were hispanic and originated in Mexico. I was poitning out that it was AMERICANS that were belly-aching, not MEXICANS.
And you were clearly wrong about that because Wikipedia states that Hispanic American civil rights group were belly aching about it as well.

If the cartoons were disturbing, how would you describe the killings and the riots? Did you condemn those? Did you also label them as race-crimes, because that's what they were.
Oh that's cool. Let's bully historically mistreated minorities with hateful comics and then call them animals when they react.

But that's how it all starts, right? It might not have started out as such, but ask any person who grew up watching cartoons in the US, who Speedy Gonzales is and who he represents and you will get the obvious answer. That's if they're being honest anyway.
If that's the case, the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence that the creators of Speedy were trying to insult and degrade Mexicans.
He was pointing out your somewhat childish outburst at me. Appreciated, but wasn't needed though... like water of a duck's feathers.
You deserve much worse.
you people make me sick, you are just speaking out of your asses because you can.

Read the damn comic, talk later. Or i will bitch about the first thing that comes to mind from america refering to mexicans


well not really...yet
Kitsuné said:
Still not as bad as this:


Edit: then again, this was drawn almost 100 years ago.
This was one of my favorite Tintin stories as a kid and I was always waiting for the cartoon of it to be made, obviously there never was one.

sonikokaruto said:
you people make me sick, you are just speaking out of your asses because you can.

Read the damn comic, talk later. Or i will bitch about the first thing that comes to mind from america refering to mexicans

Go ahead, no one is stopping you.

I really don't get why it isn't OK for some people think the art style is a little too insensitive to be sold on American shelves. I mean if you don't want your product to be labeled as racist (not that it is) in America (don't really care what Mexico does), don't use an art style that carries this amount of history and negativity.


Evander said:
Take your "Fuck You, I'm Not PC" attitutde and shove it your ass. The point is that it is offensive to people without NEEDING to be so. It is offensive only for the sake of being offensive...
By portraying a historically negative stereotypes in a positive light, it can help to undermine the power and effectiveness of that imagery when it's used in a negative manner by racists.


sonikokaruto said:
you people make me sick, you are just speaking out of your asses because you can.

Read the damn comic, talk later. Or i will bitch about the first thing that comes to mind from america refering to mexicans
Stop being such a sissy. Were not ganging up on Mexico, were just not comfortable with that comic.


Kapsama said:
Even better, starting out as a forum troll and getting a tag on your first day. Must be a new record.

Can't help it if I made an impression on my first day. You seemed to remember quite vividly, so I guess it's lingered in your mind for over a year now, lol. I'll take the record.

Kapsama said:
Actually according to your logic it doesn't because just like Mexicans deny the racism here, Turkey denies the genocide. Logic and Consistency, beautiful concepts are they not?

Wow. Are you REALLY placing the Memin comic issue on the same level as Turkey butchering 1 Million+ human beings? HAHAHA. Sick.

Kapsama said:
And you were clearly wrong about that because Wikipedia states that Hispanic American civil rights group were belly aching about it as well.

Lol, you first said Mexicans and Mexican based groups, now your saying Meixcan-Americans. Ya, I'll stick to my stance that Americans should have no say on what is printed on Mexican stamps.

Kapsama said:
Oh that's cool. Let's bully historically mistreated minorities with hateful comics and then call them animals when they react.

So wait, let me get this straight. You consider a couple of doodles/drawings as BULLYING, but KILLING/MURDERING innocent individuals (void of any responsibility for those drawings) should be ignored. F*ck that, they, the ones who acted like animals, are animals. But let me guess, they were the victims right?

Kapsama said:
If that's the case, the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence that the creators of Speedy were trying to insult and degrade Mexicans.

You're kidding me right? By your logic, the burden is on you to prove that the Memin comic is trying to insult and degrade black mexicans.

Kapsama said:
You deserve much worse.

Like what, death? Lol. Seeing as how extreme over-reaction to comics is condoned by you (see above), I'm sure in your eyes it does.



ImperialConquest said:
Can't help it if I made an impression on my first day. You seemed to remember quite vividly, so I guess it's lingered in your mind for over a year now, lol. I'll take the record.
Actually the only reason it's still lingering is that you are an idiot in general, as can be seen in this thread.

Wow. Are you REALLY placing the Memin comic issue on the same level as Turkey butchering 1 Million+ human beings? HAHAHA. Sick.
Irrelevant. Non-butting should be non-butting my inconsistent friend. Besides Memin hurts millions every single day.
Lol, you first said Mexicans and Mexican based groups, now your saying Meixcan-Americans. Ya, I'll stick to my stance that Americans should have no say on what is printed on Mexican stamps.
Where did I say that? Quote please.

So wait, let me get this straight. You consider a couple of doodles/drawings as BULLYING, but KILLING/MURDERING innocent individuals (void of any responsibility for those drawings) should be ignored. F*ck that, they, the ones who acted like animals, are animals. But let me guess, they were the victims right?
Who got killed over the comics?

You're kidding me right? By your logic, the burden is on you to prove that the Memin comic is trying to insult and degrade black mexicans.
The proof is out in the open. By drawing Memin to look like a monkey with exaggerated features. Not to mention that there is a clear historical precedent.

Since when are mice offensive to Mexicans?

Like what, death? Lol. Seeing as how extreme over-reaction to comics is condoned by you (see above), I'm sure in your eyes it does.

Insults my slow friend.


Kapsama said:
Since when are mice offensive to Mexicans?

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,48872,00.html You really can't see that speedy is offensive?

In his adventures, the sombrero-wearing mouse sports an over-the-top Mexican accent and uses his super speed to foil foes like the "Greengo Pussygato" Sylvester. Speedy is sometimes aided by a coterie of drunken Mexican mice who lounge around the village, or by his lazy cousin Slowpoke Rodriguez, who seems as slow-witted as he is slow-footed.

Funky Papa said:
I never said every single person in the continent agreed, but the exception doesn't make the rule: the fact is that Memin is highly considered in Latinamerica (including countries with very sizeable black populations), and some organizations protesting against it doesn't change that. That's all I wanted to say. Hell, the freakin LULAC also complained about Speedy Gonzales' "racist" despiction of Mexicans, a character that is loved in Mexico.

Yep, and in America, in the south, slavery was generally accepted and LOVED by the White southerners.

I guess by your logic, the majority accepting/loving something, makes it ok.


Kapsama said:
Actually the only reason it's still lingering is that you are an idiot in general, as can be seen in this thread.

Again with the name calling? Childish. Though I won't hold it against you, I've obviously struck a nerve. I ca nonly hope that a yea rfrom now you'll have this thread bouncing around you little head.

Kapsama said:
Irrelevant. Non-butting should be non-butting my inconsistent friend. Besides Memin hurts millions every single day.

Inconsistent? Maybe I am. In denial? You certainly are.

I see you won't give up your Memin > Genocide stance. Revolting.

Kapsama said:
Where did I say that? Quote please.

Go back and read.

Kapsama said:
Who got killed over the comics?

Are you seriously asking whether people died over the mohammad comics?
Are you f*cking serious?

Google a combination of the following words and you'll ge tyour answer:

Muslims riot over cartoon + Embassies burned + People dead

Kapsama said:
The proof is out in the open. By drawing Memin to look like a monkey with exaggerated features. Not to mention that there is a clear historical precedent.

My answer to this, which is a repeat of what I'eve already stated is: By them drawing the mouse, it sets a precedent and it establishes that connection. Case in point: Ever see those WWII propaganda posters of japanese lloking like rats. Whiskers, slanted eyes, there was no pre-existing reference of this. But guess what, people know what it means when they see tha posters. It's painfully obvious. Though I wouldn't expect someone who believes that GENOCIDE should be compared to a comic book.

Kapsama said:
Since when are mice offensive to Mexicans?

The moment MEXICANS were depicted as being rodents by one of the world's largest and well known and watched media companies.

Kapsama said:
Insults my slow friend.

I wouldn't put it passed you....
If only the worst thing blacks ever had to deal with were stereotypical caricatures. If only...

Screw it, Michael Jackson had the right idea. This junk is tiring...


ImperialConquest said:
Again with the name calling? Childish. Though I won't hold it against you, I've obviously struck a nerve. I ca nonly hope that a yea rfrom now you'll have this thread bouncing around you little head.
Not really. You're just a miserable poster with even more miserable opinions. That is all.
Inconsistent? Maybe I am. In denial? You certainly are.

I see you won't give up your Memin > Genocide stance. Revolting.
Clearly. You are a champion of logic.

Go back and read.
Put up or shut up.

Are you seriously asking whether people died over the mohammad comics?
Are you f*cking serious?

Google a combination of the following words and you'll ge tyour answer:

Muslims riot over cartoon + Embassies burned + People dead
In Beirut, the Danish Embassy was set on fire,[50] leaving one protester dead.[51] The Danish embassy in Teheran was also torched.[52] Altogether, at least 139 people were killed in protests, most due to police firing on the crowds,[53] mainly in Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan and Afghanistan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllan...ns_controversy#Reprinting_in_other_newspapers

So there you have it, the protesters themselves died, none of your precious Euros were harmed.

Your point again?

My answer to this, which is a repeat of what I'eve already stated is: By them drawing the mouse, it sets a precedent and it establishes that connection. Case in point: Ever see those WWII propaganda posters of japanese lloking like rats. Whiskers, slanted eyes, there was no pre-existing reference of this. But guess what, people know what it means when they see tha posters. It's painfully obvious. Though I wouldn't expect someone who believes that GENOCIDE should be compared to a comic book.
That is ridiculous. But even if it were related, the American government doesn't put Speedy on stamps.

The moment MEXICANS were depicted as being rodents by one of the world's largest and well known and watched media companies.
Any time BEFORE that?

I wouldn't put it passed you....
You wouldn't have to, I just don't want to get banned over insulting you.

Flo_Evans said:
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,48872,00.html You really can't see that speedy is offensive?


I'm sure it is, the same organization who called Memin racist called out Speedy Gonzalez too.

But in the US the cartoon network isn't airing Speedy while in Mexico Memin gets put on stamps.


Lol, give it up, your twisted and skewed pov on more than one issue have been exposed already.

The greatest verbal insult you could come up with would never top the insult of your mere existence.

Precious Euros? Lol, shows how little respect you have for your own people. I meant any and all deaths. But I'm sure your blind prejudice has fogged your mind.

How about ZERO deaths should come from a simple comic? Is that too weird a concept for you to grasp? It would seem so. You're brain is so disgustingly twisted.


ImperialConquest said:
Lol, give it up, your twisted and skewed pov on more than one issue have been exposed already.
That's all you can come up with?:lol
The greatest verbal insult you could come up with would never top the insult of your mere existence.
That's all you can come up with?:lol

Precious Euros? Lol, shows how little respect you have for your own people. I meant any and all deaths. But I'm sure your blind prejudice has fogged your mind.

How about ZERO deaths should come from a simple comic? Is that too weird a concept for you to grasp? It would seem so. You're brain is so disgustingly twisted.
Nice trying to weasel yourself out now? You clearly were not concerned with the death of any "animals". You were alluding to "animals" killing Europeans over comics, which alas seem to not have happened.


Kapsama, when you write precious Euros, you don't mean currency do you? Despite your elitist attitude you are incapable of writing Europeans? Geez.

The fuck did Europeans do to you? Piss in your cereal every morning?


Vito said:
Kapsama, when you write precious Euros, you don't mean currency do you? Despite your elitist attitude you are incapable of writing Europeans? Geez.

The fuck did Europeans do to you? Piss in your cereal every morning?
Stop being so butthurt. For a bunch of supremacists you guys sure are sensitive.
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